Barbara Windsor – a New Moon Leo flying high above scandal

Bubbly actress Barbara Windsor, best known for EastEnders, Carry On comedies and a riotous love life involving some scary criminals back in the day, is reportedly to be made a dame in the New Year Honours. Though some think that unlikely. She has skated through through scandal after scandal and emerged as a national treasure, partly because of her charity work.

Born 6 August 1937 in London with an unverified 2pm birth time from ADB, she’s a New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus – so a performer who goes her own way without caring about convention. She’s got a talented and lucky Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter in Capricorn trine Neptune in Virgo trine Uranus; with a confident Jupiter widely opposition Pluto.

2pm doesn’t seem that likely since it would give her a 9th house New Moon. I’d guesstimate more likely to be 11pm which puts the flamboyant Leo New Moon in the entertaining 5th; and Jupiter in the 10th which often brings respectability in later life. Plus a 4th house Pluto trine a 7th house Mars in Scorpio.

She did date both the Kray Twins (urgh) and married gangster Ronnie Knight and had a string of abusive other relationships – and five abortions. Her Venus in Cancer squares Saturn in self-reliant Aries, so she probably thought she wasn’t worth much emotionally.

Her Jupiter in Capricorn is about to get the tr Uranus square in early 2016; and then tr Pluto conjunct in 2017/18 so lots of success ahead.

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