Ratan Tata – capitalism and compassion

Ratan Tata, a much revered and respected Indian businessman and philanthropist, who turned his family’s Tata Group into a global player, and invested heavily in British industry – Land Rover and British Steel – has died. He was a major figure in the international business community, close to US politicians as well as the Indian government, advising the former prime ministers Gordon Brown and David Cameron.

 ‘A softly spoken man, renowned for his courtesy, he never married, although he described himself as having come close four times. He was known for living modestly —- and noted for his love of dogs.’ Under Ratan Tata’s leadership, 65% of Tata Group’s profits were directed to charitable causes, supporting education, healthcare, scientific research. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tata Steel announced that the families of employees who died from the virus would continue to receive their salaries and benefits until the worker would have turned 60.

  Born 28 December 1937 6.30am Mumbai, India, he had an ambitious and practical 1st house Capricorn Sun and Mercury sextile Mars in Pisces and trine an innovative Uranus in Taurus in his 5th house. His also had a super-confident Jupiter in his 2nd house of finances opposition an 8th house Pluto tying him irrevocably into business/financial environment.

  What marked his chart out as different from your run-of-the-mill capitalist financier was Neptune in Virgo in his 9th in a hope-for-a-better-society opposition to Saturn square a softly charming Venus on his Ascendant opposition Chiron on his Descendant.

  Chiron on his Descendant points to a woundedness in close relationships which added to a freedom-loving Uranus in his 5th opposition an 11th house Scorpio Moon; and Saturn close to his IC all probably contributed to his unmarried state. His Sun/Moon midpoint was conjunct his Black Moon which might also be a pointer.

4 thoughts on “Ratan Tata – capitalism and compassion

  1. A complete saturnian with all negative traits…massacred indigenous tribals for free land and razed all forests for his cheapest nano car which flopped terribly…his cars r highest inadmissible anywhere in world due to brazen danger benchmarks globally for danger standars crossing….

    Indians and colonial past ones since 80yrs still poor …deitify rich but rich r nothing but blood suckers of same poor who don’t understand their taxes go for free land to loans to such rich while they commit suicide for being unable to feed family

    Glad v r entering an era where wealth without distribution is seen as sin

  2. In Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of the hunt. She was often
    seen with her pack of hunting dogs.
    Raja Tata loved his dogs. In his chart, asteroid Artemis is conjunct
    his Venus-Ascendant. Another dog indicator is Anubis. In Tata’s
    chart asteroid Anubis, elevated, showing adoration, aspects also
    his Venus-Asc.
    Do you love dogs?….check your Artemis, Anubis or Diana. here…
    Here is Tata’s chart with dog indicators….https://ibb.co/fGqgBZM

  3. Just to quickly clarify, the person’s name is RATAN Tata, not Rajan Tata. “Ratan” means “jewel” (or perhaps specifically “diamond”; I am not too sure) in some Indian languages.

    It is not just him, but the Tata family that is quite interesting. The Tatas were, till recently, India’s largest conglomerate of industries. Firstly, the stake held by the Tatas is actually held by charitable trusts in the names of deceased family members. So most of the money earned by their stakes in the companies goes to charity.

    Secondly, their stakes in the various companies that they give their names to is often tiny (from 2-3% to 20-30% in most cases). But their brand name is so trusted that in spite of the tiny stakes, they often head or chair the boards of these companies bearing the family name.

    Marjorie, could you also cast the chart of one of his predecessors as head of the Tata family, J.R.D. Tata (29 July 1904 – 29 November 1993, born in Paris, France, from Wikipedia). They were cousins a few generations removed, as most of the Tata family don’t seem to have children and are dying out.

    The Tatas, Wadias and Godrejs are three Parsi families that head three of India’s largest conglomerates. The Parsis are a tiny community of fewer than 100,000 worldwide, who have prospered in a nation of a billion people. They were refugees fleeing from Iran to India after the Islamic invasion of Iran in the 7th century. Their business acumen resulted in them being nicknamed the “Jews of India” (though their faith is not Abrahamic).

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