The absurdly handsome French film star Alain Delon, known as the male Brigitte Bardot has died, with Bardot, his elder by a year and many others, singing his praises. He emerged from unlikely beginnings, abandoned in childhood, kicked out of school, with Mafia gangster friends he kept throughout his life. A gilded star, with a colourful and scandalous romantic life, constantly catching the headlines, he became reclusive in his older years and embroiled in a family dispute. See previous post 5 January 2024.
What intrigues me about these megastars of old is the super-charged Plutos and 8th house planets.
Delon, 8 November 1935 3.25am Sceaux, France, had a prominent 10th house Pluto trine Jupiter in Scorpio, sextile Venus – giving him the ability to turn on devastating and persuasive charm. He also had a wayward Uranus on the cusp of the 8th inconjunct Venus and Jupiter.
Bardot, 28 September 1934 1.15pm Paris, had an 8th house Pluto in a confident square to a 10th house Jupiter opposition Uranus; in a yod sextile Venus inconjunct Saturn. With her Moon Chiron in Gemini in her 6th house of small animals which no doubt prompted her to her later charitable work.
Gerard Depardieu, 27 December 1948 8am Chateauroux, France, who also grew up as a street kid before hitting the movie heights, though his icon status has been tarnished by allegations in the days of #metoo, also has Pluto in his 8th trine a 12th house Venus. His Uranus on his Descendant is on the focal point of a yod inconjunct a Scorpio Moon and Mars in Capricorn.
No great conclusions but Pluto, Uranus and yods are a common theme.