Abraham Lincoln’s election in late 1860 was held under an intense, pressured Scorpio Sun opposition Pluto and by the Inauguration in March 1825 there was an aggravated/enraged Mars Pluto conjunction. It led directly to the Civil War with secessionist states forming into the Confederacy after his election. Neptune was in late Pisces at that point with Uranus on its exact Return on the USA 1776 chart.
Another Mars Pluto Inauguration was in 1825 4 March, after John Quincy Adams was elected president by Congress since none of the four candidates secured a majority of votes in the electoral college. At his Inauguration there was Mars conjunct Pluto in Aries trine Saturn; with the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn. He is ranked as an average president, since his ambitious agenda could not get through Congress. Post-presidency he made a vehement stance against slavery, and fought for the rights of women and Native Americans.
Two other Inaugurations where the electoral college apparently did not coincide with the popular vote were in March 1877 when Rutherford Hayes became president after a backroom deal. That happened with a downbeat Sun conjunct Saturn; and a disruptive and controlling Uranus opposition Mercury square Pluto.
On 5 March 1889 Benjamin Harrison became president having received fewer votes than his opponent but carried the Electoral College, 233 to 168. That Inauguration had Sun inconjunct Saturn and a stressed Mars trine Saturn; as well as the Neptune Pluto conjunction.
More recent Inauguration charts prior to major military conflicts are mixed.
The G.W. Bush Inauguration in 2001 leading onto 9/11, Afghanistan Iraq etc had an afflicted Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn square Uranus; and a dirty-dealings 8th house Pluto Moon conjunction.
Woodrow Wilson in 1913 pre WW1 – a Mars Uranus conjunction.
Franklin Roosevelt in 1941 pre-entering WW11 had a hugely stressful Pluto opposition Sun Mercury square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus opposition a Scorpio Moon; plus a ruthless Mars trine Pluto.
Harry Truman Inauguration 1949 before the Korean War – Mars opposition Pluto.
Joe Biden’s Inauguration was stark enough with a Mars Uranus conjunction square Jupiter Saturn. But although there were global conflicts of concern there was nothing that dragged the US into open conflict.
The 2029 Inauguration has a Mars trine (Sun) Pluto trine Uranus; with Mars opposition Neptune in Aries. The Neptune in Aries may help to soften the effects of Mars, Pluto, Uranus which looks tumultuous; though it is also undermining the USA Venus, Jupiter and moving to square the USA Sun before this term finishes. Uranus has cleared the Uranus Return on the USA chart by several months at the election.
The aftermath of the USA’s Pluto Return was always going to be a slow process of revisioning what comes next.
Thanks Marjorie, inauguration charts are fascinating and tell is so much. I think it’s interesting that President James A Garfield who was assassinated by Charles Guiteau, a disgruntled office seeker with (possibly) schizophrenia. Garfield died 80 days later from sepsis as a result of the two bullet wounds he received. In his inauguration chart, the Pisces Sun opposes Uranus in Virgo and he has a line-up of Venus/Moon/Neptune/Chiron in Taurus with Pluto conjunct Algol. Uranus was on that point earlier this year at the Trump rally where he was shot at.
“My reading on this is that 7th house is the house of Diplomacy, and for one of the two “Great Powers” of the late 20th century, war was an extension of diplomacy.”
I forgot if Marjorie had said it in the past or if I read it elsewhere, but the 7th House is the House of partners *and known enemies*. So war makes sense, as in a war, your enemies are known to you.
I think it is the 12th House for your unknown enemies, but I am not very sure of that point.
This was meant as a reply to Solaia’s post below, not a free-standing post.
Very interesting. Lincoln had so many threats on his life after the election of 1860 he traveled incognito to Washington for his Inauguration.
This Inauguration in 2025 will also have Mars in near-opposition to the Sun and Pluto, but Mars will be trine Saturn and Neptune and sextile Uranus. Mars appears to be the key player, in addition to the conjunction between the Sun and Pluto. It looks like another major military conflict. Mars in favorable aspects appears to ensure a historic victory. This is likely to occur during the Uranus return and the Saturn-Pluto square in 2027-28.
The 2029 Inauguration seems to be about the consequences of that major turning point.
“Mars will be … sextile Uranus”. Unconventional warfare? Drone and cyber warfare?
“Joe Biden’s Inauguration was stark enough with a Mars Uranus conjunction square Jupiter Saturn. But although there were global conflicts of concern there was nothing that dragged the US into open conflict.”
I have to consult my archieves on this, but from top of my head, an “open conflict” the US has entered/continued after WWII has been marked by a prominent 7th house on the Inaugural Chart. My reading on this is that 7th house is the house of Diplomacy, and for one of the two “Great Powers” of the late 20th century, war was an extension of diplomacy.
Absence of the 7th house on Roosevelt’s Inaguration 1941 may be due to the fact that while the US was the leading industrial power at the time, they came from decades of relative isolationism.
On the other hand, Bush 43’s first Inauguration 2001 had Mars on Desc in a T-Square. This is, to me, one of the most terrifyingly predictive charts in the history.