Trump’s Tainted Touch – SCOTUS, Netanyhu, Fed Reserve ++ Zaporizhzhia


Neptune may finally be showing its hand as Donald Trump’s miscalculations begin to undermine his bellicose platform. The Nobel Peace prize recedes into the distance as Netanyahu and Putin both short circuit his promise of instant settlements of conflicts and the economy creaks under the boomerang effect of tariffs.

  On  a 10.54  am birth time in his personal chart tr Neptune is now entering his 8th house for many years to come, starting off with a conjunction to the shipwrecker Scheat, usually not a harbinger of financial luck or mental clarity. Even without the birth time, his Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct his Moon now and moving on to oppose his Sun in 2026. Swampy, unrealistic, much confusion, disappointments.

  His relationship with key players all point to late April as a crisis point. That is when tr Uranus is square his Mars in Leo for a final time. But it is also rattling his relationship chart with the Supreme Court and with Chief Justice John Roberts who has already issued a rare statement to say attacks on judicial branch of government are not ‘appropriate’. There will be a run up of differences and attacks through earlier April as well – so perhaps too little too late the Justices are standing up for the rule of law and the constitution. Relations won’t improve late year and through 206/27, all being equal, they will worsen considerably.

  Trump is also mightily unnerved by Netanyahu or by the situation created by Netanyahu’s continued onslaught of Gaza. With sharp words at the moment; upheavals and turmoil through April there will be an explosive finish in late April into early May this year.

  His relationship with Putin, who appears to be dancing rings round him, will be aggravated by events late April and much much worse in May with high-tension leading to explosive outbursts and major panic as dangerous consequences overtake the best laid plans.

  His Inauguration chart is also highlighting late April into May as loss-making, confused and insecure. With a mental meltdown mid June into early July.

  Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve chair, like Roberts has a slippery, evasive, distrustful relationship chart with Trump – with anxiety mounting through May between them as the Fed Reserve chart also shows stress and confusion.

  No great conclusions standing on the sidelines except to point up the timeline.  If it were not so important and so damaging, there would be an eerie fascination watching the coach-crash of events unfurling.

Simon Tisdall in the Guardian:

“If Robert K Merton, the founding father of American sociology, were alive today, he’d be fascinated by the Donald Trump phenomenon. Scarcely more than 50 days into his second presidential term, hapless Trump provides daily proofs of Merton’s universal “law of unintended consequences”.

Rooted in ignorance, error, wilful blindness and self-defeating prediction, Trump’s rash actions produce contradictory, harmful and often opposite results to those he says he wants. The ensuing chaos characterises what may become the briefest honeymoon in White House history.

Boomeranging US tariffs – which are to American prosperity what the Titanic was to ocean travel – are the tip of the unintended consequences iceberg. Defiant foreign retaliation has brought stock market crashes and inflation fears – the exact opposite of what Trump promised voters.”

ADD ON: Trump’s latest bizarre offering in the Ukraine peace process as Putin ignores his promise that attacks on infrastructure will stop is that the USA take over nuclear power in Ukraine. Specifically the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and among the 10 largest in the world which has been in Russian-occupied territory, near the front line since 2022.

What is worrisome is that Zaporizhzhia, 1 April 1980, not only has an Aries Sun in line of this month’s Aries Solar Eclipse and autumn’s Libra Solar Eclipse for a major crisis. More ominous than that is its Mars at 26 degrees Leo on the focal point of a T square to Venus opposition Uranus – which is being badly rattled through April, peaking in an explosive jolt late April into May. Trump’s meddling is only likely to make things worse.

  Zaporizhzhia’s year ahead will also be marked by a collision from the Solar Arc Sun square Mars in six months and a Solar Arc Mars opposition the Sun on the same degree mid to late 2026 into 2027. And nothing settling down well into 2026.

69 thoughts on “Trump’s Tainted Touch – SCOTUS, Netanyhu, Fed Reserve ++ Zaporizhzhia

  1. “His Inauguration chart is also highlighting late April into May as loss-making, confused and insecure. With a mental meltdown mid June into early July.”

    Interesting. The G-7 leaders are to meet in Canada at Kananaskis, Alberta from June 15 to 17, 2025. There is already speculation that Trump intends to repeat his past requests to bring Russia back into the fold following its expulsion from what was then the G-8 for its invasion of Ukraine in 2014.

    The gathering will be the first major international summit to be hosted by either the new Liberal Prime Minister Mark Carney or the current Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition, Conservative Pierre Poilievre, once the results of an expected Canadian general election scheduled for late April or May are known.

    Will Trump use the gathering as an opportunity to rage against the closer ties developing between the G-7’s European partners — Italy and France are still European Union members — and Canada as Canada seeks to diversify its trade from the U.S. following Trump’s talk of annexation and the imposition of tariffs on Canadian goods that have triggered a trade war?

    For that matter, will Trump even bother to show up to Kananaskis? Currently, there is a petition on the House of Commons website demanding that Trump be forbidden from entering Canada because of his criminal convictions on 34 counts of fraud in the State of New York last year in connection with his declaration that payoffs to porn star Stormy Daniels were legal expenses.

    Canada has admitted previous heads of governments with criminal records into the country, notably the deceased former Prime Minister of the Caribbean nation of Dominica, Roosevelt Douglas, who had served a prison sentence in Canada and was later deported for his role in a 1969 student protest in Montreal that got out of hand, resulting in a computer room at Sir George Williams University (now Concordia University) being destroyed. However, given public sentiment over Trump’s idiotic comments concerning the annexation of Canada as a fifty-first state and his unjustified imposition of tariffs on Canadian goods, Trump’s presence in Kananaskis is not a given. It should be remembered that Trump spoke to the World Economic Forum in Davos last month by a virtual link. Might he use the same technology to participate with the G-7 in June?

    • With the rise of G20 it would seem a fitting time to stop the expensive round the world talkathons taking place for no good reason. It is an outdated construct and the world has gone past these cozy little members clubs and self congratulatory backslapping rounds.

  2. Marjorie, just an observation – Trump is an Air and Fire individual (Gemini Sun, Sag Moon, Leo rising) which aligns with the current outer planet shift (Pluto into Aquarius, Neptune into Pisces, Uranus into Gemini). However in that case, why did he initially come to power in 2016 during a mostly Earth and Water period for the outer planets? (OK Uranus was in Aries at the time). Did the heavy Earth/Water energies on the 2018-2023 period temper his natural Air/Fire ones?

    • During 2016, Saturn in Sag was square Neptune in Pisces with Jupiter in Virgo for much of the year. Certainly that was part of the migrant crisis (flood of immigrants being displaced) and encouraged Brexit from a UK perspective and Trump campaigned on Building a Wall. His chart was hit by Saturn in Sag and it gave him the responsibility of the top job that he went after.

    • There is an earlier date for the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant : In 1977, on the 28th November there was on the site an inauguration meeting with unveiling of pylon and memorial plaque dedicated to the start of Zaporizhzhia NPP construction.

      /other dates are: first concrete cast for Unit1 1th April 1980, 1st November 1984 startup Unit1, 10th December
      1984 Unit1 connected to grid/

      Source :, thread Chart of Nuclear Plant Zaporizhzhia

  3. Not sure if this was covered in US or other countries’ news, but so far, the UK and Germany have issued travel advisories advising their citizens to be cautious about traveling to the US.

    And a Canadian citizen in Mexico who went to a US immigration office at the southern border to extend her visa (she had not yet entered the US, just the immigration office and was planning to return back to Mexico) was instead detained and placed in chains.

    Trump is doing a really good job of getting rid of those pesky friendly countries as soon as possible.

    On a separate note, Trump and Boris have a lot of similarities. Both blond bombshells, born to a British parent in the US and both with multiple children and on their third wife currently. Both also burnt bridges with the closest neighbours to their countries. Is there a chance that Boris will have a second return to power, like Trump?

    • I do find it delicious and hilarious that while Vance and other American right-wingers lecture Europe on freedom of speech, foreign travellers to the US are getting denied entry to the US for having social media posts critical of Trump. And of course, a green card holder had his green card striped (or at least attempted to be stripped) because of his pro-Palestinian stance. The First Amendment does not appear to be worth the paper it is written on.

      Trump appears to imagine himself a medieval monarch; multiple wives and children, talking of annexing countries, appointing family members as ambassadors and emissaries and his will being treated as law, all other sources of law (statutes, court judgments, etc be damned).

      On a slightly different note, DHS secretary Kristi Noem ruffled Canadian feathers when she spoke of stepping into the 51st state when visiting the Haskell Free Library and Opera House, which was intentionally built straddling the international border between Derby Line, Vermont and Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She stepped over the international border inside the building to the “51st state”.

      If this is what Americans voted for, I am disappointed in them and for them.

      • Thirty-six percent of Americans did not vote. I am angry at them. Trump was elected by 32% of voters. It was all meant to happen though as it might be the only way his supporters start to wake up. Neptune leaving Pisces and entering Aries should help speed along their awakening.

        • ‘Trump was elected by 32% of voters. It was all meant to happen though as it might be the only way his supporters start to wake up.’

          Part of their and Trump’s “wake up’ should be the 68% standing up and showing them what time it is. By all accounts the sense is the energy of that 68% comes across as defeated even though they are the majority? Even comments on this forum give off that energy so an outsider would never realise he won with only 32% of the vote.

          • @Jennifer, people are waking up and protesting. There’s a nation-wide protest scheduled for April 5 in numerous cities. I plan to attend.

            More people, including his voters, are discovering they’re losing their cherished jobs and benefits as Musk rampages through the government, destroying programs and benefits, including national parks, veterans’ healthcare and other programs, food for food banks, funding for schools, and, now up, Social Security, Medicaid (healthcare for the poor, disabled, low-income children and seniors in nursing homes) and Medicare. It’s definitely time for FAFO (f- around and find out). People are finding out now. Expect more people to revolt.

          • Good, glad to hear @Nicole Sours Larson

            Trump doesn’t like to feel unloved and especially if his based mixed in the masses. Even of Elon keeps whispering in his ear and encouraging him.

            He can’t rig the footfall numbers of protests etc

          • It is defeatism~ you are getting that sense correct. The 32% of Americans who voted for Harris saw this coming and bow it is so hard to watch it.
            The 32% who voted for Trump can’t be reasoned with~ I have tried and I know others who have tried. They are in a cult and have fallen for the propaganda from Fox News and OAN and the over 1500 radio stations that spew right-wing hate and nonsense.
            The rest that did not vote are probably working two and three jobs trying to keep their heads above financial waters.
            With Saturn and Neptune about to leave Pisces and enter Aries is when I see some MAGA realizing the delusion they’ve been under. Trump/Musk’s policies will have to affect them personally and then they might realize their delusion. Before then it is like talking to a brick wall.

  4. “More ominous than that is its Mars at 26 degrees Leo on the focal point of a T square to Venus opposition Uranus – which is being badly rattled through April, peaking in an explosive jolt late April into May. Trump’s meddling is only likely to make things worse.” Marjorie on Zaporizhzhia

    What makes me concerned is how the Zaporizhzhia chart connects with Trump’s natal Mars 26 Leo, asc 29 Leo, and MC 24 Taurus – and with Uranus now at 24 Taurus he may focus on this issue, or even a fantasy of ‘owning’ the nuclear plant. The electric energies of Uranus could act as a lightning strike, seeming like inspiration of some kind?
    There’s also the way his Moon in Sagittarius links with the Z Neptune at 22 Sagittarius, opposing his Gemini Sun. The Z Saturn at 22 Virgo squares into this, and was recently sensitised by the Lunar Eclipse this month, along with tr Saturn in Pisces, now at 23 degrees. Possibly this dampens his enthusiasm?

    I looked at the chart for the Chernobyl nuclear accident, 26 April, 1986. It’s ascendant is 22 Sagittarius ( with Uranus 22 Sagittarius conjunct, aligning with the Z Neptune, Trump Moon and so on. For the later fixed signs it has Moon 24 Scorpio, opposing Venus 28 Taurus, again connecting with Trump’s natal Mars/Asc in Leo and his MC/IC. The square between tr Mars in Leo and Uranus in Taurus in June is also at 28 degrees. Mercury at 10 Aries echoes the upcoming Solar Eclipse, and the Zaporizhzhia Sun.

    I haven’t delved any further than this, and should probably look and see what DT was up to in 1986 and 1980. Certainly, he was very much an impossibly flashy 80’s celebrity.

    • Jane, per Google 1986: Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin invites Trump on an all-expenses-paid trip to the Soviet Union. July 1987: Trump and his wife, Ivana, who speaks Russian, make their first visit to the Soviet Union (which included the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [RSFSR]).

      • Thank you Speakerdee. What a fascinating nugget! I see their trip to Russia began on Independence Day, 4th July, as well. Some of the foundations for the Trump ‘legend’ began during that era – with the rights to develop Trump Tower in New York dating back to 1980, and his first book The Art of the Deal published in 1987. He acquired Mar-a-Lago estate for development in 1985. He registered as a Republican in 1987. He seems to have carried the 80’s along with him ever since.

        That Mars-Uranus square in Leo and Taurus occurs on the weekend of DT’s birthday in June, just after his Mars Return. And right on the Zaporizhzhia Nodes too. A change of direction? Much energy of one kind or another anyway. Generally, breathe in, breathe out…..

        • I’d like to add that those later fixed degrees appear significant and connect with those for DT, and much else.

          NATO/Russia 1991 Composite – Nodes 28 Aquarius/Leo, Neptune 29 Scorpio
          Russia Novgorod 862 – Asc 28 Scorpio
          Russia 1917 – Moon 28 Leo
          UK/Russia Composite – Asc 26 Leo, Nodes 26 Aquarius/Leo, Mars 24 Aquarius, Uranus 22 Scorpio
          Putin Presidency 1999 – Mars 27 Aquarius

          In addition, worth noting that the Saros Series we have this year crops up in very meaningful years for Russian history, which then impacted everyone else:

          1917 – Revolution
          1953 – Death of Stalin – a Solar Eclipse at 25 Aquarius occurred in February. Stalin died in early March.
          1989 – Fall of the Berlin Wall

          • Also, to add in the Saros cycle, 1881 – Assassination of Alexander II in a bomb attack.

            This Saros cycle aligns with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction too. So a bit hard to separate between the two influences.

            Also, on this cycle, Russia has tended to lose territory in the west.

            1917 – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, with Russia ceding territory to Germany and exiting WWI.
            1953-54 – Russia transfers Crimea to Ukraine
            1989 – Loss of the Soviet empire

            This year will be very interesting for students of Russian history.

          • Thank you UM. Have you studied Russian history?
            Of interest – according to Bernadette Brady, SS 9 New South (our September eclipses this year) began on 19th July 1917, which seems to underline the connection with Russian history of the past century or so. She writes ” Any news will have a sense of destiny or fatedness about it”.

            SS 9 New North began August 21st 1664, and is where we are this month. She notes Mars on the Uranus/Pluto midpoint for this SS’s origins, and says it is a very physically expressive Series. “Accidents, great physical effort, violence or any sudden physical events”
            According to Wiki, fount of all knowledge, this happened in 1664 – and also seems rather chillingly relevant to current events and undercurrents:

            “Right-Bank Uprising (1664–1665) The Right-Bank Uprising was initiated by Right-Bank peasantry, supported by Cossack-Russian troops against Right-Bank Hetman Pavlo Teteria and Poland-Lithuania in January 1664–1665.”


            “In 1664, Russia was embroiled in the Russo-Polish War (1654-1667), a conflict that saw the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Tsardom of Russia clash over control of Ukraine and other territories. Key events included the Right-Bank Uprising and the Battle of Vitebsk.”
            Things that make you go hmmmn…..

        • Interesting, Jane

          Neptune is about to start a new cycle through the zodiac. Just in time to read your post, I learned from Dan Waites about a new technique by Christina Rivera, that holds that the last square in the Synodic cycle forshadows what will happen “in the next conjunction of the planets concerned”. What called my attention about your post is that in July 4th,1986, Neptune was Rx in 4 Cap 12, and Saturn Rx was at 3 Sag 58. I do not regard this not merely as a semi sextile, but as a 24 harmonic aspect = change of trend (15° x 2), it’s almost exact, at 20 seconds. It’s not “a square between the planets concerned”, but it is a square between Neptune on the world point, 0 Aries, and a tight connection between Saturn and Neptune. Here’s the direct link where you can see the planetary positions of that last square of Neptune to 0 Aries around the Fourth of July
          Note Mars Rx 19° Cap 26 (15° x 2) to Uranus 19° Sag 30.

          There is an extraordinary essay by an astrologer named MichelAngelo, titled The Fukushima Disaster as an Expression of Japan’s Atomic Fate. It delineates the link between Mars and Uranus in the relevant charts for Japan’s nuclear trajectory, which he believes originates with the Meiji restoration in 1868. The chart has what he calls
          “the atomic signature”. It’s almost impossible to find this essay, since it was published in a magazine that doesn’t exist anymore. But if you’re interested, please ask Marjorie for my email address, and I would be happy to send it to you.

          • Thank you Lucy. Just read this, and you’ve offered me much to think about! I’ve often wondered about the world point, particularly with Neptune and Saturn’s Aries ingress approaching. Veering off, as I do (!) I also think the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius was perhaps more significant than I may have realised at the time. Maybe 0 Aquarius is a point particularly sensitive for human beings, with the human figure symbolising it?

      • This trip is also when a former senior KGB agent, now in Kazakhstan, reports that Trump was acquired as or seduced to become a Soviet/Russian asset. When he returned to NY he ran pro-Russian ads in major newspapers.

  5. I’m looking forward to the reaction of the “Foolish 50” when “all hell breaks loose”.
    The word Atonement springs to mind for what’s coming!

  6. The Inauguration chart has Mars conjunct the IC – which indicates strife at home.

    That Mars is exactly conjunct the Mercury in the 8th house in the 1776 Sibley chart. And it’s 3 degrees away from opposing the US Pluto in the second house. So strife to do with money. And maybe the Pluto return effect showing up.

    My question is, Does Mercury play a role in coups/is it activated in coups?

  7. “Trump’s latest bizarre offering in the “Ukraine peace process as Putin ignores his promise that attacks on infrastructure will stop is that the USA take over nuclear power in Ukraine. Specifically the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and among the 10 largest in the world which has been in Russian-occupied territory, near the front line since 2022.”

    I actually don’t know if this is THAT bizarre, or even came from Trump directly. Zelenskyy was in Helsinki on a surprise visit that started with Olena Zelenska initially agreeing to visit with Finnish First Lady Suzanne Innes-Stubb in occasion of a big donation to her Foundation from Finnish business women when he had that call with Trump. He had been having a panel discussion at Helsinki University moments before and was to visit the underground shelter announced the day before, so the phonecall was clearly arranged rather spontaneously.

    I see this as a good sign because Trump and his collaborators in the room were willing to hear Zelenskyy after the phonecall with Putin. I feel Putin’s arrogance on Tuesday, making Trump wait for 2 hours and then immediately breaking the one concession he made, not striking Ukrainian energy infrastructure, rubbed Trump *very* wrong way, giving Zelenskyy leverage.

    The phonecall also was a long one, maybe longer than the an hour announced. I can tell this from the fact I could see choppers following Zelenskyy from my kitchen window most of the day, and they started moving a minute before Zelenskyy coming out of the building, according to media. Other reported talking points included the investigation on Russian kidnapping of Ukrainian children Elon Musk associate Pete Navarro nixed. I find including this aspect very smart, because it is a kind of think that Trump “had not heard before” but must understand is looks horrible.

    Therefore, I got a feeling something is moving, smarter people at WH and Pentagon are regrouping on Ukraine, trying to offer ways to manipulate Trump for the best outcome. There must be people who realize that this is a zero sum game both for Trump and Putin, they share the World view that’s divided in winners and losers, but that Trump infinitely more prone to manipulation. And they clearly see advantages in an “energy deal”. It could involve employing US paid mercenaries securing that energy structure.

    For what it’s worth, Zelenskyy didn’t appear to be someone who’d suffered a fatal blow in Helsinki. He was relaxed around Stubbs. Our April 1st 1968 Aries Sun President can be rash at times. But he has an underlying Pisces Venus/Mercury, and I’ve heard he has genuine compassion for people treated unjustly. Stubb also “speaks Trump” , and might have given some ideas.

    Overall, I am feeling maybe unjustly more positive than for quite a while on security right now. Maybe because living on a route all World leaders take from the airport to Helsinki Center, and being held on a bus when Zelenskyy landed without an idea he was coming, I can say the OpSec here was impeccable. Finland’s “total defense” holds.

  8. I read some time ago, that some astrologers believed Trump (for whatever reason) would not complete his second term. It is also becoming increasingly clear that the Trump/Musk relationship is souring. With pressure on his business empire (particularly Tesla) it would not be surprising to see Musk turn on Trump. Then matters would become extremely interesting.

    • I can make that prediction non-astrologically, based on Trump’s age, girth and love of fast food.

      Though I suspect neither God nor the Lord of Hades want him in their realms. He may try to overthrow them from their roles!!!

  9. Neptune transiting Trump’s 8th house is not bringing him good news at all, some if not most of his financial secret dealings are going to be exposed. Especially from Russia, there are some secrets and information that Russia has on him, that is why he is dancing to Putin’s tune. According to recent polls, over 50% of his voters are regretting voting for him as some have lost their jobs, because of his policies, some feel they were tricked or mislead by Elon Musk into voting for him, farmers in general are not happy at all as his tariffs are hurting their businesses. His conflict with the judiciary is self-inflicted by the Chief Justice John Roberts, he is the one who enabled Trump to do what he is doing today, he let Trump to get away with his crimes, though there was prima facie evidence on most of his cases, today Trump is even ignoring court rulings, he is disrespecting and undermining the law and constitution. I won’t be surprised if he might try to abolish or change the constitution. With the Fed and Jerome Powell, he was always going to have conflict with them, with Trump’s style of falsifying financial statements, he will try to force Powell to publish false CPI numbers and so on. What Trump and Musk are doing now is anti-Pluto in Aquarius. Their bromance will soon end. Whether Trump and Vance will finish their term remains to be seen, but in 2026 mid-terms they are surely going to lose majority in congress and senate. All Trump’s actions clearly show that he has a mental illness, it is shown by his 6th house of health that is being transited by Pluto for many years to come. Although astrologically Pluto governs the intestines, he might also experience stomach problems, like colon or pancreas cancer.

    • As Uranus travels back and forth in its retrograde / direct cycle, Trump is under the same influences as he was in July when a bullet may or may not have clipped his ear.
      Uranus conjunct his Taurus Midheaven / Algol (head of the Medusa, head of state, physical head) conjunction.
      Whether or not the July event was staged, he’s not out of harm’s way.

  10. Marjorie:

    Appreciate your patience with the seemingly off-topic posts. They really do intermesh with the astrology of the environment. At least, there have been very few off-the-guardrail postings. So, there is self-moderation in evidence.

    I’m discovering the layers of knowledge of many on the site. I’m grateful to them, willing to post on a relatively safe website.

    • I totally agree with Larry. Kudos and deep appreciation to you, Marjorie, for your knowledge and tolerance hosting this site and sharing your wisdom and insight and to all the commenters adding their own in-depth knowledge. (Too early for me to come up with meaningful synonyms!)

  11. There is nothing too specific on the astrology showing an early exit. Though the USA chart will stay highly uncertain and extremely nerve stretched until mid 2026. There will be financial disappointments thereafter but the high-anxiety should recede – and there will be a confidence lift around mid 2026.

    • @Marjorie, something that came up when I looked at Trump Admin SRs was Pluto. So whether there is an “early exit” or not of DJT, I feel a power grap/struggle energy here. Vance’s SR has a Pluto/Desc, and my personal least favourite minion Stephen Miller Pluto/MC for their SRs happening in August 2025. Miller also has a Scorpio Pluto/MC natally, as one of the most obviously shadowy villainous configurations I’ve seen, so the SR configuration will square his natal one.

      • Something which would be enough to cause these global ripples and lead to the internal power struggles you are referring to would be for Trump to experience some kind of sudden health issue, leaving him incapacitated, at least for a while. Would this then lead to a change of direction perhaps?

        • @Susan H, I doubt it actually. It’s amazing how just about everybody who made it to White House under Trump is proponent of some movement that would have been considered “fringe” just 10 years ago or is profoundly unpopular. While JD Vance does not seem to truly believe in anything, he is bouncing between Broligarch Curtis Jarvinian and Project 2025 views. In case Trump was incapacitated, it’s hard to tell which direction he took.

          That said, if Trump was incapacitated, we’d definitely see more pushback from the Senate in certain items, starting maybe from tariffs and NATO.

          What taking Trump out of the equation would likely do would be empowering the Senate and Red State Governors who might have been hesitant to voice concerns on decisions affecting their State.

          • The question is of course is Vance willing to go down with the ship when it all falls apart? I really doubt that he will sacrifice him self for Trump Vance is too ambitious and self serving to do do so he would save him self selve any which way he could

  12. I would add Chuck Schumer. Not a pro-Trump figure, but apparently, clinging to the idea of bipartisanship and Republicans turning back to their “old selves” after kicking out “loser” Trump as late as in 2024. Born November 23rd 1950, 11 am, a Sadgittarius Sun/Venus, Capricorn Rising and, most importantly I’d say 20’17 Taurus Moon opposing his 20’31 Scorpio MC. Moon is inconjunct Neptune 18′ Libra. This might not be “to the minute” chart, but it gives me a sense on why this man seems to be completely detached from the current reality of the country and the system he has served. Interestingly, Schumer also has 0′ Libra Saturn, to be hit by tr. Neptune opposition (Sun obviously is also affected…).

  13. Remember, all, America doesn’t operate a Parliamentary system. There’s no “vote of no confidence” or any such feature defined within the US Constitution that would directly force a President out of office in the middle of his term. Save impeachment, and that provision has proved to be completely ineffectual since the Constitution went into effect in 1787.

    It would be even less likely to be exercised now, given the intense partisanship and sycophancy that has utterly consumed American politics in this current period. The mostly feckless Democrats simply don’t have the votes, and the cultist Republicans are so enthralled with Trump even now that they couldn’t possibly fathom jettisoning him. They will literally follow him over the edge into the abyss, and drag the whole country behind them.

    One wonders if the US ever recovers from this manic insanity, if it might adopt some of the more commonly used features in parliamentary systems during a possible (but not necessarily inevitable) reform phase. The US framers opted for hard-set 2, 4, and 6 year term lengths for elected officials, but maybe that made better sense in early modern times when information still crawled at a snail’s pace.

    Many modern parliamentary systems require the PM and the ruling coalition to call elections during a specific window of time. Not having hard-set election dates would upend the US electoral media cycle, which would not at all be a bad thing given how all-consuming it has become.

    Given Americans’ slothful reluctance to face reality, if not downright willful ignorance, I believe this current awful period will drag on at least through the midterms at the end of 2026. The US will endure deepening suffering and isolation during this time; its allies will pull away from it permanently as relations break down. Trump’s “America First” becomes “America Alone.”

    The only real ray of light I see for America is its Uranus Return, exact in 2027-8, which could jolt the country awake and out of its stupor. It has happened twice before, with Pearl Harbor and the Civil War onslaught. Given the rate of destruction by Trump and Musk however, perhaps we will see a preview of what is to come in July of this year when the first ingress takes place.

    • @Clarence, remember that Richard Nixon was forcedt o resign. If conditions in the US become deteriorate rapidly and evidence that I suspect exists of the corruption, treason and likely election tampering emerges, I could imagine a total removal of senior Trump administration officials and replacement with a temporary bi-partisan government. Not easy or likely for for sure.

      I had just returned to Washington from school in Paris when Nixon resigned. I recall the swirl of rumors about a potential Nixon coup.and carefully laid plans to counter his attempt to rally the military around him as well ss several “Plan Bs.” So it’s possible, if not necessarily likely.– at this point.

  14. It would be wonderful to have the astrology for Belshazzar’s Feast (Book of Daniel Ch. 5). Some similarities with today’s circumstances. When will the writing on the wall find Trump to be “weighed in the balance and found wanting”? It didn’t end well for the king!

  15. It’s hard to imagine an interim gov but it’s hard to imagine a needs based economy and I hope we see one. Until a seed is planted an idea comes to life it’s impossible. So plant whatever seed you want and w trump things are always crazy enough to make them possible- he does crazy things everyday. It’s just a matter of an idea being planted and enough people saying I’ll put energy into that. I make a point of never dumping on any idea id like to see come to fruition, every time you say that’ll never happen someone believes that it’s impossible so nothing would be more lovely than to see Vance and trump out of Washington, so what would have to happen or what would that look like… and then the pathway comes to light. Who would have dreamt up Covid and yet a few years ago we all lived through the impossible to imagine.

  16. Interesting that no one around Trump or people like Putin look triumphant or pleased in the next few years. You’d have thought at least the Heritage Foundation people would be looking upbeat, but according to Marjorie they aren’t looking happy with things at all.

  17. Several tarot readers and psychics I follow on YouTube are predicting the Trump/Vance government will fall or be removed in the next few months and be replaced with an interim coalition government to stabilize the country until the next elections.

    Familiar as I am with the wheels of US government, I’m skeptical, unless there really is a coup. But I also don’t see how this chaos and destruction can continue long-term.

    Are there any indications of an interim replacement government in the astrology?

    Thanks for any insight.

    • I don’t offer too much insight myself but I sometimes wonder similar things to you. The sheer pace of chaotic things that Trump is pushing through isn’t generally something that can be sustained for that long – stuff like this tends to crescendo. I did a pendulum reading which suggested that neither Trump or Vance would be President by 2028 but TBH I’d not read too much into that, it’s just an interesting observation.

    • There seems to be no one aspect/transit we can point to and say “Ah! There it is – he will fall on date X.” I am rather skeptical of tarot readers (probably as I am one); with someone as divisive and controversial as Trump it is to easy to read in one’s own wishful thinking. Remember how many psychics didn’t think Trump would have a hope in Hell of winning the election, but he did. They, like some astrologers, asked about the wrong person. Trump’s chart had that transiting Jupiter conjunct his 10th house North Node on the 5th November; Harris had near zilch on that day. The key to the result was Harris’s longer term lack of beneficial aspects vs Trump’s one timely humdinger!

      Anyway, as Marjorie and others have mentioned above and in other postings, Solar Arc Neptune is having a go at natal Moon, Uranus is about to conjunct MC and later square Mars and Saturn has just gone past squaring natal Moon and Sun (Saturn has a habit of delaying things, so it is still very much a potential player in this jigsaw). These aspects on their own can be anything from a major inconvenience to spectacular in outcome – one wonders if the combined effect of these is the catalyst. We know that Trump was always the disruptor to start the change process and change is needed (although we’d all prefer it to be sensitively managed), but I doubt he is the one to raise the Phoenix from the ashes and rebuild afterwards. Trump has been called the dictators’ useful idiot. Could he also be the Universe’s useful idiot too?!

      • @larryc, since the reality has become stranger than fiction, I could think about some kind of a “Designated Survivor” type of a situation happening. Parts of the US Government being wiped out, maybe not because in a terrorist act, but an accident of a sort. In case both POTUS and VPOTUS were incapacitated, the powers would fall to the president pro tempore of the US Senate, who, at the moment is Chuck Grassley, aged 91.

        • The third in line would be Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.
          No. Office Incumbent
          1 Vice President JD Vance
          2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson
          3 President pro tempore of the Senate Chuck Grassley
          4 Secretary of State Marco Rubio

          During Trump’s first term, Nancy Pelosi would have became President if both Trump and Pence had succumbed to something.

          • @Getting1, yes, of course! I remember the completely bonkers conspiracy theory Louise Mensch divulged on Orrin Hatch being sworn President during the first Trump Admin. I don’t remember how did they get to skip Paul Ryan in that one, since he was the Speaker of the House at the time.

      • @Solaia, when I watched Jimmy Carter’s funeral and saw the lineup of all living past presidents I had the strong sense that Trump would be the next of those US presidents to go. But I sure wouldn’t grieve the departures of Putin and Netanyahu!

    • I always understood it was illegal for the USA to have a coalition government. The closest you got to was when Lincoln quit his party and made a new one of disgruntled Republicans and Democrats. The party doesn’t seem to exist anymore. So I can’t give any data on it.

      • @Linda, if there were to be an interim US government, it would likely be the result of a coup (or really a counter-coup, since I think the US is actually in the midst of a coup now) or a catastrophic event such as a terrorist attack. (I can envisage a serious terrorist attack provoked by Trump’s baiting of the Palestinians with his vile “Trump Gaza” resort video last month and his current bombing of Yemen.)

        • America has now reached the level of a South American dictatorship. Hence all this extremely public ‘in your face’ conduct, of things that normally take place behind closed doors. It doesn’t make anything any better. But it does send alarm bells all the same. Anyway thanks Nicole. Take care!

          • Yes, the US seems more and more like a banana republic, an ironic term to use since the US was behind the destabilization of many/most of those governments and their conversion into banana republics. Karmic justice?

            I wake up every morning wondering what horrors the day will bring. My therapist tells me all of his clients are struggling. Several of my friends have moved to Europe, but we plan to stay in blue California.

            I’m trying to train myself not to over-react and to focus on more uplifting things, but it’s hard.

            Stay well, Linda!

        • I sense that the only realistic chance of a successful counter-coup would come from within the non-Maga part of the Republican party (such as it may be)! However, I also feel this might be too much like wishful thinking. Vance certainly has the long term manipulate planning characteristics and coldness to install himself as a Trojan Horse, but whether he has the man-fruit or had the imagination to do so when offered the Vice Presidency is another matter.

    • As others have said, it may be wishful thinking as I repeatedly got the Death card for Putin at the onset of the Ukraine invasion, but fwiw, the readings on the Trump admin keep giving me The High Priestess, The Queen of Cups and The Tower.

  18. On one hand I feel relieved there will be consequences for Trump’s rashness and ignorance but on the other hand the possible price the rest of the world may have to pay fills me with something approaching terror.

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