Madonna & Mrs Guy Ritchie – mother v stepmother

The social media sharing of Christmas happy family pics seems to have turned into a contest between Madonna and the Ritchie family with young Rocco enjoying himself in the UK, despite being court-ordered back to New York. (See previous post).

Guy Ritchie, Madonna’s ex and father of Rocco, remarried this year to Jaqui Ainsley, with whom he has three children. Born 28 Nov 1981, she’s a lively Sun Uranus in Sagittarius with a determined Pluto conjunct Jupiter on one side and Saturn in the other. Her Mars in Virgo squares Madonna’s 4th house Saturn in Sagittarius so challenging Madonna’s need to keep her family under control.

Their relationship chart does not indicate harmonious chemistry at the best of times, with an aggravated composite Mars square Sun; and Mars trine Saturn. And it is being heavily pressured over the next three years with tr Pluto square the composite Sun, then opposition the composite Mars and sextile Pluto.

So a battle of the mothers.

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