Just as everyone sags back punch-drunk from seven months of Trump-mania, he stirs the cauldron and pours boiling oil over already inflammatory situations. His generals have clearly reckoned there’s little point in restraining his acid-rain twitter stream, but he runs the risk of tipping Kim Jong Un into a major miscalculation. What will the military maestros do then?
As a mild diversion he then proceeded to spew bile over NFL players who were protesting about police brutality and other injustices in the oppression of black people in the US. Trump’s campaign-style rhetoric has now given new life to what had been an isolated protest, garnering it more player support and widespread condemnation from sports bosses; though also pleasing his populist base.
At the moment (since late July) he has tr Saturn conjunct his Sagittarius Moon, which will make him feel unloved and under-nurtured; and square his Sun/Moon midpoint which indicates a marital freeze; and in a politician, unpopularity. Tr Saturn this Wednesday moves to oppose his Gemini Sun until October 13th, which tends to bring reality checks, setbacks and discouragement. During this same three week patch he also has tr Saturn opposition his Mars/Jupiter midpoints which is no more cheerful – difficulties in making decisions, termination of relationships, letting good opportunities slide. He does look depressed, confused and under pressure till late October with tr Pluto hitting on his Mercury/Saturn, Sun/Pluto and Mars/Neptune midpoints as well.
Regrettably from October 24th to early December tr Pluto returns to square his Jupiter for the final time which will bring a surge of over-confidence, a ‘might makes right’ forcefulness, and rules-don’t-apply-to-me mindset which could see him stepping even further over the line.
In December 2017/January 2018 tr Uranus will be whipping up a storm as it crashes into his Sun/Mars, Mercury/Pluto and Venus/Saturn midpoints – 1) impulsive, over-excited, overtaxing strength (military call-up?); 2) fanatical, great mental strain; 3) emotional stress, acute loneliness.
There seems little likelihood of him acquiring any self-control at this late stage and with his Solar Arc Mercury approaching the square to his Uranus over coming months he’s likely to become even more incontinent with his scattergun tweet tantrums. And his Solar Arc Uranus is now on the same degree as his Mars, approaching the exact conjunction in eight months’ time, which is intemperate, hot-headed and determined to prove its machismo by wild actions.
His Admin chart pinpoints late Oct/early Nov as one crisis/setback phase with tr Saturn square Mars; even before then from early October to early January 2018 there’s likely to be a run of disappointed hopes with tr Neptune square the Sun/Jupiter midpoint. With Dec/Jan 2018 looking especially fraught as tr Uranus squares the Sun/Pluto. Where it starts to look more cheerful is from late March 2018 onwards with a sudden lucky break and positive change in circumstance.
To watch for this week – on Thursday there’s a Jupiter opposition Uranus, which is one of the signatures of his administration. On the negative side, Uranus is the great disruptor and Jupiter expands everything good and bad. On the positive side it can bring breakthroughs through innovation and an adventuring spirit. But reckless actions tend to be part of its ethos, viz the launching of the Afghanistan War. It is also overly opinionated (self-righteous Jupiter) in pushing its own aggressive beliefs. It can bring out the ‘holy crusader’, who justifies self-serving actions by wrapping them in a confection of morality. Not stable or dependable.
Thanks Marjorie,
The emphasis on Sagittarius, the law among other things, may indicate that Mueller and his investigation is coming closer and that signicant legal steps (impeachment?) may be in the air? My hunch is that will be the mechanism by which, ultimately, the world is rid of this sleazy lunatic. Btw is his health astrology indicative of mental health problems do you think? Narcissism and sociopathic traits for example?
Interestingly, the player who started the NFL protest, and lost the job for it, Colin Kaepernich, has Saturn/Uranus hitting DJT’s Moon. He has a powerhouse of a chart, and isn’t going anywhere from the public eye any time soon.
The Trump administration was amusing to watch…for a while. Now his antics are as amusing as a heroin addict shooting up once more. “Just once more…”
Trying to tackle the NFL on its home turf…um, not gonna happen. Appeal to fans who have spent ten thousand dollars for season tickets…to walk out?
What’s next? Helping the DACA folk onto the boxcars as they roll toward the internment camps just north of the unwalled border? Not funny at all.
The beauty of this is that it’s hurting Trump where it really matters. He used to own a team playing at USFL, which I think was the last real contender for NFL in pro football. He practically bankrupted the league by endorsing a lawsuit against NFL. That didn’t keep him from wanting to own an NFL Team.Only three years ago, he made an unsuccessful bid for Buffalo Bills. And obviously, he called many NFL owners who kneeled or at least linked hands with their players his “good friends”. Ivanka also dated Tom Brady at least a couple of times, and as far as SOLs go, I’m pretty certain Don would have preferred a quarterback to just about anyone. And now the said quarterback is married to a Paris Agreement covergirl (quite literally) and choosing his buddies on field over Don. If any of you has had the misfortune of having people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder in your lives, you know these are the situations where they unraval. And while it’s not pretty to see a narcissist person to unravel, and there might be collateral damages, it’s usually the best time to act if one needs to liberate from them.
About Trumps faithful, when they are sitting at home watching sports and the national anthem is played, they don’t stand up. They stay seated. I would bet good money 99.99 percent dont get up.
Whats so sacred to them in an arena or stadium should be even more sacred in their own homes. But it isn’t.
Trump is certainly working to leave an unforgettable legacy. He has to one-up the world, even with devastating consequences.
Now his son-in-law is being broiled over using a personal email server for “work”…funny how it’s being portrayed as acceptable practice by the GOP.
Both Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice used private servers as Secretary of State, as did Hillary Clinton. Like you said, being Republican means it’s acceptable.
Now 6 members of the WHouse inner circle, including Kushner and Ivanka, have been caught using regular emails for government business.
The hypocrisy is never-ending. Everything The Donald accused Hillary Clinton of, and said she was going to do, HE does. LOCK HIM UP!