Libra Ingress – finding balance in chaos

The Libra Ingress coinciding with the autumn equinox (in northern hemisphere) was considered by German astrologer E.H. Troinski to be the key Cardinal Ingress of the year. Though other prominent astrologers like Barbault and Kepler discounted the relevance of ingress charts altogether. Charles Carter took the view they might have value as part of a larger jigsaw of astrological influences but not substantive on their own.

  For what it is worth this Ingress has a complex set of aspects. An Earth Grand Trine of Pluto in Capricorn trine Uranus Algol trine Mercury is formed into a Kite by Mercury opposition Neptune Scheat. Venus in final degree Libra is in an emotionally intense square to Pluto and on the focal point of a strained yod inconjunct Neptune sextile Uranus (Moon).

 Mercury opposition both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces is square Jupiter in Gemini – gloom, confusion and high hopes – what a muddle. Mars in excitable, volatile Cancer is widely square the Sun and the North/South Nodes. 

Plotting the astrocartography (which has not worked spectacularly well in the past viz the start of WW11)- it puts Mars on the Midheaven and Pluto on the IC through eastern USA. Which could suggest that the pressured, high-risk, enraging Mars opposition Pluto which runs effectively from late this October right through till April 2025 will be blighting the mood there in particular.

Pluto on the Ascendant through Israel – no surprise, darkening its image. Mars on the Descendant through Ukraine as the conflict drags on. Pluto on the Midheaven and Uranus on the Ascendant through China – if it holds good could suggest a major upheaval and change in China’s directions and image.

  But these are predicated on Ingresses working well – we can only wait and watch.  

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