27 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Michaela DePrince – the black ballerina – born in war torn Sierra Leone where she witnessed the most unimaginable atrocities – mistreated in the orphanage where she was placed, on account of her vertiligo skin condition and eventually rescued by her US adoptive parents who encouraged and supported her in her dream to become a ballerina – has suddenly died at the young age of 29. Not accepted as a ballerina in the US she danced with several companies in the Netherlands. I saw her on stage some years ago when she was just getting established performing with The Dutch Don’t Dance Division. She was also active for the War Child charity. No cause of death has been given but one wonders about the effects of her Saturn return after such a bleak start in life.

  2. Now the Pope’s thrown his 2 cents into the election ring. Choose the lesser of two evils?

    Astro insights appreciated. But I have a very bad feeling about his broadcast…

  3. Academic Robin DiAngelo is in the news, facing allegations of plagiarism. “White Fragility” author is accused of plagiarizing passages from Northeastern University’s Thomas Nakayama and Wisconsin-Madison’s Stacey Lee.

    What might be in her chart right now, I wonder?

  4. Marjorie, I was wondering whether you can bear to look at the astrology of Laura Loomer, (21/5/93, Tuscon Arizona) the conspiracy theorist, far right activist, self-declared Islamophobe and plastic surgery aficionado, alleged to have been the ‘brains’ behind Trump’s Haitian pet-eating claims during the debate.

  5. Marjorie,

    The Associated Press (AP) is reporting that Alberto Fujimori, the former controversial President of Peru, has died. He was 86 years old. Fujimori was born in Lima, Peru to Japanese immigrant parents (many people are unaware that Peru is actually hope to the fourth largest Japanese diaspora community here in the Americas) on July 28, 1938 at 1:20 AM (according to Astro Databank). He died on September 11, 2024.

    Public opinion of Alberto Fujimori is definitely divided here in the Americas. Many conservatives I know love and admire Fujimori because of his successful economic policies and his success in combating far-left terrorist organizations (like the Shining Path). However, many liberals and progressives I know cringe when they think of Fujimori because he ran Peru with an iron fist and he’s been accused of engaging in forced sterilizations against impoverished Indígena Peruvians (like the ethnic Aymara and Quechua) in order to control their birth rate (Fujimori believed that high birth rates in Indígena communities was creating economic burdens for Peru).

    Personally, I can’t say that I’m a fan of Alberto Fujimori or his daughter Keiko. The forced sterilizations on Indigenous ethnic Aymaras, Quechuas, etc. doesn’t sit well with me (that’s basically a form of eugenics, in my opinion) and Fujimori did serve time in prison for human rights abuses.

    I was wondering if you had any astrological insights or input to offer on Alberto Fujimori. How does the astrology paint Alberto Fujimori’s overall character?

  6. Following a new episode of Mr Bates v The Post Office recently, named Impact, there was mention of a previous software system “Capture”, which was also flawed and was replaced by Horizon. It would appear that the discrepancies created by Capture also led to prosecutions of innocent sub postmasters, this however has not been publicised and it predates the Horizon scandal, has anybody else heard of this shocking revelation?

    • I haven’t heard of Capture, but my husband was warned that buying a sub-post office would not be a brilliant thing to do as tge government was trying to close these franchises down. And that was in the early 1980s.

      Am I being paranoid, or does it look as though both Horizon and Capture were deliberately made to fail. We have lost a tremendous amount of sub and main post offices over the years.

      • @Linda It would not surprise me if these things have a hidden agenda, perhaps with digitizing everything, reducing the people contact, there may be a master plan to push forward a different way of doing things via apps, on line and so on, but it still it does not excuse the way it has left many suffering the effect of such changes.

  7. A new “once in a lifetime” exhibition of Vincent van Gogh’s work is reviewed in today’s papers, opening at the National Gallery, London, in a few days’ time. So hurrah for the ‘ghost chart’ I say! Vincent, 30 March 1853 has his chart rated AA on the ADB. Going by today’s astro, that seems spot on.

    Today’s tr Moon in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter and squares the Virgo Sun – right on Vincent’s Lunar Return for a sign of a big public fanfare. It squares his Pisces MC. His natal Moon is conjunct Jupiter too, maybe hinting at his own intense inner life and lifelong emotional, mental rollercoaster.
    The coming October Libran Solar eclipse opposes his Aries Sun – some sort of culmination? Next spring’s Aries Solar is conjunct the Sun. September’s Lunar Eclipse in Pisces aligns with Vincent’s natal Mars/Venus conjunction, square Jupiter in Sagittarius, and sits close to his MC at 22 Pisces. His chart is also experiencing tr Pluto square his natal Pluto at 0 Taurus.
    Obviously, I am very over-excited by this example of how a chart floats along through time, carrying energy and meaning as it goes!

    • Oddly, the onset of recent mercury retrogrades for me have led to blockages being removed, but the last week of this one has been atrocious with all things tech going haywire as well as other stuff, so I hope Mercury going forward will put everything back in order. My nerves are shredded!

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