Russia is not having a great start to 2016 with tumbling oil prices creating an economic crisis. Plus Putin being ‘probably’ held responsible for Livtinenko’s death and the US treasury now calling him corrupt.
The Russia 8 Nov 1917 2.12am chart, does look lacklustre through most of the year with tr Neptune square the 10th house Jupiter and tr Saturn back for a final opposition to Jupiter in August. So panicky, uncertain, financial enthusiasm damped sharply. Solar Arc Mars is also catching the tr Saturn square tr Neptune hard aspects which is also not progressive.
The Russia 8 December 1991 7.45pm chart (astrodienst) is, if anything, more stark with tr Pluto in a devastating, confused tr Pluto conjunct Neptune and Moon till early this December. Plus a road-block Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Sun, exact in four months but having a major effect now. Tr Saturn is also conjunct the Sagittarius Sun Mercury and square Jupiter across till late this year which again is a financial downer.
The Bank of Russia chart, 13 July 1990, has tr Uranus square the Sun Jupiter opposition Saturn this year from April onwards which looks upsetting and high-tension, with only a few glimmerings of relief. Tr Uranus is exactly opposition the Sun/Neptune midpoint now which is nervy and indecisive; followed within days by tr Pluto square the same midpoint which is chaotic, disappointing, prone to scandal. Then tr Pluto will conjunct the Saturn/Neptune midpoint from March onwards till late 2018 which is painful torment, very discouraging and not pro-active.