Mexico earthquake – New Moon trigger * update



On the New Moon following the August Solar Eclipse, an earthquake in Mexico has killed over 200 including 20 children with 30 missing when their school collapsed.

The August Eclipse 28 days back when located to Mexico City put the Eclipsed New Moon on the midheaven, making it a location likely to experience significant events. Fairly frequently the next New Moon acts as a trigger.

Mexico is prone to earthquakes with an even stronger one earlier this month which killed 90. (See post September 8 2017) The transiting North Node was then, and still is, exactly conjunct the Mexico Mars in Leo which was rattled by the Eclipse.

Mexico, 15 September 1810 11pm Dolores Hidalgo is picking up tr Saturn square its Virgo Sun within days as it mourns its losses and clears away the damage to the capital city, perhaps also anticipating aftershocks. Tr Saturn is also exactly square the Solar Arc Mars now, which is within a degree of the opposition to its Sun – all of which points to a high-tension, high-risk, accident-prone phase running on through the next year.

There was an even stronger Mexico quake on 19 September 1985, which killed 5000 people and caused nearly $4 billion USD in damage. At that point tr Saturn in Scorpio was opposition the Mexico Neptune and square the Mexico Mars exactly; with tr Uranus square the Mexico Pluto. The previous Eclipses had been in May. The Solar in Taurus opposition Saturn did impact on the Mexico Mars; as did the November Scorpio Solar eclipse. The May Lunar eclipse had Mars on the MC located to Mexico and by the September quake tr Mars had moved a quarter zodiac and was square the Moon and both were in hard aspect to the Eclipse Mars MC. Both it and the November Lunar were in Scorpio/Taurus in hard aspect to the Mexico Uranus. So not exactly the same as this one but certainly a surplus of collision-prone Mars aspects and Uranian disruptions and collapses.

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