Abigail Disney – shining a spotlight on executive greed


Abigail Disney, granddaughter of the co-founder of the Walt Disney Company has criticized the company management for furloughing 43,000 employees during the lockdown without first cancelling plans to pay shareholder and executive bonuses. Top executives have taken pay cuts during the crisis, but their bonuses are worth way more. Disney’s USA theme parks have been closed since March, costing it $1.5 billion in revenue per month. She has been outspoken about growing income inequality in the USA, repeatedly criticizing Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger’s pay package. In 2018, Iger earned a $66 million, while in 2019, his compensation package was estimated to be $35 million. She said “there is nobody on Earth worth 500 times his median workers’ pay.” She inherited $120 million from her parents.

Born 24 January 1960 in Los Angeles, she is a Sun Mercury in Aquarius in an idealistic and creative square to Neptune; with a tough-minded Pluto trine Mars Saturn in Capricorn; and a sociable Venus Jupiter in Sagittarius trine Uranus.

Oddly enough Bob Iger, who has returned as Disney CEO to cope with the coronavirus crisis, 10 February 1951, is also an Aquarius with his Sun in an ultra-determined controlling opposition to Pluto and a visionary trine to Neptune – Neptune Pluto can be megalomaniac and capable of handling huge enterprises. He’s also got an enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in filmic Pisces; plus a can-be-autocratic Uranus square Saturn. He’s in for a jolting and swampy couple of years ahead. Bu he won’t exactly be queuing at a food bank.

The Abigail Disney/Bob Iger relationship chart is argumentative with a composite Sun Mars- very widely square Saturn; with a high-tension composite Mercury opposition Uranus square Neptune. It’ll continue to be downbeat this year and more combustible in 2021 with first tr Saturn producing more criticism and then tr Uranus lighting another fuse next year in square to the Sun Mars.

Disney, founded 16 October 1923, is running into the greatest crisis of its history over the next two to three years with tr Pluto square the Sun Saturn in Libra and then the Solar Arc Pluto moving across the conjunction to Sun and Saturn in 2022/23. In 2024 tr Neptune opposes the Mars for a sense of panicky failure. Crowd-attracting venues are going to really feel the pain.

3 thoughts on “Abigail Disney – shining a spotlight on executive greed

  1. Abigail Disney / Bob Iger charts are great illustration on how people sharing a Sun Sign, Moon Sign Element and Mercury to a degree can go different directions. I think it boils down to their Mars. Her Mars/Saturn in Capricorn would want to carry on the tradition, that in Disney’s case was also that of a great equailizer. Since the 1930’s, Disney stories have been loved by kids – and adults – from all social classes and transcended ethnicity and religion. I guess that she feels this legacy is being dragged here.

    And then you have Iger, with his Venus/Jupiter/Mars in Pisces. I think this is perfect for an entertainment executive. He definitely has great instinct on what people need to “escape”, and can sell it. But there isn’t much “principle” here. He is very much like Old Hollywood studio bosses. And I actually think that if he was the right age, he’d have much to say about how the industry shapes up in post covid-19 World. But he is pushing 70 (and is actually just a couple of days younger than my stepmother, who has an Aquarius Moon), with people his age likely pushed out once Saturn hits Aquarius for good because of health concerns.

    • Want to add: Both Disney and Iger have a Mars conjunct an outer planet. I think this is important in understanding their dynamics. Both definitely enjoy a good fight.

  2. Thanks Marjorie. It’s interesting that the Disney chart shows challenges over the next two or three years. I remember you said something similar about those airline charts a while back. The Disney Sun and Saturn will be in line for Mars in Aries square Pluto – exact in October, but rumbling all summer. And that brings reminders of January’s Saturn Pluto cosmic punch.

    I can’t help wondering how this global crisis will reshape tourism in general, and Chinese tourism and investment in particular. Chinese investors have been buying property all over the world, for quite some years now, with various nations, including the US, encouraging them to do so. Chinese tourism is worth a good deal of money too. However, Disneyland Shanghai and Hong Kong have not done as well as they hoped I believe, and this was before the pandemic.

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