Angelica Huston, happy to be cast as a character actress is still going strong in her late seventies, appearing in the recent TV adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Toward Zero. She has had a long and impressive career with an Oscar for Prizzi’s Honor, and has worked with all the top directors including Francis Ford Coppola, Woody Allen and Wes Anderson.
She was born 8 July 1951 6.29 pm Beverley Hills, California, with a larger-than-life director father in John Huston and a model and ballerina mother who died in a car accident when she was 17. Part of her childhood was spent in Ireland after her family fled the McCarthy witch-hunts. She always wanted to be an actress but a damaging clash with her father on her first film set shook her confidence and she retreated into modelling for a few years.
She was in a long relationship with Jack Nicholson, whose infidelities were legendary over their on-off 17-year liaison and she finally settled into a happy marriage to the sculptor Robert Graham, until his death in 2008. Though she is still in touch with Nicholson who phoned as she was escaping the LA fire. She said “when the chips are down, he’s there.”
She has a 7th house Cancer Sun so is happiest when in a relationship but she also has Mars Uranus in Cancer in her 7th so will tend to be attracted to volatile partners. Her creative Neptune is in her 10th conjunct her Midheaven opposition Jupiter in her 4th square her Cancer planets. Jupiter in the 4th indicates she came from a well-known and well-to-do family and appreciates home comforts, despite the rebellious streak in her temperament (and love life). Her Pluto in the 8th gives her temperament weight and the ability to project an influential aura.
Her Chiron sits in her 1st so she would struggle to develop a strong sense of identity and self-worth in early adult life.
Her father John Huston was a Hollywood legend, a talented director and writer, but not an easy temperament. Born 5 August 1906 Nevada, MO, he had a Leo Sun conjunct North Node and Mars so not a shrinking violet. He was married five times and in his autobiography, described his last wife as a “crocodile”.
[Having met him once, which was not an altogether happy experience, I reckon he almost certain deserved her. I would have described him as being what used to be called ‘a man’s man’ in the sense of rough round the edges and not woman-friendly in terms of manners.]His Sun and Mars fell in Angelica’s 8th house so a complicated, intense and fractious chemistry. His Pluto was conjunct her Descendant exactly so he would be controlling. Their relationship chart had a scarily dominating Mars Pluto conjunction inconjunct Saturn.
No surprise she went on to have a couple of abusive relationships and the wandering Jack Nicholson as adult choices. Jack Nicholson, 22 April 1937 11 am Neptune, New Jersey, a freedom-loving Sun Uranus in Taurus does have a Virgo Moon like Angelica and his Jupiter Neptune fell in her 7th so she’d be eternally optimistic about their relationship. Plus his Pluto fell in her 8th for a deep (and controlling) connection.
Her husband, the sculptor, Robert Graham, 19 August 1938, was a Sun Mars in Leo like her father but that was softened by being opposition to an easy-going Jupiter in Aquarius.
Thanks Marjorie. What a woman!
I love her angular handsome beauty .. very Sag rising. And all that Virgo gives her that amazing photogenic quality. The camera loves her!
Wonderful to read and learn of someone who has and IS “doing it”.
Embracing their life well.
So much of the other around us!
Wow, so Anjelica is a Sagittarius ascendant. With that piercing look I might have thought Scorpio.
But then her unusualness is probably Sun conjunct Uranus in Cancer.
Moon in Virgo – who would have said. Although in dignities it is not a pretty place for Venus, I don’t think it’s all that for the Moon either. Weirdly, Jack, who I hadn’t thought about when thinking of her, also has the Moon in Virgo, and her Saturn conjuncts it, so in a way she’d dampen him and maybe even depress him.
A bit of a titbit: Saturn in the 9th can mean you hate your professors.
Thank you for writing this!
The book “Bastard Out of Carolina” by Dorothy Allison is a fictional account (though semi-autobiographical) of the author’s childhood and details her physical & sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather and the corresponding denialism/rejection by her mother. Angelica Huston made the book into a movie back in the 1990’s which was banned in many locations. The producers demanded that she edit the movie to remove the assault scenes which she refused and the film was initially shelved as a result but Huston refused to back down. Eventually the producers caved and Huston would go on to be nominated for an Emmy for directing. I suspect her Pluto in the 8th as well as that Mars Uranus CJ and her Sun all in Cancer allowed her to see some of her own resilience in Bone, the book’s child-protagonist.
As an aside, for anyone who’s interested, that book is beautifully written and is often compared to “To Kill a Mockingbird”, and is considered one the 100 best books by American authors of all time (The Atlantic) – tho obviously, not for the faint of heart.