Comey firing – Trump now falling out with Justice chiefs



Just as the Trump Admin thought it had one semi-success under its belt with step one of the repeal of Obamacare, the commander-in-chief throws a grenade in to destabilise everything by summarily ousting the FBI Director on television. Conspiracy theories are rife though the Independent this morning takes a more measured view. ‘Sheer incompetence and schoolyard nastiness may better explain the botched dismissal. In time we’ll know if “cover-up” properly applies to the latest Washington doings. But what does, however the dust finally settles, is “cock-up”. Nobody wins from this and certainly not Trump.’

The storyline, as far as it can be extrapolated, is that Trump grew increasingly irked by James Comey – for not supporting his contention that Obama had wire-tapped him, for suggesting that he (Comey) might have swayed the election against Hillary, and Russia, Russia, Russia. So he instructed the Attorney General, supreme overlord of the FBI, to come up with a raison d’etre. Then Jeff Sessions and his Deputy Rod Rosenstein got blamed for the firing, at which point according to the Washington Post, Rosenstein, just two weeks into the job, threatened to resign.

Sessions, though he has been carrying out Trumpian hard-line policies, never looked to be at ease with his master. Their relationship chart has tr Saturn square the composite Sun opposition Mercury Venus right through this year; with serious hiccups in 2018. [See previous posts: April 13, March 2, Jan 10 and Nov 20 2016.]

Rod Rosenstein, 13 Jan 1965 Philadelphia, the Deputy Attorney General, is a Sun Capricorn trine Mars Pluto Uranus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus; with Jupiter opposition Neptune, so a strong, confident and talented chart. He looks shell-shocked and blocked this year with his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Neptune and his Solar Arc Sun opposing his Pluto. His Mars Pluto Uranus all square Trump’s Uranus Sun and Moon – so they do have an angry and unpredictable chemistry.


15 thoughts on “Comey firing – Trump now falling out with Justice chiefs

  1. Good morning Marjorie,
    I have been following this for quite sometime.
    Here are the cast of characters and their sun signs, my guess is some of their “personal” planets are being transited by Pluto-a pattern emerges. The list beloe is sun sign only. Havent erected their charts-fits in with the Pluto in CAP zeitgeist. Curious to see what happens when Sat enters CAP.
    Let us start with Flynn, whose actually DOB I dont have his WIKLI page indicates December (Sag or Cap/)Probably CAP.
    Both Donald Junior and Eric Trump are Capricorns. (1/2 decante)
    Jared Kushner Carpricorn (2nd decante)
    Jeff Sessions Capricorn (1rst decante)
    Rod Rosenstein CAP
    Steve Minuchin (12/21)
    Anthony Scaramucci Cap

  2. Just wanted to add that I think Marjorie is one of the most talented astrologers around – so that is why I keep coming back!

    • Doesn’t matter if I support Trump or not – ( I do). But wouldn’t want to come here either if it were all about Hillary/Obama and each cabinet members horoscopes, their latest staff change and that horoscope, what their pastry chef said about them and what that horoscope compatibility was etc. etc. etc.

  3. I personally love your political views, find them extremely interesting and accurate, and as an American citizen revealing the truth of this nightmare is so important to our democracy, thank you

      • Especially the astrology OF politics. So so interesting. How else do we really see what is going on or not in the minds of these so called leaders (I use the word loosely).

        • So Jessica not sure where you are going with your statement (actually dont care) but we all other than you seem to get it and are happy with what we get.

  4. Can we please return to just talking about astrology? Whatever your views, sometimes you just want to get away from all the political nonsense.

  5. This is OT but:

    It appears that the Rump regime has quite a few CAPRICORN natives in their orbit who are being hit with major Pluto transits. Interesting.

  6. Argh, mateys. Nearly time for Cap’n Trump to walk the plank! Avast there!

    Not as easy to run the country as running a TV reality show…

  7. Hi Marjorie;

    OMG. I’m amazed at how well you write. I always look forward to your astrological opinion. Please could you see if Gavin Newsom (California Governor) has a potential to be the next president. Born: October 10, 1967 (age 49), San Francisco, CA
    Thank you for your work.

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