Andrew & Tristan Tate – friends in high places

Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, accused of rape, human trafficking and money laundering, have been freed from travel restrictions in Romania after several White House officials took an interest in their case. Though the president denies all knowledge.

 They have joint US-UK citizenship and face separate, unrelated allegations of rape and human trafficking in the UK, and civil suits in the US and UK.

The brothers have millions of followers by championing hyper-masculinity in a subculture of mixed martial arts fighting, video games and cryptocurrencies. Andrew Tate has said that rape victims bear some responsibility for their attack, that women are the property of their husbands and that he needs to have authority over the women he dates. They sell a glamorous lifestyle of expensive properties, cigars and luxury cars.

 Andrew Tate was born 1 December 1986 in Washington, DC, and his brother Tristan 18 July 1988 in Chicago with an African-American father who was an international chess master. The family relocated to the UK in 1997 after the parents split.

 Their legal troubles may not be over since Romania said their cases remained active, while Florida’s attorney-general, James Uthmeier, said his office would “conduct a preliminary inquiry into these individuals”. “Florida has zero tolerance for human trafficking and violence against women. If any of these alleged crimes trigger Florida jurisdiction, we will hold them accountable,” he said. There are also several cases pending in the UK on rape and tax evasion charges.

  Andrew Tate is a New Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn square an opportunistic Mars Jupiter in Pisces; with Uranus also in Sagittarius. Self-righteous from an emphasized Saturn in Sagittarius and keen to impose his beliefs on others. With a can-be-sexually manipulative Venus Pluto in Scorpio in a forceful trine to Mars Jupiter. Venus Pluto trine Mars, sextile Neptune can turn perverse.

  His relationship with his father Emory, 27 December 1958, would inform his views on masculinity – he was a Sun Capricorn conjunct Saturn in late Sagittarius with his Sun trine Pluto. Their relationship chart had an explosive composite Mars opposition Uranus (square Jupiter) and a hostile, power-struggling Mars opposition Pluto. Power issues and freedom from interference would be central to their fractured relationship.

 Brother Tristan is a late Sun Cancer (conjunct Procyon) inconjunct Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius with a Virgo Moon; with a focal point Mars in assertive Aries square Mercury opposition Neptune – ratchety, autocratic, headstrong.

 Andrew Tate is feeling upbeat at the moment with a lucky-break tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint which runs on and off up to this coming New Year. Though he’ll have ripples of unease and disappointment as tr Neptune moves into Aries in April and more so when tr Uranus moves into Gemini from July, hitting various midpoints. 2026/27 look like a downhill slide with failed hopes and high insecurity.

  His relationship chart with Trump will sag badly and be rattled by tr Neptune into Aries in April and tr Uranus into Gemini in July.

 Tristan will be panicking from the second week in June through July as tr Neptune squares his focal point Mars and that worsens in 2026 as tr Saturn joins in.  His 2027 is totally blocked, trapped and scary with SA Mars opposition his Pluto.

  The Tates are interesting for two reasons. One: they represent (lead) an odd social mania of misogyny in recent times. Two: for the life of me I cannot get my head round what it is that sanctimonious, moralizing, god-bothering USA is doing with a White House filled with sex-offending types in high Cabinet positions as well obviously as in the Tate camp.

7 thoughts on “Andrew & Tristan Tate – friends in high places

  1. ‘I cannot get my head round what it is that sanctimonious, moralizing, god-bothering USA is doing with a White House filled with sex-offending types’ Every single organisation on the planet, NGO’s, Private, Public, Government has sex offending types at the top, regardless of how they present themselves. It’s a chicken and egg situation, do positions of power attract sociopaths, bullies, narcissists and general degenerates, or does the process of being handed more power corrupt all men? I don’t know what the very few women who end up with power end up doing, but they arn’t going about casually dispensing sexual violence.

    The only difference we are all currently seeing is that the veneer of respectability, or civilised behaviour has been removed. The same with the US, blatantly holding countries to ransom for land and mineral grabs it was supposed to be ‘protecting’ as with Ukraine. Iraq was a resources grab wrapped up in evangelical ‘policing the world to keep The West free’! rhetoric, many Brits realised back then the US is only about the US.

    I am glad the lying has stopped to be honest, maybe now finally all the people who don’t have the type of charts that see whats really going on will finally get it and some sort of cry to action will start.

  2. Hi Jean-Marie. I’ve posted before about my MAGA mother. Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Aries rising. Saturn in first house. She is about to have her third Saturn return and I’m about to have my second one. She’s in 7th heaven now. Trump is destroying all that she wants destroyed. She’s delighted. And she wants a return to segregation. And yes, she’s fine with her mentally disabled 50 year old son (who lives with her) having his monthly Medicaid stipend be reduced or eliminated entirely. I am not joking. As long as minorities are being harmed, she’s okay with her son losing, too. The only way she will leave the cult is if her finances are decimated and there is an irrefutable through line that Trump’s policies are what caused her to lose her money. Only then but also maybe not. My compassionate NN in Pisces is so severely tested with me trying to have compassion for her. Daily struggle and I have a Virgo moon. Lordy.

    • I’m sorry, it must be difficult for you. My mother is probably a similar age, though she struggles with Lewy Body dementia currently. But she was hardline anti-Brexit in 2016, passionately anti-Farage/Johnson and has a deep loathing of Trump. She was a child in WW2 and absolutely understands the importance of our alliance with Europe. One of the many reasons I am proud of her.

  3. I guess being a God-botherer (and by this I don’t mean the genuinely decent believers, whatever their faith) is pretty good cover for the truly ungodly

  4. In a word, gross.

    Marjorie, it seems like the whole lot of these men, including Trump, Musk (and Thiel, Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc.) have serious masculinity issues that they are overcompensating for. Maybe this is part and parcel an effect of the US Progressed Mars turned Retrograde?

    Seems that there was a time when such destructive juvenile antics were unheard of in adulthood, or at least would not go unchecked as they are now.

    It’s almost hard to imagine how the US fell from the leadership and aspirations (not by any means flawless but closer to the mean, nonetheless) of such grounded, mature, masculine men like Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John & Bobby Kennedy Sr., Jimmy Carter, John Glenn and others, to the present cabal of man-boy fools.

  5. You see that dichotomy clearly. The people who elevated the scum to power don’t. They only listen to the hypnotic drumbeat of their promises. There’s a whole lot of buyer’s remorse in the heartland right now. Not about their idols’ many crimes. That may never happen. No, they never believed the foolish policies they voted for would hurt THEM. If this were a novel it would be a brutally funny satire, and we’d have the option of checking the last chapter to make sure all the characters we loved made it out okay. Unfortunately, everyone in the world is stuck in the story with the scoundrels and the fools.

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