The Austin Texas bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, was responsible, police believe, for a 19-day spell of five explosions that killed two people and injured five more. He then blew himself up.
Net sources put the date of his birth as 16 June 1994. He was home schooled in a “conservative, strictly religious” family; attended a teenage Christian “survivalist” group that discussed weapons and dangerous chemicals; and took part in a conservative outdoors club called Righteous Invasion of Truth (RIOT), in which home-schooled young people studied the Bible and were taught gun skills. He posted a “Defining my Stance” piece in which he said gay marriage should be illegal, was pro-death penalty and mused on “why we might want to consider” eliminating sex offender registries. He gave no indication of motive in the video he left behind; and police say it wasn’t terrorism related, more about challenging personal issues.
If his birth date is sound, then he has an exact Yod of Pluto (+ North Node) in Scorpio sextile Uranus (+ Neptune) in Capricorn inconjunct a Gemini Sun – a Sun focal point Yod would tend to make him self-conscious, feel awkward in social situations and have difficulty establish a strong core identity. He’d veer between being withdrawn and being overly-assertive. Plus he has an enraged frustrated Mars in heavyweight Taurus opposition Pluto, trine Uranus Neptune. Mars is slow-burn in Taurus but volcanic when it blows and in aspect to the three outer planets would be all the more unstable. Plus he had a Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in regretful Pisces, so would live in his own bubble and not relate well to reality at times.
The 18th Harmonic from this chart, usually notable amongst mass killers, is very strong; is the self-defeating 10H.
Was the man brainwashed or “purified” during the installation of those core Christian values? What happened to his humanity? Then escapes thru suicide.