4 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie, an update on your 9/25 post.

    Today’s news about Nasarrah

    Waiting to see if Israel succeeded in assassinating Nasrallah.
    Earlier today they bombed what is said to be Hezbollah Headquarters and flattened 4-6 residential buildings.
    Residents were killed and injured.
    Israel is assuming they did but there is no word from Hezbollah.

    Sept. 25 snip

    ” Hassan Nasrallah, 31 August 1960, the Hezbollah leader, an unyielding and ambitious Sun Pluto in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn, sextile Neptune, is powering ahead till late this year with some wins in 2025 but probably more losses”

    • Not to my knowledge but it is possible. Interesting idea. The birth chart of the child will coincide with the influences affecting the parents’ relationship at that point.

      • I guessed, too, that when one parent was “out of range”, either through distance or estrangement, there would be the primary influence of the relationship between the proximal parent and the child.

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