Liam Payne – a troubled Virgo

Liam Payne, once a member of One Direction, the most popular boyband of its era, a creation of Simon Cowell’s talent show X Factor, has died at 31. He fell off a sixth floor hotel balcony in Argentina after a police intervention for acting aggressively, apparently on alcohol and drugs. Fame at a young age hit him hard and more so his lack of direction once the band split. He talked in interviews about being troubled, having addiction problems and being suicidal, with his ex-fiancee having a restraining order against him for his obsessive behaviour after their split.

 He was born 29 August 1993 1pm Wolverhampton, England, and had a Virgo Sun Mercury conjunct his midheaven inconjunct an Aquarius Moon which would make him ambitious but give him problems finding a balance between his head and his heart. He had Pluto in his 1st below his Scorpio Ascendant in a tough, unrelenting square to Saturn in Aquarius, hinting at a depressive streak. His Sun/Moon midpoint, his marriage/close relationship significator, was conjunct his Pluto hinting at his intense approach to partners, often older than himself – and is described by Ebertin as ‘a soul torn by inner conflict.’

   He also had the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn of his generation square an exuberant Mars Jupiter in Libra. When the band split in 2016 tr Pluto was crossing his Uranus Neptune conjunction which would cause maximum confusion – made worse by tr Saturn moving through the nadir of his first Quadrant.

 Recently he had the Libra Solar Eclipse conjunct his Mars which can result in anger spilling out destructively into the open if not channelled sensibly.

6 thoughts on “Liam Payne – a troubled Virgo

  1. Transit Pluto had started opposing his Venus in recent months, possibly reflecting his difficulties with his ex. His converse progressions and transits look tough too. His converse progressed sun was in Leo opposing his moon. The transit south node and Saturn were a few degrees from his moon. And transit Pluto was near his Virgo sun. So sad for Liam and all close to him.

  2. This news is very sad, I remember him as a young lad on x factor, so full of hope. I notice his Chiron is quincunx transiting Pluto and not far off a yod position to transiting Neptune, with Uranus squaring Chiron as well. Solar arc Jupiter must be right on his ascendant, and he is in an 8th house profection year, which by whole sign is Gemini with the current Jupiter transit.

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