Royals state visits – grit teeth and carry on

  In a grovelling attempt to curry favour with Trump, Keir Starmer produced a rabbit out of the hat in the form of a personal letter from King Charles. It not only suggested a second state visit, untypical for a returning president, but also a pre-Balmoral knees up to discuss same. It worked.

 Monarchs are used to their ‘soft power’ being utilized if politics demand it, when glazed smiles and gritted teeth are the order of the day. Queen Elizabeth 11 entertained many controversial foreign leaders, including Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Donald Trump, Emperor Hirohito and Vladimir Putin. Her Majesty was evidently not best pleased when Trump, on his last trip up the Mall in a gilded coach, walked in front of her as they inspected the guard of honour and evidently later remarked she found him ‘very rude’ as he “couldn’t stop looking over her shoulder, as though in search of others more interesting.”

  Trump’s Mars in Leo not surprisingly is a major part of the problem. When unrestrained it can be over-bearing, egotistical, inclined to dominate and believes firmly in its infallibility. Not a good match for monarchy which is firmly rooted in an ethos of respect for the Royal hierarchy. 

  Trump’s Mars clashed badly with QE11’s conscientious, dutiful Saturn in Scorpio and Midheaven and their relationship chart had an angry/irritable composite Sun opposition Mars, firmly clamped down by a sextile/trine to Pluto. But all passed by in icy calm.

  Charles won’t find Trump easy since the DT Mars in Leo squares his Scorpio Sun and there is a volatile composite Mars trine Uranus trine Moon in their relationship chart. But Charles is a softer character than his mother and has an odd blind spot for the very wealthy so it may float by as long as it does not occur within the next few months.

 The two who will really be on a back foot will be Princess Anne since her Leo Sun clashes with DT’s Mars and she is not one to back down or put on a good face when she is irked. Their relationship chart has a short-fused composite Uranus square Mars.

 The other is Prince William who really really dislikes Trump with a composite hostile Mars Pluto conjunction with a high-tension composite Saturn Pluto as well.

 Camilla will not be overly enamoured either since her Sun is conjunct DT’s Saturn but no doubt she’ll turn on the charm and turn up with a Jack Russell or two and some good book recommendations.  

11 thoughts on “Royals state visits – grit teeth and carry on

  1. Regretfully, Mr Starmer is beginning to look like Mrs May, especially in this hasty invitation. Do their astrologies match?

    • @patritius – is this hasty invitation a bad thing for all parties? I’m confused. As long as people talk, there is hope for breakthru.

      • I thought Charles looked quite frail. Things might be different a few months from now. There is talk about postponing the two events in Scotland. Which may be more about how offended people are by how Zelensky was treated, and the aspersions that Vance cast about a ‘random country.’ Ex-servicemen and women who served in Afghanistan and Iraq being particularly upset.

        But as I mentioned earlier, The King hasn’t looked well, so that may be a factor.

  2. There are pivotal moments in history, often not recognised until well after the event. If the visit goes ahead, I suspect that this will be one of them. The King may struggle with public opinion during and after the event, but it will probably be Prince William, once King, who will experience the full impact.

  3. I have gotten a lot of heat elsewhere for saying Starmer and Macron have understood the basic truth about Trump: He is a narcissist who grew up with a mother loving monarchy and ceremonies. Being invited to a state visit or a large celebratory military parade work with him.

    I also think that King Charles, while having an adversary chart with Trump, gets this too. Scorpio Mercury makes him much more psychologically perceptive than an average politician would be, because elected officials tend to be tough skinned extroverts.

    • I think you are right about this. Trump loves pageantry especially when he is the center of attention. His Ascendant is on 29° Leo. I call that and 30° Leo (0° Virgo) the a**hole degrees. It’s the place where you have that Leonine entitled quality but early degrees of Virgo with its critical quality so they often apply Virgo to others and Leo to themselves.

      I also think Trump doesn’t get to have much fun in life. Pageantry is the best of the options he seems to have. His fifth house is made up mostly of Capricorn and his Sun is in the tenth. Pageantry sort of puts Leo and Capricorn together. Tradition, pomp and circumstance meets a show. Everything fun in his life gets mixed with business. Casino gambling. Buying a sports team. Golfing with business associates. All work and on play makes Jack a dull boy. Trump is often bored. That’s when he sets a public fire to shake things up. Leo Ascendant ruled by Sun conjunct Uranus.

  4. “When unrestrained it can be over-bearing, egotistical, inclined to dominate and believes firmly in its infallibility.”

    But isn’t that what monarchies in reality are? Leo as a sign of royalty and kingship is actually a very suited sign for Mars, the planet of assertion and how you spend your energy.

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