Alex Salmond – dedicated to a cause ++ relocated chart

Alex Salmond, a towering figure in UK politics who very nearly split apart four hundred years of a union between Scotland and England, has died. Whatever his detractors said he was a great orator and a shrewd politician whose rallying cry was ‘Scotland is a country not a county’. His reputation in recent years was sullied by his association with the Russia Today channel on which he had a show and his rancorous split with Nicola Sturgeon after sexual assault charges were laid against him of which he was found not guilty. There were suggestions that a political conspiracy from within the Scottish National Party lay behind some of the charges. Though even his own defence barrister admitted “I’m not here to suggest he always behaved well or couldn’t have been a better man on occasions.”

 Born 31 December 1954 4.30pm Linlithgow, Scotland, he had a  Water Grand Trine of Mars Moon (Midheaven) in Pisces trine Uranus Jupiter Ascendant in Cancer trine Saturn Venus in Scorpio. Water Grand Trine individuals are creative, healing for others, very private and self protective, can be escapist, can have an exaggerated need for dependency. They can be emotionally sensitive and need periods of quiet to re-centre.

 He had a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Moon which points to a degree of emotional disorganization which found its outlet in a political career (10th house Moon). His hard-working 6th house Capricorn Sun was less integrated into his chart than the rest of his planets.

 He leaves behind his wife Moira, always a background figure, who is 17 years older than him.

  Recent photographs show him overweight and it was evidently a heart attack which caused his death after giving a speech in North Macedonia.

 At the moment tr Uranus was in a disruptive square to his Pluto tugging on one leg of his yod and his Solar Arc Neptune was approaching a conjunction to his 6th house Sun within coming months.

 Whatever his personal failings he did make his mark.

Add On: Relocating his chart to Northern Macedonia puts his Jupiter Uranus exactly on the Ascendant as his image is burnished by highly complimentary obituaries. The IC of the relocated chart, the lowest point which hints at roots and belonging, is exactly conjunct Vindemiatrix, the widowmaker, and was also exactly in line of the recent Libra Solar Eclipse. His Chiron was also conjunct the Descendant there.  All close connections though with the exception of  Jupiter Uranus on the Ascendant tricky to interpret. Any comments gratefully received. The Eclipse on the IC could be seen as a challenge to move away from old familiar connections. Looking back the two recent ones I have had on my IC coincided with house moves. So a general sense of an upheaval and moving away from familiar roots.

12 thoughts on “Alex Salmond – dedicated to a cause ++ relocated chart

  1. There were many good things about Salmond, and some less so. His grand trine in water made him lucky, opportunistic and financially comfortable. There is no doubt that he was a very able politician. The grand trine gave him charm when he chose to use it. His Mercury in Cap closely sextile his MC gave him wit and verbal dexterity. His moon conjunct Mars showed up in his nasty temper and his tendency to bully others. He was a large man, and could be intimidating. He was quick on the verbal draw and even polished politicians like Cameron used to find it difficult to get the better of him. But Salmond was well known in the Scottish Executive building for his wandering hands and suggestive remarks. Women were advised not to get into a lift with him, and his staff actively tried to keep young women away from him. While a significant proportion of male electors liked his plucky approach and his SNP politics, he certainly had a problem with women voters. To them he seemed gross, blokey, too full of himself, and vulgar. One wonders what his widow made of his questionable reputation. He lived life at such a public level that I think he lacked the ability to look at himself. Was it really a good idea to be part of a Russian broadcasting company? Or was it that no other public broadcaster wanted to take him on? Like most politicians, his legacy, such as it is, will be mixed. A smart politician but not a particularly nice man.

  2. Mars conj MH…”.Your personal ambitions are highlighted in this area.
    Ambituous in your career but be careful with hostility with colleagues
    and competitors.”
    MC conjunct Moon…..”You are likely to make friends here and feel a
    part of the community. People take an interest in what you have to offer.”

  3. Jupiter is often present at death. Jupiter-Uranus on the Ascendant in Macedonia appears to indicate a sudden death that will positively magnify his image. The opposition to Chiron on the IC may signify a legacy of pain that he failed to achieve his goal of Scottish independence.

  4. In his relocation chart, Salmond has Mercury trine IC….”A great place
    for to study and learn. Business activities are also favored here because
    communications tend to be clear & unambiguous. Contracts and
    negotiations go smoothly here.” Mercury also aspects his Asc here.

  5. Thanks Marjorie for including Alex Salmond so quickly. On BBC radio this morning David Davies described him as charismatic, clever, brave and energetic. Apparently although their polical affiliations were so different they were great friends.
    I was very shocked by his death and how sudden it was even though I’m not Scottish.You said his solar arc Neptune was approaching a conjunction with his 6th house sun in the coming months. I just wondered what his astrological relationship to north Macedonia might be and whether that might have speeded up the effects of that coming conjunction or in some way provided a further affliction to that 6th house sun??

  6. Here’s Salmond’s Age Harmonic chart for 69.78 years, in a biwheel
    with his natal chart, inner. On the angles we have AH, age Harmonic
    Uranus, sudden event, with AH White, heart attack, conj natal Alex.
    Natal Salmond-Saturn is also activated by AH Hades, 12th, illness,
    and by a trine to the 9th cusp, long trip to Macedonaia.
    Click on above link then enlarge with magnifier.

  7. In her book “Medical Astrology”, Jane Ridder-Patrick gives the area
    9Capricorn as being susceptible to heart disease. Salmond’s natal
    Sun is at 9Capricorn in the 6th of illness. Trans Neptune was conjunct
    his natal Sun at death.
    Myself, I have Mercury, ruler 12th, at 9Capricorn, and it was activated when I was hospitalized from a heart attack.

  8. I found another Alex Salmond, born Dec 31, 1979, 11:55 am, Whitburn,
    Scotland. Ascendant 13Aries04. Source: Taken from the book, ‘A Multitude of Lives’, by Paul Wright, page 177. Alex Salmond, crime victim.
    Both born on the same day, month but different years, different time of day.

  9. I was born twelve days later so we share many placements. Saturn in Scorpio conjunct the Black Moon square Pluto, and the Sun in Capricorn, made us both suited for uphill longterm battles. In my case, the yod involves a Neptune-Pluto sextile inconjunct Mars at their mid-point. The Moon is conjunct Pluto. This conjunction is inconjunct a Chiron-Mercury conjunction which is a leg of another yod because it sextiles Mars. Chiron-Mercury oppose a third conjunction of Jupiter-Uranus, which also opposes the Sun and is part of a Water Grand Trine turned into a kite. My two yods and kite are interlocking and include every planet save Venus near the Ascendant which is sextile Mercury and the MC. I am only now realizing this at a relatively advanced age. Case studies such as Salmond are helpful. Quite an apt description of Water Grand Trine, who have a curious mix of exhausting sensitiveness, dependency and self-sufficiency. I also have an older wife (four years in my case) in the background who has provided emotional stability.

  10. So many interesting things about his chart I would like to hear interpretation on.

    1. Moon conjunct Mars in Pisces – is that a lot of repressed (Pisces) rage (Mars) and moodiness (Moon)? A Pisces Moon can be a difficult placement.

    2. Mars culminating. Hm…

    3. Partile Jupiter–Uranus conjunction – but retrograde.

    4. Sun on the North Node.

    5. Chiron in the 7th house. Partnership(s) (7th house) – not just amorous – brings wounding (Chiron).

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