A Royal quadrangle – the aristos at play



Camilla has a fling with Charles, because her boyfriend Andrew is sneaking off with Charles’s sister Anne. Sounds like a trashy rom-com instead of being an eye-opener into how the upper classes have traditionally conducted their lives. Penny Junor’s The Duchess; The Untold Story has been shining a no-doubt unwelcome light on Royal shenanigans, as the monarchy edges towards a handover .

In the beginning, Camilla, now Duchess of Cornwall, is determined to marry the super-attractive, cavalry officer Andrew Parker Bowles despite his serially wandering ways, but draws the line at his dalliance with the then unmarried Princess Anne. So she embarks on a liaison of her own with Prince Charles, for whom she would at that time have been an unsuitably unvirginal bride. As a Roman Catholic Andrew was equally out of the question as a spouse for Anne and so he gets hitched to Camilla. In the way of all aristo and Royal circles everyone frequently meets socially and at race meetings and so the merry-go-round continues.

Camilla, 17 July 1947 7.10am London, has a hidden Sun Mercury in Cancer in the 12th trine a happy-home Jupiter in Scorpio in the 4th; with Venus Moon in Cancer also in the 12th; and the formidable Saturn Pluto conjunct her Leo Ascendant. So quite defensive and reclusive.

Andrew Parker Bowles, 27 Dec 1939 6am?? London, is a Sun Capricorn in a confident, devil-may-care square to Jupiter in upfront Aries and opposition a Cancer Moon. His Moon certainly connects with Camilla’s Cancer planets. Though his Full Moon will give him an ambivalence about what he wants. Plus he has a seductive Venus in Aquarius opposition Pluto, which sits across Cam’s Descendant/Ascendant axis. He’d make her feel trapped, but his Venus on her Descendant is a good placing for marriage.

Charles on the other hand connects with her 4th house Jupiter which is conjunct his Sun, so he’d bring domestic security and comfort; and with Charles’ Mars Jupiter in her 5th also a good deal of fun.

Anne certainly chimes with Andrew, since his Pluto is conjunct her Venus MC opposition his Venus and her IC. His relationship chart with both ladies has an affectionate composite Sun opposition Venus; though there’s more anger between himself and Camilla with a composite Mars square Pluto.

There’s a good deal of aggravation and competitiveness in Andrew’s relationship with Prince Charles, with a composite Mars trine Uranus trine Neptune, and Mars opposition Pluto as well as Sun Venus opposition Uranus (Moon). Though all water under the bridge now.

What a tangled web they all weave. Marry, produce the heir and spare, then suit yourself.

3 thoughts on “A Royal quadrangle – the aristos at play

  1. In Britain both the upper classes and the working classes have had always had a fairly easy going attitude to sexual liaisons. It is the middle classes, especially the upper part, which have always tried to control everything by passing laws based on “morality”.

    • A friend used to say the only difference between the toffs and the gypsies were the shoes on their feet. Even the ‘prude’ Queen Victoria reputation has been blown consummately out of the water in recent years. They were, and are, a merrily licentious bunch.

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