Jeremy Christian – white nationalists feeling empowered



There’s been violence at an “alt-right” rally in Portland, Oregon with police using stun grenades and tear gas. Tensions have been high since Jeremy Christian, a white supremacist, was charged for the killing of two men and wounding a third after they intervened to help two young women on a train who were the target of racial abuse. In court, Christian shouted: “You call it terrorism, I call it patriotism!”

Born 1 May 1982, he’s a Sun Taurus opposition Jupiter in Scorpio, so not lacking in stubbornness or confidence. His Mars in Libra opposes Venus in Pisces squaring onto Neptune in Sagittarius, so he channels all the passionate although insensitive enthusiasm of Mars Venus into delusional Neptune. Plus he has a wide-ish Yod of Mercury sextile Venus inconjunct Pluto, so has problems exercising his willpower. It makes him coercive, giving him an extreme perspective and an inability to interact with or understand others.

The white nationalists were given heart by Trump’s campaigning. Matthew Heimbach, leader of one of the myriad far-right (neo-Nazi/KKK and other) groups described Trump as the “gateway drug” to outright white nationalism. “He’s not one of us and everyone needs to know that. But he’s definitely opening up political space for people like ourselves.” Heimbach is a Holocaust denier, believing that it’s all a “Bolshevik conspiracy”. He has expressed sympathy for the racist killer Dylann Roof and praised white supremacist Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. Real Christianity, he said, is “patriarchal, homophobic, racist and anti-semitic. I see that as a good thing.”

Heimbach, 8 April 1991, is a Sun Aries square the can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. With an unstable Jupiter opposition Saturn square Mercury in Aries; and an emotionally intense Venus in Taurus opposition Pluto. His Sun is conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint; his Mercury = Mars/Pluto; and his almost unaspected Mars in excitable Cancer is sesqui-square (135 degrees) to Mars.

His compatriot Thomas Buhls, 6 June 1983, is a Sun Mars in Gemini opposition Uranus Jupiter in Sagittarius, so explosive, rebellious; with his Mercury square his Mars/Pluto and Mars/Saturn midpoints – suffused with anger and rage. And his Mars = Saturn/Pluto; his Pluto = Mars/Uranus. All in all a powderkeg.

13 thoughts on “Jeremy Christian – white nationalists feeling empowered

  1. Jeremy Christian had drug-fueled madness, as do so many of those who do crazy, bizarre things. He was definitely psychotic in public even a few days before he acted. A recent article probed into the heavy, early use of marijuana by Dylann Roof. Roof on the other hand, appears not psychotic but a complete psychopath. The guy who drove into the crowd at Times Square had smoked something just before doing it. Truthfully we need to be asking more about the drugs than the ideology. All of the terrorists are heavy marijuana users, and It seems the heavy drug use always comes before they adopt destructive ideologies. Minds that have been altered by drug use fall pray to crazy ideologies. Another one was the Bastille Day terrorist whose first psychotic incident came at age 19, again after heavy use of very strong cannabis.

  2. Always wonder what happened in a person’s life to attack themselves publicly. But then, the liberal mind is not rational.

    • Can you explain from an American standpoint, what a ‘liberal mind’ is? Liberal to me is supposed to be a live and let live approach and attitude. Open to other points of view before making decisions, which I don’t see as a bad thing at all. Which from a British viewpoint is very rational, actually. But, when I hear Americans use the term, it almost has a derogatory meaning, not unlike, ‘uneducated trailer park trash who knows nothing.’

      I do find politically in the western world that liberals, or democrats, do make great choices for people to try to live as harmonious as possible in society (and sometimes their one size fits all approach doesn’t always work for the best in certain pockets of society). Fiscally speaking, they do have more questionable ways when it comes to business economics.

      Tories/Conservatives, or republicans, do tend to make good business sense for a country (more focused on money) but, generally have a rigid attitude to those who are not like them, which causes class/racial/sexual divides etc, which is not conducive to a functioning society as a whole.

      Where are the fiscally minded liberals of the world when it comes to politics? Now, that is a party I would endorse (until they did the wrong thing, of course).

      Just curious, ’tis all.

      • I’m sure Americans can answer this better than me, but the centre of gravity politically in the US is canted to the right of the UK. Obama used to be described in scathing terms as a socialist. He was nothing of the sort – maybe what Europeans would call a social democrat, but certainly fairly centrist in our terms.

        • I have to admit, I wrongly presumed America just had pockets of political hard far-righters. But, since the US elections and after Trump took office, there are huge numbers of them. Enough to explain why Republicans resonate with them and have driven politics into very choppy waters at present (although to be fair, it’s happening globally – so, something in the astro water tank).

          I had just assumed it was more of an American South thing to be a republican. A US Republican when compared and contrasted against British politics seems like looking back 300 years into history giving off an energy of something deeply traditional and restrictive. There is so much religious, traditional identity, old style macho business dealing and gender politics woven into the Republican American identity. Even our Conservatives seem liberal in comparison to them. Well, to me anyway. Where our gripe with the right is they only seem to look after their own. If you are poor, you’re screwed, but only to an extent – though there can be more readily available opportunities to work yourself out of it, if you know how and where to go, and as long as you hit a certain criteria. But, I always get the sense if you’re American and poor, you really are SCREWED for the most part. Maybe that is still a wrong thing to assume. But, Brits and Americans seem to be poles apart politically, even in the same parties.

    • I feel the same way!!! But I always wonder what happened in a person’s psyche for them to so enjoy attacking and harming others. It’s certainly not conservative. It’s absolutely not liberal. It’s terrifically sadist, hateful and mean spirited. Thus, evil. I see from all of your many posts these past months that every one has this distasteful aspect. Sad, so very sad.

  3. There was a piece written in the Guardian in March talking about how all these terrorizing males, of all colours and religions, have one common thread and that is a background of domestic violence, which is a hotbed for misogyny. It’s a very interesting read if you’re interested:

    Jeremy was verbally terrorizing young girls and just HAD to reinforce his own sense of warped masculinity over the real men who tried to stop him, by stabbing them fatally. I also find every time, that a misogynist is also deeply homophobic. Misogyny and homophobia are two sides of the same coin to them. It’s as if they despise anything that has a whiff of femininity about them. It unnerves them so deeply that they feel compelled to bring out the John Wayne-on-crack persona. I’m just glad this worthless scab is locked up behind bars where he can willy-wave till his heart’s content. The bitter irony is, he’ll probably get bitch-slapped down the pecking order by every other kind he despises in society. What a life lesson.

  4. Hi Marjorie, this has been weighing heavily on me. I was very upset by what happened in Oregon. All in the so-called liberal pocket of Portland to boot. There have been several other reports as well:

    The video is truly heartbreaking.

    Why is there such a sudden spurt of race/religion-related crime again? I felt like perhaps in November they were emboldened, but since April it has been getting steadily worse and visceral again. I was so happy when your prediction on Milo Yiannopolis came true! Waiting with baited breath for your predictions on Alex Jones. Will we be rid of this blatant emboldened racism in four years, and will it retreat into the woodwork again?, or are we stuck with this for the long haul, and nothing short of another civil rights movement will save us this time?

  5. Marjorie:

    State of Oregon, Multnomah County District Attorney’s office lists Jeremy Joseph Christian’s birthdate as May 1, 1982 in charging docs. Search on this name and date and first link listed will be these docs. Where did the Jan 5th date come from?

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