Harry Styles – private and determined Aquarius



Harry Styles, an award-winning English singer songwriter, formerly of the pop rock band One Direction, now solo, is upping his acting career appearing this year in Dunkirk, a WW11 thriller movie starring Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Cillian Murphy and Kenneth Branagh. It’s a stellar cast. One LA journalist even suggested Styles might be up for a 2018 Oscar for Best Supporting.

Born 1 February 1994 12.06 am Redditch, England, he’s got his home-loving and private Sun conjunct Venus in Aquarius in the 4th, square a confident and money-attracting Jupiter in Scorpio in his first, trine a 12th house Libra Moon. His Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Saturn, also in the 4th, squares Pluto in the 2nd so he’ll certainly be intense about making and spending money; and given to bouts of discouragement. His third house is also packed with the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn and Mars in Aquarius – so he’ll live on his nerves and probably drive too fast.

He has dated Taylor Swift and more recently Kendall Jenner. The latter, 3 Nov 1995 3.38pm Los Angeles, is a Scorpio Sun which isn’t a great mix with Aquarius, but her Sun is conjunct his Jupiter which will help. She’s also got an Aries Moon and three planets in Sagittarius, so she’ll provide the Fire element he lacks.

He’s got a good deal ahead for him career-wise with tr Saturn just into his 3rd, so onwards and upwards, though he’ll got through some accident-prone patches in 2018 when tr Uranus squares his Mars; and heavy mental pressure when tr Pluto is conjunct his 3rd house Neptune Uranus 2018 to 2020. He has a chart replete with creative quintiles and septiles, so his get-it-together 5th Harmonic is strong. As is his 7th Harmonic which is artistic but not always stable, and can be addiction-prone though he’s publicly spoken out against smoking and drugs. His actor’s 15H is also marked.

At the moment his Progressed Moon is exactly conjunct his Midheaven, starting a two years ambitious push and tr Jupiter will cross his Libra Ascendant in October this year, which will see him stepping out confidently.

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