Kamala and Donald debate – mental mush

The Kamala Harris Donald Trump debate is scheduled for 10 September 2024 in Philadelphia at 9pm. That puts a fight-for-control Pluto in the 10th and an argumentative, heated Mars in the communication 3rd; with the Virgo Mercury and Sun in the attention-seeking 5th house. Although the Sun opposition Saturn will put a damper on proceedings – and in line with everything else about this contradictory, star-crossed election has the Sun also square Jupiter opposition a Sagittarius Moon. A Mutable Grand Square will have a tendency to go off like a windmill in a storm, scattering in all directions – nervy, indecisive, not conducive to rational debate. Indeed, now that I look, there is an out of element yod onto Mercury inconjunct Neptune and Pluto, and square Uranus.   Mercury on the point of a yod will tend to make for intellectual and mental disorganization.  I pity the poor moderator.

  The relationship chart between DT and Kamala is horrific with a bitterly hostile composite Venus, Mars, Sun, Pluto opposition Moon. It is being rattled every which ways right through the election with tr Uranus square the Sun through November and square the Mars and Moon late November through December. With a disruptive tr Pluto opposition the Uranus late November to the end of December. It will be an ill-tempered brawl right up to the wire.

  Kamala Harris, 20 October 1964 9.28 pm Oakland, California, has tr Saturn exactly opposition her 4th house Pluto at the debate. She comes from a split parental marriage when she was six and her 4th house Pluto points to a concern about emotional undercurrents especially with a controlling father – so a face to face with DT may activate a few sensitive issues for her.  She will have moved from a muddled tr Neptune square her Mercury/Saturn midpoint in action at the moment though not too visible – except she has done few if any interviews or her speeches would be written for her.

  By the debate she has tr Neptune square her Sun/Saturn midpoint – from September 3rd to mid October – which may make her uncertainty more visible with lack of energy, bringing an undermining feeling. At the same time tr Neptune is also square her Solar Arc Sun for a minor amount of droop. None of these are hugely major but her joyous wave may be sagging slightly. Her Jupiter in Taurus is probably what has kept her afloat and given her the recent boost. But as it comes round to the next exact aspect in late November to late December it also catches her Mars/Saturn midpoint which is accident prone and subject to setbacks.

 Trump, like Harris, has two of his Mercury midpoints being undercut by Neptune right through. At the debate, he’ll be more muddled and nervy than usual. His Solar Arc Neptune will be exactly conjunct his South Node (close to his Moon) – perhaps bringing his mother/women issues into focus.  Nothing too dramatic. Through October he has tr Uranus square his Mars – a rerun of the influence over his shooting, not that it is likely to repeat, but he will be shaken and insecure, likely to be over-reacting as a result.

  Who knows? Even more of a mish mash than most elections.

86 thoughts on “Kamala and Donald debate – mental mush

  1. I live in NC and there are a lots of political billboards, etc. everywhere. Coming home today, a new one and a chuckle. On one side of the billboard is a picture of Harris and on the other is Trump. Under Harris, it says Guts, under Trump it says Nuts.

  2. I live in NYC and although it is assumed by many that NYS is very liberal head when you head far upstate it is actually quite conservative and Trump is favored by many. As for Trump, Harris and Walz’s astrology charts (although Walz’s birth time is unknown) it is obvious that there are quite a few negative factors in Trump’s chart. I am also an empath and have done a number of tarot readings on Trump over the past two years (I am a private profesional reader with some well known clients) and the outcome is always the same. The Justice, Tower and World cards ALWAYS show up in his readings.

    He also physically looks terrible, is becoming mentally unhinged (if I win people will not have to worry about voting again 4 years from now) is a rapist, murderer (1 million people died of Covid because of him which is ironic since he got all the necessary vaccinations) and a failed businesman (he filed for bankruptcy 7 times).

    Its also ironic that the worst thing which may very well turn out to be the best thing for the Democrats to win this election was the Supreme Court and Appels Courts giving the states the right to decide what time frame and factors (if any) girls and women could qualify for an aborion. To say women (and many men) are angry about this -especially if you are poor or cannot afford another child- have been a victim of rape, incest or the mothers life is in danger but doesn’t meet absurd qualifying factors is abominable.

    We will be soon entering the age of Aquarius and change is always a factor. Plus women and young people are angry and we are entering the year of the women. It is going to be a prolonged ugly race but I do believe (and my guides and tarot reading always show) Harris and Walz will win the election as well as keep the Senate.

    • Without belaboring the point, I see a lot more stress aspects in Kamala’s chart on election day than Trump’s. But then again, she might thrive on stress. My other point is although Pluto is in Aquarius on inauguration day, my experience of Pluto (and as told to me personally by the late great Debbie Kempton Smith) is that Pluto whips around at you 1.5º after the conjunction, and that’s when it’s influence can be most felt. So who knows whether the Pluto reverberations coming off 29 degrees Capricorn, a powerful anaretic degree as it pertains to governments and authority, just might carry over to Oº Aquarius. I pray not. I think things may ultimately end up in front of the Supreme Court. But best to have Marjorie weigh in on that when the time comes.

      • Harris’s chart has mislead us a few times. I’m not overly concerned about stress showing. If anything her stress could be Trump not conceding and along with Musk trying to recreate Jan 6th.

    • @Anne: “He also physically looks terrible, is becoming mentally unhinged (if I win people will not have to worry about voting again 4 years from now)”

      He’s looking more “greenish”. I doubt he received all the needed vaccinations…unless it was with bleach, bright lights, and ivermectin.

      But it’ll be a race to the finish line…both candidates will complete the road run. But in what condition?

      Definitely health issues popping up all over…

  3. Marjorie, have you ever heard of the Key of Destiny in a chart? An astrologer on X is talking about it in regard to Trump’s chart.
    Just saw the debate is on for Sept 10 and microphones will be muted.
    In other news, I’ll be a first time grandma, hopefully by the end of today. Anxious to see rising sign and where the planets will fall.

    • Congrats, Maggie! Looking forward to what you learn about your grandchild ‘s chart. Enjoy the experience — and sincere best wishes for the health and happiness for mom and baby.

      • Thank you Nicole, just learned she spent five hours pushing and they are now going for. C-section and should have him out soon. Ghastly long night worrying.

        • @Maggie All the best with baby and it is worth recording the time of birth as some astrologers reckon that the configurations at the moment signify quite special destinies.

          • Thank you Virginia, yes, have a chart made up already for him. Libra rising, 1 degree Leo midheaven with Mercury in 10th, moon is one degree away from her Cancer Moon. There is a Grand Trine, a kite, 4 t-squares, a rectangle, 2 cradles and a castle, have never heard of those last two. Pluto in 3rd 1 degree opposite midheaven. He sounds like he’ll be a whirlwind! Makes me wonder what next year will bring when Pluto is directly on IC.

      • Maggie, is it your daughter or son’s child? How is mom doing? Hope all goes well for her recovery and well-being! And it sounds as if you could do with an extra hug, too, after all the worrying!

      • Just saw your question, it’s my daughter’s child. She lives out of state but we will be visiting in about 10 days. She’s doing great and going home tomorrow.

  4. In regards to the polls. Clinton was 10 points clear of him in 2016, what wasn’t picked up was how many people were voting Trump but weren’t willing to admit it. I think thats the same this time but in the opposite direction. I think you’ve got millions of Republicans voting Harris but they dare not admit what they are planning. So I think Harris will win by a larger % than the polls suggest.

  5. As much as I love the idea of Felon Don in prison, I’d be fine if he flees the country(most likely to the UAE that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S). I’ve long felt Letitia James should have first gone after the much easier low hanging fruit target that is his beloved plane instead of his real estates, which are complex.
    But if he flees, good damn riddance. Despot fugitive!?

  6. Kamala has raised $540 million this month alone in donations. I don’t see this on her chart which makes me question her birth time

  7. Trump is clearly trying to find a way to duck out of the debate. I’m not sure its going to happen. Also I don’t think we can rule out his behaviour becoming more and more erratic the more Harris increases her leads in the polls. The reality for Trump is that unless he wins the election he is going to prison. The thought of this is going to make the final six weeks of the campaign very tough on his already degrading mental state. By the time election day comes he is just going to looks like a raving mad man.

  8. I think Harris’s chart shows significant potential for a major career advancement on Election Day, like Pluto in the 10th house and Jupiter’s favorable aspects. The transits indicate a powerful opportunity for success, maybe pointing to a victory or promotion. In terms of the debate. I don’t think Trump will show up. That’s not to say Trump’s chart isn’t doom ridden, it also suggests potential success tempered by significant challenges, while Kamala’s chart indicates a strong drive for power and potential for a major rise in her career. The transits for both individuals are indicative of a high-stakes time in their professional lives, with strong potentials for either victory or significant shifts in their careers. What sticks out to be most for Trump however is his November 7th chart. Uranus conjunction natal sun in 10th: Uranus conjunct the Sun is often associated with sudden changes, surprises, and the need for freedom. Trump might feel a strong urge to break free from constraints and pursue a new direction in life or career. unexpected changes in Trump’s career or public image, possibly indicating a major shift or breakthrough. It could also signify a sudden rise or a dramatic change in status.

    • Forgot to add, My take is that Trump will lose the election and attempt to flee to Scotland UK. He will take a second rejection extremely badly and want out the country.

      How that plays out with his legal woes though I don’t yet know and it would also put the UK government in a tricky situation.

  9. Well, it didn’t take long. Based on a Truth Social post Trump posted late Sunday evening, he is likely to pull out from ABC debate. The excuse this time is the old “fake news” allegation based on a Tom Cotton interview where Cotton was questioned. This still leaves a door open for a debate on another network, but I doubt he will settle for any option besides Fox, and Harris already has made it clear she won’t accept it.

  10. I’m sorry, but I don’t get all the negative bias towards Donald Trump. Firstly, he’s not trying to start WW3 – that’s a good thing isn’t it? I have just watched a YouTube video from Dr John Campbell where RFK is trying to get all the toxins out of food in the US, the episode is called ‘Food’ – surely that’s a good thing, or am I missing something?

    • Every Republican I know wants an end to the endless cycle of Trump so are voting Harris. I think its underestimated just how many Republicans are doing this. Some won’t even be telling their wives, husbands, kids or parents.

    • Are you aware that he incited an attempted coup on January 6th, 2021, when he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and overturn a free and fair election? That he is making every effort to overturn the US Constitution and by-pass every norm of government, all to benefit himself, to loot the US government and stay out of prison? That he wants to overturn the long-established laws regarding a non-partisan federal service, requiring instead a federal bureaucracy with loyalty only to him? That he’s expressed his intention to become a dictator and abolish future elections? That he’s already taken away the rights of women to make our own healthcare choices and sims to deprive us of even more basic reproductive rights? That he’s already been convicted of 34 felonies as well as defrauding New York state government of millions of dollars to be taxes and declared a rapist in civil proceedings? And faces trial in at least three other cases? And is displaying increasing signs of mental derangement and dementia? That he is beholden to Vladimir Putin and has probably given or sold US secrets to the country’s adversaries?

      These are just a few reasons people are “down” on Trump. Plus he’s a conspiracy theorist just like his widely discredited new supporter Bobby Kennedy, Jr., a promise anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist with enormous baggage of his own — including driving his mentally fragile second wife to suicide.

      Yes, many Americans do support Trump, especially low-information and uninformed voters and the wealthy who want evenore tax cuts for them. But more oppose him because we view him as an existential threat to American democracy and the principles of self-government we hold dear.

      • Hello Nicole. My cousin in Indiana and his wife & family are all behind Drompf. Their reasons are mystical…”he’s god’s chosen one”, “I’m Born-again so would never vote for that woman foreigner”, and the “on-going invasion across the southern border which the Dems helped to trigger” has to stop.

        Cousin is a retired short colonel in the Marine reserve, so I hoped for better smarts than he displays. But he’s prepped with his guns, ammo, and fatigues to do “his part for god and country”. Cousins don;t feel covid was real, so none of them rcvd shots. “It’s all fake news”…except for Fox. Cousin goes on and on abt the “stolen election” and the “sham trials” pushed by the Dems.

        But you aleady know about this stuff, Mrs Pamela Richards. No offense toward you & yours. We all hv our preferences. Mine is generally silence but I speak with my vote. ‘Nuff soapboxing. Marjorie forbids it, esp over the weekend. 😉

        Best of luck to us all.

        • I have met numerous women on my travels this summer that shared their life stories of cheating husbands, only to tell me that they sure hope I vote conservative!, and show me the book they’re reading on what the evil liberals are doing now. Other women shake their heads conspiratorially while letting me know that Trump will end the drugs and human trafficking when he wins the election.
          I was most amazed by the harsh tone I heard while listening in to some African American military personnel that said that they didn’t approve of Megan Thee Stallion at K H rally in Georgia and that they had no idea what KH even stands for!! Then the 28 year old Black Canadian nurse who said she and her large family all support Trump, just like the South Korean woman waxing poetic over low tax, no services Dallas Texas. I met a Libertarian gentleman that told me that guns guns guns and that no one should have anything no one should be provided anything. I made friends with lovely women in Salem Massachusetts and said to myself – I don’t want to know if these women support Trump because they’re the kindest ladies I’ve met in a long time! Thank you

          • @Jody – same with my aunts and nieces. Nicest people on the planet…as long as I vote GOP. In the runup for this election, I’ve discovered just how polarized (passive/aggressive) Americans are. Wasn’t like this back in ’76 or ’80. Plenty of farmer jokes about Jimmy Carter but not this modern blood-letting hatred.

            Worse with family members, kind of like reruns of the Civil War blood feuds.


      • I don’t know who that person was who posted–haven’t seen her before.
        It’s so sad that so few say it: he doesn’t have the intelligence to run anything. His business is family owned and operated. Anyone else would fire him. He had several bankruptcies. Australia wouldn’t let him operate casinos there because of his mob connections–He also had mob connections and NYC was weak on dealing with that kind of corruption. The TV stint has some suspicious elements in terms of the show’s producer and HIS connection to Putin (sorry to bring that into it–but go check.).

        His advantages in life are a fluke (guess all those lucky stars!) Also, this reality is much like the film Idiocracy—this era is the logical result of too much reality TV–worship of the rich and famous rather than the decent and wise.
        He is dangerous because he is dumb but hubristic, he has developed coping behaviors that serve him but are not beneficial to others. It’s fine for a crooked little real estate business. About a million people died because of his ineptitude. Kids were separated from their parents and lost to them forever. It’s not okay. It’s just not.

        That anyone thinks is is a good person to lead a country concerns me. That so many support leaders like this (they are everywhere) is sad because there are real problems that need thoughtful solutions. Wisdom and Intelligence and compassion and loving-kindness are what we need to see more of in humanity.

        I’m sorry–this isn’t an astrological post. But it’s profoundly frustrating to watch so much foolishness when we have an enormous world-wide stock of nuclear weapons, plastic particles in our brains and throughout our bodies, pollutants leaking from barrels in the ocean (that’s off California coast–and we are a strong environmental state). Enormous numbers of people flooded out of their homes (what happened to the Pakistanis –millions who were flooded out? What has happened to the over 50K flooded out in Brazil? They are people just like us!) Fires everywhere. People in the helping professions–who we need more than ever, leaving their jobs — shortages of doctors, nurses and teachers.

        All this and people want a frigging GREEDY clown to run things.


    • @ Mrs. Pamela Richard’s,

      The reason why so many of us despise Donald Trump so much is because he made our lives a living he’ll between 2017 and 2020.

      1. Trump tried to destroy Obamacare in 2017 (he came dangerously close to succeeding).

      2. Trump tried to destroy our relationship with out allies and even betrayed the Kurdish forces (and they had been our allies in West Asia) by giving Erdoğan the greenlight to invade Rojava and Northern Syria.

      3. Trump did much of Vladimir Putin’s bidding, withheld arms and aid to Ukraine (a country he tried to also blackmail for information in the 2020 election), and threatened to leave NATO (also threatened to cut all financial contributions to NATO).

      4. Trump said he would allow the Russian Federation to do quote: “whatever the hell they want” to Ukraine and any other country they decide to torment, terrorize, or invade.

      5. Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris Accord – making the U.S. the only country in the world that wasn’t a member (until Biden rectified that decision).

      6. Trump gave Benjamin Netanyahu the greenlight to do whatever he wants in the Levant. Trump decided to officially recognize the Golan Heights (which is disputed territory) as part of Israel and he’s apparently been asking Bibi and Israeli officials to not accept any kind of hostage exchange or peace deal because he worries that would help Kamala Harris and Democrats.

      7. Trump said he wanted to quote: “be a dictator for a day” and he did try to overturn the results of the day 2020 election and was instrumental in the Jan. 6th insurrection.

      I mean, the list goes on and on. I often assume that all of the horrible things Donald Trump has done is common knowledge to most people in the world. However, I suppose, unless someone is living here in the U.S., they’re not going to be aware of all these Trump horrors.

      • But Chris, there are those in US that even they don’t know or don’t care about his horrors because he told them it’s fake news or outright lies and he is believed.

        And … Why does it feel like Mrs Pamela Richards is in the US!

    • @ Mrs. Pamela Richards,
      Trump is a liar, a thief and has been found liable for sexual abuse.
      He wants to had Ukraine and the rest of Europe over to Putin and he likes to be in league with dictators like Kim from North Korea and Mudaro of Venezuela
      He has cheated on all three of his wives and then tried to pay off an adult film star to keep quiet about their affair.
      He has denigrated women with name- calling and nominated three of the five justices who overturned Roe.
      Trump stole classified documents and we still don’t know what he did with them.

      As for food safety Trump and every other Republicans wants less not more scrutiny of what we eat.

    • If everyone could keep their hair on.
      It has struck me recently how a great many people are uninterested in politics, don’t pore over the media or listen to speeches. So they have a completely different take on the candidates from those who scrutinize every nuance of character and words.
      In the US the unpoliticals are interested solely 1) in the economy in terms of how it affects them financially, 2) are concerned about immigration and 3) don’t want international conflict. Trump/GOP ticks a good many of those boxes. And they write off as false information whatever they don’t want to know about their chosen candidate – or regard a candidate’s personal failings as a price worth paying to get what suits their own needs, as they see them.
      This is not to argue for Trump or to denigrate the uninformed – not everyone is fascinated by public or global affairs. Merely to point out that it is sensible to accept that not everyone thinks the same way.
      In a similar more minor way in the UK, I had rancorous arguments with certain friends over the election of Boris Johnson, whom everyone on the inside track (well-informed) knew was a lying chancer, but no amount of evidence would shift their fervent belief he was the right guy for them.
      This is in no way a prediction, more a plea not to become so obsessed with righteousness, that other viewpoints are dismissed as unhinged or irrelevant – they have been known to win elections.

      • Thank you Marjorie. Stability, having a little bit more, fairness and no conflicts international or domestic are pretty much what most people the world over want. The political noise is simply not relevant to them and in many ways that works. Much of the stuff we get aerated about doesn’t matter, even in the short term let alone the long. Often banal human factors matter more, eg Richi gets fed up with being battered so calls an early election. Trump’s terrified after being shot, so’s likely to back off. Wouldn’t you?

      • Forgive me for chipping in, but the accurate deduction above (thanks Marjorie) of the energies influencing the US election are an example of classic Neptunian illusion. In esoteric evolutionary Astrology, to get off the Wheel of Karma. Neptune is the planet that must be mastered by the individual in order to evolve beyond human existence. To see beyond the veil of Neptune is to become enlightened. In my work as a social worker I have many contacts with residents and it is striking how many people are influenced by social media like TikTok and believing the information they encounter. At the same time they are distrustful of ‘old school’ news networks like the BBC (or here in the Netherlands: the NOS).
        Clearly atm humanity is having a hard time with Neptunian energy. And when you try to point out the facts, you are walking on eggshells and are met with denial and/or aggression. Might be interesting to see what the wake up call -astrologically speaking- will look like. The Saturn Neptune conjunction?

      • But Marjorie–it’s more than internet in “politics”

        I’m a teacher, retired now. I taught kids because knowledge is power and we live in a complicated world. There are 8 billion people on this planet now. I put my feelings in another post that I’m sure you will see.
        There have been other eras in which large populations were bamboozled by charlatans and cult leaders. The thing is that we live in a time with too many dangerous things that can go wrong.
        Yes, most of us that come to your site are more engaged and well-read than many of the others – that’s a problem because the movement has been to educate everyone. The movement in history towards providing the opportunity to be educated so that one could be informed should have helped bring about more democracy. Knowledge is power, but you have to actually use your brain and think critically.

        I think it’s more than just a disinterest in politics. It’s a sort of immaturity and laziness. Seeing reality as it is can be scary–but you can’t deal with problems if you choose to be in denial or choose to live as a child waiting for someone else to care for you. This leaves actual children without “parents” — which is horrible, what kind of future will they have?

  11. I said this at the comments, but I actually think this debate won’t happen. Something unexpected will happen politically, or Trump will fake an illness or incident. Remember the last time around he refused to have a virtual debate after being diagnosed with Covid-19. Trump could have done it, but Biden had been in pretty good shape in the previous debates, and he was scared.

  12. It seems to me that the debate will be inconclusive as most usually are. A standoff would only comfort each side’s supporters and favor the leader in the polls. Trump has to win big again as he did against Biden in June. That does not seem likely.

    Not only is Kamala winning, Trump is clearly self-destructing. It’s all over but the shouting, and there will be a lot more of that.

    Trump will be desperately aggressive. Kamala will stand up to him. None of that will be decisive.

    • @ André,

      All of this is true. And it should be noted that even though Joe Biden did poorly in that debate, Donald Trump still didn’t actually win that debate – Trump lied habitually throughout the night, spouted conspiracy theories, and gave responses that offered no substance.

      In other words, the only luck Trump had was that Biden had a major off night.

      I don’t think Trump will fare any better with Kamala Harris.

  13. Anyone who’s been shot at suffers from shock let alone a 78 year old who thinks he’s invincible. His hearing will have been badly affected, making him feel even more vulnerable. Concentration and fluency will be low. Fear will be high. Maybe Trump, like Biden, will be whisked away after the debate?

  14. Trump being the dominator isn’t a surprise but I doubt it means he has the upper hand. It will probably mean he is going to rant, rave and not shut up. Kamala has great experience of being able to take apart people under pressure. I’m not worried at all. Like others have said. Its impossible to see how Trump wins given so many Republicans are publicly saying they will vote Harris just think how many are going to do it in private..

  15. Thank you for looking at the astrology around the debate Marjorie.
    “A Mutable Grand Square will have a tendency to go off like a windmill in a storm, scattering in all directions – nervy, indecisive, not conducive to rational debate.” Just about sums it up in my book.
    Kamala does speak well as we saw at the convention but as you wrote speeches are written for her , and a debate is another thing entirely. But CR ‘s comment is right DT is struggling with sentences and is definitely no wordsmith. Kamala would do better you would think.
    Thanks again

    • Remember she’s a former prosecutor. I watched her take down (now Justice) Brett Kavanaugh.and former Attorney Generals Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr with great ease under national glare. Yes, a presidential debate is extremely high pressure, but she’s also known for the thoroughness of her preparation. But I can definitely see Trump behaving like a windmill, going off on tangents, increasingly irrational — if he even shows up.

      • Nicole, This is in no way a prediction, more an idle question. If Trump did happen to fall out/over very late in the day what would happen? Presumably the dreadful JD Vance would not step up?

        • @ Marjorie,

          I might be able to answer that question. J.D. Vance is even less popular than Donald Trump (even among Republicans themselves).

          Vance is seen as ticking time bomb by members of his own party because, like Trump, he often says foolish and outlandish things and habitually offends the masses (women in particular).

          In other words, J.D. Vance wouldn’t be able to save the day if Trump did fall out. Vance is simply not a good orator and he’s never been able to offer an effective rebuttal to criticisms or accusations that have been waged against him.

          • @Marjorie and Chris, my guess is JD Vance will “voluntarely” withdraw by October. He was pushed to this position by Peter Thiel and Donald jr and Eric Trump. Peter Thiel, born October 11th 1967, has either a late Capricorn or an early Aquarius Moon that’s hit by Pluto. It explains him making behind the scenes play at the US politics. But seeing how the campaign is going off rails, they will make JD an offer he can’t refuse.

            It’s said Trump’s own and also Rupert Murdoch’s favourite for the pick was Doug Burgum. Incidentally, another Leo Sun, born August 1st 1956. Not the most youthful choice, but could actually help Trump in states like Arizona and even Northern Midwest, so we’ll see.

          • @Solaia, at this late date, any possibility of a substitution may also be determined by legal ballot change issues. It may be too late already in some states without legal action. Because of the time and costs involved in providing ballots courts are often reluctant to intervene.

          • @Nicole Sours Larson, yes, I understand that changing ballot isn’t a serious option. But I smell desperation from DJT I didn’t in 2020. He has always been who he is, but in 2020, he still was completely convinced he could ultimately bully and swindle his way to WH. Not so now

            While in most elections, VP choice has seemed secondary, I think Harris picking Walz was a game changer Republicans and Trump in particular didn’t expect.

            They have hard time coming over this in Rust Belt, and even beyond.

          • Chris, Vance’s patron is Theil and the folk around him want to destroy the dollar and have crypto be the world’s currency. And that’s not even addressing his (Theil’s) hatred of women and fandom of fascism.

            Some of the “politicians” are just puppets for the 1%.

            That’s everywhere-not just the US.

        • Many in the Republican Party must be wishing that somehow Nikki Haley was their candidate in November. But I suppose that would have upset the astrological script.

          • There must be millions of Republicans secretly voting Harris to end the Trump nightmare their party has become. This is why I believe she’ll win bigger than the polls predict

        • @Marjorie, that’s actually an extremely complicated question. While the parties have a process for replacing candidates, placement on the ballot is determined state by state, with 50 distinct processes. I read yesterday that the first ballots are going out by mail in two weeks, particularly mail ballots for the military overseas. It’s a long and costly process to print and distribute ballots and program voting machines — and many states are strapped financially.

          In some states it’s already too late to make a change, as we’ve seen relating to whether RFK Jr. remains on the ballot in the states where he’s qualified. That’s why over the years we’ve seen a number of candidates who’ve died stay on the ballot and actually win — and why the Dems had an early, pre-convention formal vote to get on the Ohio ballot, with an early August deadline.

          There’s no legal process to allow parties to make a last-minute substitution by saying “a vote for X is actually a vote for Y,” the substitute candidate.

          I don’t have a good answer, but I’ll ask my friends who are more knowledgeable about election law. My best guess is that it would make a huge mess that would tie up the courts for a long while — with the hard-right Supreme Court ultimately giving the Republicans what they want. But you can’t count on that, since Amy Coney Barrett seems to have more of a sense of fairness than most of the other Republicans on the court and John Roberts may recall his prior concerns about his and the court’s legacy and place in history.

          I’ll ask friends — but J.D. Vance, who’s unpopular and politically inexperienced, would not automatically ascend to the top spot.

          • To add to the above, it is worth remembering that the people/citizens are not voting for the President/Vice-President per se, but for the electoral slate of people who would represent that state in the Electoral College and who have sworn to vote for a particular person in the Electoral College.

            Each state has different rules about what would happen to faithless electors, Electors who vote for a person other than the ones that they had sworn to vote for in the Electoral College.

            Some states allow electors to switch their votes to their party’s current nominee, some don’t. So it is really a mish-mash of 50 different sets of rules coming into play for a national election.

            Truly can the US say “In God we trust”, because there are very few other people or things that they can trust.

        • Rule 9 of the Republican Party kicks in. Replacements for candidates have different paths depending on when it happens in the cycle. In this case, The Donald has already been chosen at the convention, so the RNC would choose a new candidate by majority vote (3 RNC representatives from each state). They, also, have the option of reconvening the convention; but that would be expensive and time consuming and they aren’t flush for cash.
          I doubt it would be Vance, as his party is disappointed in him right now. Added to which, the Magas are distraught over his Catholic conversion and bat-crazy over his wife.

          • There were other more viable candidates running during the primary yet the majority voted for Trump so I don’t think those voters are going to vote for a substitute especially at this late date.

            Unfortunately, I think that if Trump doesn’t make it to Election Day some of his yahoo supporters will turn to violence out of anger and disappointment.

  16. Sue R.: Well said. That’s what I was thinking. The contrast between a nervously babbling motor-mouth Trump and a focused Harris would be stark and certainly work in her favor.

  17. I agree with @Chris Romero. Trump’s demented outbursts have become more frequent, his invective has become less and less creative, and all of it is now accompanied by that horrible, low-energy, maundering sing-song voice that about 60 percent of the country hates like poison; it’s become so bad that the news media can no longer successfully edit his speech to make him sound coherent or even mildly statesmanlike.

    None of this—“Scorpio on the 7th, ruled by Mars, exalted in the 3rd, so he will out talk Kamala”—makes a bit of difference if the “out-talking” is mindless spew, and Kamala appears rational and in command of the facts in comparison, which she will.

    If it were anyone other than Donald Trump, who has inflicted so much torment on so many people and whose heartlessness and criminal ineptitude contributed to over a million Covid deaths in the U.S. alone (about which he famously said, “It is what it is”), I would pity him.

  18. In the chart above, Trumps is ruled by the Moon’s next applying aspect which is to
    the Sun, matching Trump’s sunny disposition. This is in contrast to Kamala’s ruler
    Saturn, which gives her a pessimistic attitude during the debate.

  19. Kamalas charts confuse me because IMHO we are looking at her winning with ease. Trump has already lost the popular vote twice. I know it’s the college what decides it but I can’t see a route to him winning.

  20. Here is the chart for the debate….https://ibb.co/VJ57Kd6…..use magnifier to enlarge.
    Harris gets the first House, ruled by Venus, weak by cadency in the 6th. She also gets
    the planet that last separates from public Moon which is Saturn, weak in the 12th.
    Trump on the other hand, has Scorpio on the 7th, ruled by Mars, exalted in the
    3rd, so he will out talk Kamala. Trump also has Pluto, r7, angular, in 10th, so he
    will control the debate, elevating his status.
    Sun opposite Saturn gives Kamala inhibition and lack of vitality during debate.
    During the Biden-Trump debate, Biden was also ruled by Saturn, and we know how
    that debate ended.

    • Martha, Trump controlling a debate was plausible in 2016. His troubling set of mental issues hadn’t yet come to the fore at that time, and he had just turned 70.

      I think along with the astrology, we also have to consider where he is at now, at 78 in 2024. An increasing number of his recent utterings have been incoherent word salads. Also, he refuses to stay on script, defying his handlers and allies’ recommendations. He seems determined to do it all his way, yet he very well could be missing out on cues that the music has changed and that his “greatest hits” are now heavily discounted on the clearance shelf.

      Trump also now seems chronically low energy and tired, not entirely out of the ordinary for someone his age, but rather ironically these are the same things he often accused Joe Biden of being. Pray tell, why does Trump remain in the race when Biden is out? The US media drilled Biden for weeks on his age, but so far Trump has gotten off fairly easily. What gives?

      In any case, I think in the debate, he shows up spinning out tons of lies on Harris, accusing her of being a communist and dropping the ball at the US-Mexico border, while promising the stars, the moon, and the world to people if he gets elected. Harris will hold her own, and will probably show up with her game face on, taking the moment very seriously. The momentum is currently in her favor, and I don’t see her being rocked or shaken by anything this man says or does. We will see.

    • @Martha
      Trump overtalks everyone so that wouldn’t be a surprise.

      The problem for Trump is that he isn’t coherent any more and he won’t be debated Biden who was in worse shape during the first presidential debate.

  21. “Indeed, now that I look, there is an out of element yod onto Mercury inconjunct Neptune and Pluto, and square Uranus. Mercury on the point of a yod will tend to make for intellectual and mental disorganization. I pity the poor moderator.”

    There is likely also another yod; Pluto inconjunct Mercury sextile Mars.

    Mars is also square the nodal axis.

    Too much conflicting energy on that chart. I don’t like it.

    • Could Chiron being sextile Jupiter and trine Moon provide at least some cooling effect? Or will it make the wounds unhealable?

  22. The debate will be a cakewalk for Kamala Harris. Donald Trump is struggling to construct basic sentences at this point and his dementia is getting worse.

    • Just want to note that while the debate has a precise date, the “election” is a multi-week affair due to early voting/vote by mail and the likelihood of a long counting process well past November 5. For instance, mail-in ballots will be sent to homes on Sept 21 in many states – so many of us will have voted even before Oct 1. (At one time Oregon offered only mail-in ballots and this may still be true.) Post Nov 5 there are likely to be Trump-led demands for recounts, disqualifications, etc – so another multi-week process most likely. All of this is just to say that it is unclear to me whether looking at anyone’s chart for Nov 5 will deliver the info we all need and want, unfortunately.

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