Adele – boundless energy hits Saturn


Adele has upset fans by cancelling two Wembley concerts because of vocal chord problems, which have left many out of pocket with pre-paid travel and hotel bookings. There’s a feeling she may not perform in public again.

Born 5 May 1988 8.19am London (biog), she has a powerhouse chart with an expansive, indulgent and stubborn Sun Jupiter in Taurus in a super-confident opposition to Pluto in the performing 5th squaring onto an energetic, uncompromising and opinionated Mars in Aquarius in the 9th. Not a lady to tangle with. Plus the Neptune, Saturn, Uranus conjunction in Capricorn is hovering around her Descendant; with Uranus conjunct a 6th house Sagittarius Moon and both opposition Venus in Gemini in the 12th squaring onto a 10th house Pisces Node.  Despite tricky Moon and Descendant aspects, she seems happily settled with a partner and baby.

She does have tr Saturn moving through her 6th house of health at the moment and crisscrossing over her Moon and opposition her Venus, so she’ll be feeling some strains on her health and emotional life. She’s also heading for her First Saturn Return from this New Year and the run up is always very pressured. Uranus moving into her 11th also now will change her plans for the future; though she’ll go through an anguished 18 months ahead with her Progressed Moon moving through her 8th, as she decides what really is of value to her in life.

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