UK – a fight for UK’s identity ahead

UK social unrest in the form of violent rioting is expected to continue as far-right groups show no sign of pulling back after the stabbing and death of three children at Southport. Misleading social media blamed immigrants and Nigel Farage is doing little to calm tempers.

 Tommy Robinson, 27 November 1982, is chief rouble-rouser, a defiant, rebellious Sun Uranus in Sagittarius, with an unpleasant, ruthless Saturn Pluto in Libra square Mars in Capricorn. Mark Collett, 3 October 1980, is another far-right leader with Saturn, Sun and Pluto spread out through Libra, and a volatile Mars Uranus in Scorpio square Venus, sextile Jupiter.

  Two things struck me about the UK chart vis a vis the above. The yod of Uranus sextile Jupiter inconjunct Pluto is being activated this year and next by tr Pluto opposition the Jupiter (often accompanying sporting success as per the Olympics) and tr Pluto trine the Uranus on the other leg of the yod bringing upheavals and disruptions (and a change of government). The unsettled mood will become more so in 2026, maybe even before in 2025, as tr Uranus into Gemini is trine the UK Uranus and by 2026 is in a full blown, table-turning square the UK focal point Pluto.  And that does not take into account the Solar Arc Uranus moving through the UK 8th exactly conjunct the deeply buried Mars now and staying on the same degree till September 2025 which will detonate subterranean forces of anger and aggravation (and a fight for control).

  Tommy Robinson’s Sun Uranus in Sagittarius is square the UK Pluto so he will be keen to upset the status quo.

 Mark Collett, a neo-Nazi sympathizer, has his Saturn in Libra conjunct the UK’s Uranus, which could suggest a dislike of tolerance. But what is intriguing is that his Uranus Mars in Scorpio, and Tommy Robinson’s Jupiter in Scorpio, as well as the original blackshirt, Oswald Moseley, 16 November 1896, with his Scorpio Sun, Uranus, Saturn at almost the same degree – all clash with the UK 11th house Saturn.

  The 11th house represents the legislature and House of Commons, but more significantly the country’s long term hopes, wishes and ideals. The UK’s Solar Arc North Node is exactly square the 11th house UK Saturn now – so in one sense there is an ongoing fight for the country’s soul and identity ahead. Tr Uranus is in a jolting square to the UK Saturn for a final time late this December to mid March and elbowing Robinson and particularly Collett’s charts at the same time. All pointing to mounting concerns about the UK’s future path as a society.

  There are, of course, periodic phases of disruptions so this is nothing new though it feels shocking.

 Looking back to Uranus in Sagittarius squaring the UK Pluto in 1982 when there was also a war-associated Saturn Pluto in place – the Falklands War was running and the Israeli ambassador was shot in London which provoked the 1982 Lebanon War. In terms of local internal UK unrest, Welsh workers bombed a water HQ. The Northern Ireland troubles were wreaking havoc with Hyde Park and Regents Park bombings by the Provisional IRA. On Greenham Common the Women’s Peace Camp was making their presence felt.

 Roll back one to Uranus in early Virgo opposition the UK Pluto from mid 1962 to mid 1963:

There were race riots in the Midlands. In London a crowd assaults the rally of the right-wing Union Movement of Sir Oswald Mosley. 70,000 protesters arrive in London, having marched 50 miles (80 km) from Aldermaston to demonstrate against nuclear weapons. The Bristol Omnibus Company refuse to employ Black or Asian bus crews and a boycott of them lasts for 4 months.

  Unruly and violent or otherwise demonstrations are clearly not a new thing. But it could get bumpy ahead – as well as confusing as the 2025/26 tr Neptune Saturn in Aries oppose the UK Uranus on one leg of the yod.

  All of which suggests a major fate-driven transition onto a new track, not settling until 2026 is out of the way. Yod transitions tend to come from outside events, not willed decisions.

97 thoughts on “UK – a fight for UK’s identity ahead

  1. Jupiter is in Gemini; a double-bodied sign which is associated with duality and splits. The riots seem to be fuelled by those who want to amplify the divisions in society by seeking conflict between ‘opposing’ sides. Jupiter was in Gemini during the race riots in the North in 2001. Because of Gemini’s association with dualism and divisions there are astrologers who associate Gemini with the potential for racial intolerance.

    • I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we have seen a plethora of Gemini leaders rise to power, presiding over an era of great division in the world. Pluto was in Gemini throughout the period of the English Civil War when even families were divided, brother against brother, sons against fathers, neighbours against neighbours.

      • Thanks VF for the Civil War reminder! After the Restoration, Pluto in Gemini had a phase of being trine Uranus in Aquarius. There’s a dramatic trio of years in the UK to consider – The Great Plague, 1665-6, the Great Fire of London, 1666, and then the Bawdy House Riots (!) of 1668.

        The year of the Great Plague had Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius several times, trining – not exactly – Pluto in Gemini. For the Great Fire, Jupiter was in Pisces, approaching a square with Pluto in Gemini. The Bawdy House Riots blew up under a non exact fixed t-square of Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio, and Jupiter in Taurus. Those focused on the 1066 Mars in Aquarius, while Pluto opposed 1066 Uranus in Sagittarius, and squared the 29 Pisces Moon.
        As I’ve noted elsewhere on here, I think those later mutable degrees are sensitive in our history and do crop up in several older UK charts. The Uranus square Moon in mutable signs could be creative, religious, unsettled, and a bit unhinged!
        The collection of plague, violent destruction, and riots also occurs in the Great 1914-8 War, followed by the global flu pandemic, and then months of race riots in the UK in 1919. In 1914 Pluto was in late Gemini, moving on into Cancer in May. It had been opposing the 1066 Uranus. There was a Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Aquarius, close to that 1066 Mars. Saturn was in Gemini, moving towards its ominous conjunction with Pluto in Cancer later in the year.

        Since we have recently emerged from our own ‘plague’, although a far less devastating one than past events, I notice people are on quite a short fuse just in everyday life. Riots and demonstrations are one way to channel that energy perhaps? And with zeitgeist Neptune conjunct the 1066 Moon and square that Uranus, the delusions of social media may find fertile ground.

        • Thank you, Jane. I love the idea of the Bawdy House riots which I sadly didn’t know about, but then I have Mars in Scorpio too!

          Wasn’t the plague of the 1660s seen at the time as being caused by bad or impure air, and therefore the use of smoke and heat was thought to combat it? Though in reality it was the Yersinia pestis bacterium, transmitted by flea bites and enabled by poor sanitation and cheek by jowl living. I think it’s interesting that planets in Aquarius seem to correlate with times of plague. Throughout 1345 for instance no less than Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter were in the sign. The Air element can fan the flames so to speak, and as we have seen in recent days, rumours, misinformation, hearsay and fake news from unreliable source can spread ideas and ideologies like a virus, leading to devastating social consequences.

          I most certainly have felt the tension in the atmosphere that you talk about. I also sense the increasing loneliness in the aftermath of Covid of many people. There has been a deterioration in the treatment of retail workers, emergency workers and others who serve the community for example. Daylight looting has been reported.

          Thucydides wrote in his ‘History of the Peloponesian Wars’ about the Plague of Athens and how society broke down in its aftermath. We know if we look back at the patterns of human behaviour in times of pandemics that acts of xenophobia increase. For example the Athenian plague was blamed on Ethiopia and there were an increase in attacks on foreigners as well as conspiracy theories of foreigners poisoning wells, just as Jews were blamed during the Black Death and Jewish enclaves attacked and burned.

          ‘Man, the master ingenious past all measure, past all dreams
          The skills within his grasp, he forges on, now to greatness, now to destruction’ – Sophocles, Ode to Man, Antigone.

          • Yes, is Aquarius ‘for all mankind’…..or does the water-bearer, moving amongst the crowds at the baths, spread more than humanitarian utopian ideals? I often wonder about Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and what role this might still play. Pluto would then still be in Saturn’s world, just above ground instead of earthbound.

            Re post War and post pandemic Europe and the US, it was a very troubled time. 1919 has Uranus moving between Aquarius and Pisces, both signs could be quite ‘universal’ with Aquarian humanity, Pisces containing the world’s unconscious? Pluto just getting rooted in Cancer by then. There were many violent race riots in the USA (Red Summer), and wars and unrest in Finland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Egypt, Greece and Turkey. Plus the turmoil and revolution in Russia of course.

            As for today – yes, a friend who runs a small independent clothes shop has had a terrible time with several episodes of daylight shoplifting of the most brazen kind imaginable. Just sweeping handbags off the shelves into a sack, and taking things from the rails before walking out. She’s usually there on her own, it is quite frightening. Police not interested either.

            We, human beings, haven’t changed much since the Plague of Athens it seems!

          • The Plague of Athens began in 430BC. Uranus in Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, Pluto moving between late Capricorn and entering Aquarius, Neptune 0 Aries on 1st January that year…..hmmn!

          • Thanks Jane – that’s astrology for you!

            The counter protests last night have warmed my heart. Good to see that the majority of us are decent human beings.

          • Yes, I’m relieved too. The atmosphere yesterday afternoon here where I am in London was so tense. Shops boarding up, everyone nervous. Perhaps a retrograde Mercury in Virgo, Moon and Venus in Virgo was a helpful influence.

          • Yes, as the Moon entered Virgo and opposed Saturn in Pisces, everything dampened down. I noticed that the riots occurred alongside the Moon in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius and continued throughout the Moon’s journey in the sign.

  2. Looking at the various astrological charts for riots and other disturbances in Britain is the frequency that the UK 1801 Uranus at 1 Libra is triggered. Saturn/Jupiter transited over that degree at the time of the Brixton riots in 1981 and transiting Uranus squared it a couple of months before the 1990 Poll Tax riots.

    The UK Uranus is particularly marked in the charts leading up to the Troubles in Ulster when transiting Saturn in Aries opposed it in March 1967 when the Derry Housing Committee started holding protests at the lack of Housing in the city for Catholics. Transiting Uranus then conjoined the UK Uranus on 15 August 1968 at the time of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights protest was at its height and was exact when the Nationalist parties withdrew from their position as the official opposition party in Stormont. Uranus conjoined Mars at 2 Libra in November 1968 and the south node conjoined both transiting Uranus and the UK 1801 Uranus in early 1969.

    What rather worries me is that the upcoming charts are going to be triggering the UK Uranus a 1 Libra again. The south node will beat at 1 Libra in early January 2025 just at the moment Pluto/Mars at 1 Aquarius/1 Leo occurs. Neptune will be opposing that degree exactly on 27 April 2025 which is the same date as the Pluto/Mars opposition at 3 Aquarius/3 Leo. Saturn will oppose the UK Uranus in mid June 2025 and Mars is at 1 Libra in August 2025. The Uranus/Mars opposition at 0 Gemini/0 Sagittarius in Novemeber 2025 will also be making a trine to the UK Uranus and sextile to transiting Neptune. The Saturn/Neptune influences repeat into 2026 and Mars will oppose the UK Uranus in April of that year.

    Interestingly Uranus is highlighted in the UK and Northern Ireland 12 April 1927 chart as well since it sits at 0 Aries.

    I am hesitant to attempt an interpretation of these transits. A a lot of the upcoming activity would seem the 4th, 6th, 10th and 12th houses are emphasised in the UK charts. The houses indicate issues with the home/foundation of the country (4th) which will impact on the daily working life of the population (6th) government(10th) and and involves places of confinement and possibly hidden enemies. Hazarding a guess I would imagine that the transits of Mars in the 10th house in opposition to Pluto with Saturn conjuct Neptune in the 6th is that the authorities will try to use force and to impose restrictions to control any unrest/opposition but that it will probably not succeed until they actually try to address the causes of the discontent. Equally the 6th/12th axis also covers the health of the population and hospitals etc so there be issues involving these as well. The issue of homes and housing on a practical level is at the root of a lot of issues in the UK at the moment just as it was in Northern Ireland in 1968 so it could also be involved as could issues with organised Labour given Neptune is in the 6th.

    I note that Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, who is in charge of public order was born on 20 March 1969 and has Uranus retrograde at 2 degrees Libra conjunct Jupiter at 1 Libra opposition Chiron at 2 Aries in her natal chart. Her Sun is either at 29 Pisces or 0 Aries depending on time of birth, conjunct the North Node at 0 Aries. Her Moon/Saturn and Venus are also in Aries. Her chart is starting to look fated and I would certainly not want her job

    • Brilliant Hugh.
      How about the Mars retrograde for months in Cancer. ?
      Home, family and the people. Not forgetting women, girls.

  3. This very much reminds me of the anti-mandate protests in Ottawa.

    Despite being a broad coalition of average Joe and Josephines with valid and broadly held concerns, they were smeared as far-right and falsely accused of being funded by Russian and American extremists.

    How might these two events compare astrology wise, I wonder?

  4. When exactly is it that the “myth”, to put it that way, of “purity” was brought into human society and its norms: it’s as if so many different cultures have had this idea that to e.g. marry someone from outside your “race”, who doesn’t look like you, has different skin pigmentation or shape of the eyes, was seen as something akin to treason and “soiling” of the bloodline or something like that? How did this develop as a phenomenon, how is it that it is still very much alive after thousands of years, and is it here to stay?

    • I come from a huge family. I have DNA cousins from various past relatives marrying different ethnicities. Cousin from Asian, Black and Jewish backgrounds. One great Uncle gave up his white relatives, to move in with his black wife in an American town. I am mixed European DNA. Yet I have to state, one of the aforementioned ethnicities have all blanked me, every time I have attempted to make contact. It does appear ethnicity matters to some.

    • It’s not entirely about ethnicity. Different cultural values can be problematic if they clash with the mainstream. How can a society which has fought to liberate itself from past restrictions, and which embraces gay marriage and gender equality co-exist with groups who live by different rules and who refuse to compromise?

  5. Taking the long view can be helpful when we’re in the middle of chaos and uncertainty. The years between 1818 and 1820 were filled with civil unrest, the terrible Peterloo Massacre, and rioting in the UK. The period saw, for example, a Saturn in Pisces square Uranus in Sagittarius, and Pluto in Pisces square Neptune in Sagittarius. These resonate with older charts for the UK – Edgar, 973 has Jupiter 23 Virgo square Saturn 27 Gemini. 1066 has a 29 Pisces Moon. 1707 has a 28 Virgo Moon. Neptune has been passing over these points in recent years, as tensions have built up. Although I’d argue many underlying factors date back much further. The eclipses in Pisces and Virgo this autumn and next spring may also be relevant.

    Here’s what poet Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote in 1819 about the state of the nation:

    England in 1819
    By Percy Bysshe Shelley

    An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying King;
    Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
    Through public scorn,—mud from a muddy spring;
    Rulers who neither see nor feel nor know,
    But leechlike to their fainting country cling
    Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow.
    A people starved and stabbed in th’ untilled field;
    An army, whom liberticide and prey
    Makes as a two-edged sword to all who wield;
    Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay;
    Religion Christless, Godless—a book sealed;
    A senate, Time’s worst statute, unrepealed—
    Are graves from which a glorious Phantom may
    Burst, to illumine our tempestuous day.

  6. To be remembered – there is a tendency to become engulfed by events and imagine this is the worst that has ever happened. There may be different pressures at the moment but there have always been sporadic outbreaks of unrest for all manner of reasons. The modern media sensationalising and catastrophising everything does not help.

    • Absolutely Marjorie.

      The 1980s riots and the 1990 Poll Tax riots were a lot bigger and more violent than what we have seen so far and the violence in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 1980s was much, much worse. My fear is that Starmer for various reasons will overreact making things worse just as Ted Heath did in Ulster. I was looking at coverage of the the mass arrests being made in Whitehall at the demonstration last week and most seemed ludicrous as some of those carted off looked to be mere bystanders including a GB News presenter and a woman wearing sandals

    • ‘On 2 June 1780 a huge crowd, estimated at 40,000 to 60,000 strong, assembled and marched on the Houses of Parliament. Many carried flags and banners proclaiming “No Popery”, and most wore blue cockades which had become the symbol of their movement. As they marched, their numbers swelled. They attempted to force their way into the House of Commons, but without success. Gordon, petition in hand, and wearing in his hat the blue cockade of the Protestant Association, entered the Commons and presented the petition. Outside, the situation quickly got out of hand and a riot erupted. Members of the House of Lords were attacked as they arrived, and a number of carriages were vandalised and destroyed’. (From Wiki on the Gordon Riots)

      The Gordon Riots of June 1780 were anti-Catholic and largely motivated by the Papist Act of 1778, an act of Parliament which sought to reduce discrimination against Catholics. Lord George Gordon was head of the Calvanist leaning Protestant Association and argued that enabling Catholics to join organisations such as the British Army meant there would be more likelihood of treason against the country and British interests. During the riots, Catholic buildings were set alight, chapels burned. The mob was vast. On the walls of Newgate Prison stated that orisoners had been set free by ‘His Majesty, King Mob’. The riot became the most devastating in the history of London thus far. Historically, the uprising can be seeen to have prefigured those of the French Revolution. Those who rioted tended to be among the poor, the disenfranchised. The riots damaged Britain’s reputation abroad because it highlighted Britain’s lack of a Police force as well as what was seen as ineffectual monarchy. Plus, this cane at a time when Britain needed allies in the midst of the American War of Independence and had repercussions with Britains talks with Catholic Austria and Spain.

      On June 2nd 1780, Pluto was at 5 Aquarius, Neptune at 0 Libra, there was a Mars/Uranus conjunction at 25/23 Gemini that day and a Sun/Moon conjunction too. As the riots progressed, the Sun drew closer to that Mars/Uranus.

      It’s good to remind ourselves that worse times have happened and on a much larger scale. But the above piece of history shows that Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini may well not be the enlightened era that we hope and pray for.

      • I love that so many of you commenting here have such a strong sense and deep knowledge of history. I always learn something when I come to this site.

        Thank you all so much! And thank you, Marjorie, for hosting this and sharing your knowledge and insight.

  7. I’m wondering – have done for a while since Brexit – if people who are very stressed about immigration tend to be those who don’t actually live with it but fear it, based on perceptions of media reports? I remember TV interviews of people in the North of England in smaller cities and rural areas being very worried about becoming engulfed by migrants but admitting they didn’t personally have any experience of it.

    A fear of some threat coming can be so powerful…

    I live in quite a rugged and poor bit of east London which is extremely diverse – many different cultures and ethnicities and many social problems. There are certainly a lot of daily challenges but they affect the whole community because that is what we are – a community. People adapt, pull together, form bonds, have arguments, eat together and play together.

    When I read such frightened comments as above or watch panicky media reports I look around me and wonder. The streets are, as always, colourful and busy. The cafes are full. We have Algerian, Moroccan, Thai,Afro-Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi,Polish, Ukrainian, Chinese and Albanian businesses up and down the main road. Everybody, of every colour and culture is using them and interracting with each other in a normal way – sometimes friendly, sometimes fractious.

    I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am sad that some people see this lovely way of life and rich community as threatening.

    • I wonder if it’s all down to resources?

      If a community has jobs and clubs and activities is it more coherent? Do the problems come when people can’t get a job,their local shopping centre is all closed down, they cab’t get their children into the local school or get housing or a GP appointment?

  8. I think an important thing to remeber about recent UK governments is that for all their socially liberal platitudes they are economically right wing. This means in some ways they will sooner or later clash with some the poorer elements of society who may be more conservative on social values but more left wing on issues such as the distribution of wealth. This is particularly relevant now as the modern Labour party is in no meaningful way a socialist organisation as Rachel Reeves has already demonstrated

    Perhaps the defining moment for the native British working class since the Second World War was the ‘Battle of Orgreave’ on 18th June 1984 during the Miners strike against impending mass redundancies, an event which has largely been forgotten even though the 40th anniversary was this year.

    It was decribed by Journalist Alastair Stewart has characterised it as “a defining and ghastly moment” that “changed, forever, the conduct of industrial relations and how this country functions as an economy and as a democracy”.

    Historian Tristram Hunt defined it as “at various stages a siege, a battle, a chase, a rout and, finally, a brutal example of legalised state violence”

    The chart makes interesting reading in view of the way Britain is going at the moment. Pluto had entered Scorpio in November 1993 but had turned retograde at the second degree of that sign and was at 29 Libra by 18 June 1984. The Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (the state and the wealthy) at 27/28 Gemini opposed a retrograde Neptune at 0 Capricorn (the workers). Mercury (the press) was in Gemini working up public opinion in favour of the regime ( the BBC actually edited film of the events out of chronological order to make it appear the striking miners had initiated the violence). The two tradional malefics Saturn and Mars were conjunct at 10/11 Scorpio directly opposite the UK 1801 Mars at 11 Taurus. The Moon at 24 Aquarius in the Orgreave chart also opposed the UK Saturn at 23 Leo. Significantly the North Node at 5 Gemini was closing on a conjuction with Chiron at 4 degrees Gemini marking the creation of a fated wound that has never healed. Uranus in the chart was retrograde at 10 Sagittarius about to conjunct Antares (the heart of the Scorpion). This fixed star is associated with victory in battle but also incitement to riot, lawlessness, imprisonment and poverty. The SA Pluto of the Orgreave chart is currently at 7 Pluto and will be moving within one degree of conjunction to the natal Uranus in 2026. The SA Sun/Venus is now at 6/7 Leo and will feel the influence of the Pluto Mars opposition in April 2025.

    It is worth noting that Starmer’s Sun/Pluto at 9 Virgo squares that Orgreave Uranus. I suspect that he is not particularly in tune with what used to be traditional Labour voters regardless of his supposedly humble backround. Similar may apply to Rachel Reeves whose Saturn sits opposite the Orgreave Uranus

    • Oops that should read Pluto had entered Scorpio in November 1993

      Similarly Rachel Reeves Saturn in Virgo is square the Orgreave Uranus and conjunct Starmers Sun/Pluto

    • i remember orgreave so well it is still so upsetting. i had a friend from uni who was a policewoman then. people forget that as vast platoons of cops were sent out to injure (kill if need be) 123 people, local stations were being “manned” by woman. locally violent areas too. a disgusting stain on the nation was orgreave. i can see it repeating.

    • FWIW BBC did a decent article on Battle of Orgreave at the anniversary interviewing both miners and police


      Your point about Britain being economically right wing and socially left while the poorer are the opposite is an excellent summary of the problems the country has.

  9. Are the accounts of the community coming together the morning after the disturbances in Southport to support the Muslim population another face of Pluto in Aquarius? I’d like to think so but is this a too overly optimistic interpretation of that?

  10. Along with Marjorie’s ,I always highly rate Hugh Fowlers insightful comments,
    He never stoops to political sniping . A measured and knowledgeable astrological
    analysis ; so thank you Hugh !

  11. I’m sorry but how is this Starmers fault, he is been in the job for 3 weeks after 14 years of incompetence from the Tories who has cut every service to the bone whilst lining the pockets of their buddies. We now have have a fascist in parliament giving credence to the thuggery that we are seeing. How can we allow this to happen? exactly how we got a Brexit that was championed by the Tories again while feathering their own nests. We cannot allow HATE to win. I actually come to this site to hear Marjorie’s take on astrology, but some of the comments are very politicised, maybe no more politics until after the America election would be in order, everybody just seems so angry.

    • Thank you Julie! It is also the case that this country and others are full of misinformation, and deliberate lies which are encouraged by owners of the media. We do not know the extent of how bots are being used to destabilise society and governments. The fast organisation of far right violence also suggests that there’s money and other resources being made available to cause massive civil unrest. A lot of this money and support is from overseas authoritarian governments and organisations pushing for a new more authoritarian world order.
      It’s not just about bad actors. It’s about bad actors with wealthy sponsors and media outlets, for example someone who is a leader of a political party, a sitting MP and a GB
      host has inordinate influence.

    • Calm down. I am inclined to agree over opinions and indeed was about to do a Kamala astro- do over – with an explicit ban on opinions, hopes and fears. But getting all riled up about the Tories is just as politicised as the opposite.
      Non-astrological facts are fine since the astrology can be amplified by having a context.
      Hugh’s point was I think well put and worth pondering. “There are plenty of bad actors out there waiting to stir up trouble but it would also be fair to say that they would not be getting any purchase if there were not also real issues that the governments of all hues have been trying to brush under the carpet for too long.”

      • Thanks Marjorie. I could not get through reading all the comments in this thread. I am really sorry this is happening in the UK. Guess both the US and the UK are feeling fraught. I will do better at not posting opinions. Aquarius – Uranus Ruled – is not always a very kind energy. No feeling to it. I have a lot in my chart. Choosing an ideology over humanity. I think you are right things have been brewing under the surface for a long time that are erupting now. Would be worth looking at. I know in the USA that economic decisions made in year 2001 are bearing fruit now – and not all good. I am looking at a Series on Netflix about the rise of Hitler (narrated by words from William Shrier – not his voice – but what he wrote about all of it). Some cross overs in some of the thuggery? Pluto? Whole groups being alienated? But the statement in the series that if the Economic collapse of the Great Depression in the USA had not happened, taking German Banks with it, that Hitler would have never risen the way he did. So long cycles analysis may be the remedy in understanding what we are seeing?

        • I definitely see parallels between the unrest in the UK and the US, with lots of bad actors, both home-grown and foreign-instigated, stirring the pot to rile people up and cause violence.

          I know we’ll get through this because we always have, but worry about the shape of our countries after we survive the likely violence and inevitable change.

          Is there any indication in the astrology that either of our countries will actually tackle the root causes of the unrest, such as the economic inequality and lack of opportunity?
          There seems, in both countries, only limited political will to take on the truly hard problems at this point. Are there astrological markers to look for?

          And I too will restrain myself in sharing opinions!

    • Yes Julie I agree! So much anger and blame gaming in these responses.
      MI6 are pretty certain that Russian actors have been stirring up the far right thugs to cause these violent ‘protests’ around the country with more expected this weekend.
      Feels v Oswald Moseley.
      The misinformation about the boy involved in the Southport attack being an asylum seeker, who arrived in a small boat and false naming him, have been traced to a middle aged woman, a company director. She claims she found the information on an ‘anti lockdown site’. The 17 year old was born in Wales..
      So much misinformation on social media and Farage adding fuel to the fire claiming we ‘haven’t been told the full truth’ when the police giving out details would prejudice a future trial..
      NF will surely be a toxic presence in Parliament? Reform are a private company so I am puzzled how they can be allowed to be a party in the House.
      There was a brilliant cartoon by Ella Baron in The Times on Thursday about NF’s response to the Southport attack. NF with his division sower, flame fan frenzy whip etc. I wish I knew how to attach the link. Maybe Marjorie can?
      Marjorie I think some months ago you predicted that Keir Starmer would have a torrid time as PM. Perhaps this civil unrest is part of it on top of public services including policing having been cut to the bone by the previous government?

      • Well Pluto is certainly exacerbating the heavy paternalistic mood in Capricorn and its opposite sign in Cancer with the entrenched view of “home” stirring deep feelings of protecting the homeland, etc, I wonder if the mood will shift when Pluto enters Aquarius and eventually the cool, detached feel but also at times cruel and cold, maybe detachment will bring some cold reality on how to fix some of the problems and its opposite in Leo to bring energy and determination to solve the same problems. Just musing, but it is a mess.

      • NF is a nihilistic man who
        who thrives on the chaos,
        he slyly throws.

        He will become a political
        pariah eventually, as
        ordinary voters move away
        from his odious stance.

  12. Marjorie Nigel Farage is doing little to calm tempers?? I think you mean Keir Starmer who is clueless and not fit to be PM,citing ‘far right’ people as criminals Who are they ? People worried that this country is losing its identitiy and being invaded when we do not have enough resources ? People who are worried that people who have been shown nothing but kindness appear to hate us and want to kill us.No I do not support violence but this pot has been simmering for a long time and is now boiling over. I hope Starmer and Cooper enjoy sorting it out as all they have done is criticise others who tried to. Yvette Cooper is a watery Piscean and Starmer an ineffectual Virgo .enjoy !

    • These reactions (people on the street) are all based on fear. Mostly unfounded fear based on ignorance of the true facts. That fear is being leveraged by extremist groups (on the right in the UK/US and on the left in France and Germany) seeking to undermine society for their own disparate ends. Precisely how Brexit was achieved, in fact. They got what they wanted but because what they wanted was all different things really nothing was achieved. So the cycle begins again.
      Random knife attacks really only highlight the lack of resources for mental healthcare. And the fact that so many youths carry knives is a reflection of that generalised fear of other people that has become the norm.
      The tragedy has little or nothing to do with immigration but rather the systematic defunding of public services. It is understandable that the police don’t act effectively as they too have been let down by successive governments cutting resources.
      There is a fundamental shift taking place as highlighted by the astrology. The difficulty is that the present structures are geared to maintaining the status quo and are not conducive to change. While the violence is simply a distraction aimed at further undermining British humanitarian values.

    • Jessica, as an ineffectual sun, Mars, Venus in Virgo, I’d like to point out my ineffectiveness in life has included being a professional musical director and performer, teacher, examiner, mother and wife approaching my ruby wedding anniversary. My cancer ascendant and moon obviously hasn’t helped. Please be less judgemental. It takes all sorts.

  13. I see this as the first signs of Pluto moving into Aquarius.

    Pluto moving into the sign of the collective, of groups will mean that there will be a realignment of who/what constitutes groups. And groups (as opposed to states/governments) will gain power.

    Of course, a crucial part of groups is (a) control over who is “in” and who is “out” of the group and (b) an “us vs them” mentality. The latter can lead to violence.

    I expect such violence to spill over to the US in the post election period as well, whoever wins the next election.

    The US has closely followed the UK in recent trends, such as in electing Trump months after the Brexit referendum.

    • This is the part of Pluto into Aquarius which is of concern to me… war and destruction within and between groups, mostly based on ideas (air element) of what society should be like. It seems to me that we have had a preview of this when Saturn in Aquarius was square Uranus in Taurus (2021 – 2022).

    • Aquarius is a bit odd in that it likes to be part of a group but does not necessarily want to be absolutely beholden to it. The groups may also be based around ideas or an ideology rather than just constructs such as simple ethnicity (obsession with race, blood and soil is very much part of the Saturn/Jupiter earth mutation that prevailed in the 19th and 20th centuries)

      • “obsession with race, blood and soil” sounds Cancerian (home, hearth and family lines) and the early 20th century was also when Pluto was in Cancer.

        I agree that Aquarius is about different groups, ones that one can join (but not easily leave?), such as gangs, mafia, etc, in addition to groups such as trade unions, political parties, etc.

        • Cancer is about your innate group (i.e. race, bloodline etc).

          Aquarius is about groups who you have stuff in common cause with. So it could be a knitting group, the school PTA etc. Being detached Aqua, I reckon it may be easy enough to leave them when the underlying cause is gone. But, of course, people have other elements in their chart which may cause them to remain loyal.

  14. The varied and most recent UK riots/unrest have been managed in very different ways.

    Might this somehow be connected to the upcoming Uranus Gemini trine that you mentioned with seemingly parallel approaches to policing.

    The riots over those Roma children being put in care and later the trio who attacked the cops at the airport (her broken nose looked horrifying), as compared to recent outrage over the killings of those little girls.

    A squad of police running away, unwilling or unable to engage with the melee are starkly contrasted to the troop suited up in riot gear and arresting random seniors on the sidewalks of London the other night. Each week the hamas supporters seem to have the run of the streets with precious little intervention. Even the recent London Bangladeshi riots, seemed to be handled with kid gloves.

    Complaints of two tiered policing don’t seem that outlandish or necessarily right wing.

    It would be very concerning indeed, if people aren’t up in arms over the massacre of little girls and attempted murder of the women trying to protect them.

    A man had turned up at a vigil with a knife to slaughter more people and was promptly arrested. News got out, which then sparked the riots in Southport.

    • A lot of people feel the way you do and not because they are watching too much television, tuning in to social media or reading the news, but they can see the changes in society in their home towns. Dismissing people’s opinions like this is being insensitive, although I do agree that getting out in nature can help. Being an astrologer often requires that we have planets in Aquarius and or Gemini, important to remember this when dealing with others.

  15. Thanks Marjorie.
    There is certainly change in the air with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus all changing signs and the next year or so. The UK with its fixed Conservative chart will have an anxious time dealing with change.
    This looks like a generational change. The new government has an opportunity to lead this but as with Boris in 2020 the problem will be events.

    • Marjorie’s recent (within the last week) article on Fixed signs touches on this and mentions the UK and Israel as two countries with particularly fixed charts. The EU is another entity with a fixed chart, and I presume that all three of them will be hit dramatically by this simultaneous change of signs in the outer planets.

  16. The Tories used to deploy the Royal Family during national tragedies.

    Queen Elizabeth visited Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital to meet injured survivors after the Manchester Arena bombings. Princess Catherine went to the Sarah Everard vigil, when feelings were running high. Queen Elizabeth and Prince William went to see the Grenfell victims.

    Grenfell was quite tense, Prince William had to calm down angry crowds. But it worked and the victims were touched that the monarch came in person to see them.

    For some unknown reason, the royals were not sent to Southport. Is Starmer a republican? Is this sun-pluto stubborness? Instead Starmer went himself for a photo-op laying flowers – but did not see the victims. That seems to have sparked anger in Southport. It seems to have snowballed from there with all sorts of people jumping on the bandwagon.

    The whole thing has been badly handled, and it’s down to Starmer.

    • Funnily enough I was saying to hubby yesterday that if Princess Catherine wasn’t having treatment she’d have been there.

      • And is there any evidence of her doing that kind of thing? I would have thought William as he did deal with Grenfell. Also, perhaps the timing isn’t right, just now.

    • @Candy But who can they send? Starmer is a bit tone deaf as witnessed by the ludicrous VAT raid on private school fees, the only country in the world which charges VAT on education.

      • They should have sent Prince William on Day 1 (Monday).

        The Royal Family are a permanent part of the state. They’re there to provide reassurance and continuity. It’s a narrow job, but they’re good at it. In particular they depoliticise tragedies like this.

        I don’t understand why Starmer can’t see the value of that.

    • Candy, I feel Starmer likes the limelight and does not want (as a Labour person) to have any Royals doing their non-political thing and over-shadowing him – as shown by his blanking any visit to the poor victims either, which would have been a priority for the Royals.
      Have felt concerned about the conjunction becoming exact middle of August of Jupiter/Mars conjunct in Gemini (revolt by the people) squared by Saturn in Pisces (karma?) as well as tr Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol.

      • Angela
        I can’t think of a PM who enjoys the ‘limelight’ as you call it less than KS! He’s only just starting to be more comfortable with it. He seems more interested in trying to fix things.
        As a matter of fact, he did visit the hospital where the injured children were being cared for and also to thank the emergency services.
        What makes you think the royals were prevented from visiting Southport?
        I’m sure there would be dialogue between the palace and No 10 and it was maybe decided that a member of the Royal family would visit once tensions had eased a little?
        As PM it seems more appropriate that the leader of the country should be the first to visit and address the nation at a time of crisis?
        Remember the criticism Theresa May received for being so slow to visit Grenfell?
        In that case the Queen was the first to offer her condolences in person, filling a vacuum.

  17. I recall that Mars Uranus in the 8th house of the Labour term chart. Obviously financial implications, but we have seen several sudden outbreaks of violence. The Moon crossed over this point on Tuesday, Venus is currently square with the Sun to follow. Could be a persistent issue with outbreaks whenever something activates it.

    My comment more generally is that the bottom end of jobs and housing is a real issue, which is not helping. After an unavoidable lengthy period to care for a sibling, I’m facing a return to work at a wage less than my first office job over 20 years ago. It’s a worry for many people.

    • Starmer’s Mars in Cancer (domestic discord) is conjunct the term chart’s MC. He’s not popular with the public which doesn’t help matters, and in terms of number of votes Labour received less than in 2019.

  18. Thanks Marjorie. A very uneasy, angry atmosphere prevails. It seems to have worsened since the Covid pandemic.
    Worth considering the significant, violent Race Riots in the UK in 1919 – these began in January, spread around the whole country, and ended in August. They were sparked off by people, post the terrible First WW, thinking Britain’s black and minority ethnic population were ‘stealing’ their jobs. This era had also seen a deadly flu pandemic. There’d been huge losses of young men both in the War, and in the Flu pandemic. It was a pretty grim time, to say the least.

    Uranus enters Pisces in April 1919, moving towards UK Pluto but not quite exact that year. Before that it opposed tr Saturn in Leo. It was a Saturn return for the UK chart that year. Saturn then entered Virgo, preparing to oppose the UK Pluto in August-September. 1066 also has Pluto in early Pisces, possibly this increases the effects of any transits to it?

  19. This is a terrible thing! I can’t help but think back about the young British man who lives up by Manchester that told me London isn’t the true England anymore because of the immigrants, which he said are all of low intelligence. He said that he’s visited Russia and that he speaks Russian. Now, I believe he was shown staged areas in Russia to make it appear better than it is to deceive him into being an Englishman that is now pro Putin and pro-Russia, because he said Russia doesn’t look anything like the West describes it and that it’s actually in complete order with no problems. This 30 something year old man seems to me to have a lot of self-loathing because he projects everything negative onto immigrants and people of Color while decrying his long lost England, AKA White England Thank you, Marjorie

    • Jody perhaps we should also all remind ourselves that the human race originated in Africa and then migrated to Europe and other parts of the earth during the last ice age when there was a land bridge between the continents.
      In a way we are the ‘immigrants’ as the Neanderthals were in Europe before us before they died out.
      I believe Europeans have been found to have traces of Neanderthal DNA from our ancestors mixing with them thousands of years ago.

  20. It is not a great situation in the UK at the moment. There are plenty of bad actors out there waiting to stir up trouble but it would also be fair to say that they would not be getting any purchase if there were not also real issues that the governments of all hues have been trying to brush under the carpet for too long. In addition there is a perception that society has become increasingly fragmented and lawless leading to a general break down in order that can not just be blamed on the likes of Robinson, Collett and the Far Right (who incidentally don’t see eye to eye on many issues either)

    The UK 1801 chart will be picking up the influence of the three upcoming Mars/Pluto opposition in November 2024, January 2025 and April 2025. One of the things Jupiter does is to magnify any influence so things look quite difficult.

    Whether Starmer is the man to deal with this situation is problematic as his rather dictatorial Sun/Pluto may be as big as problem as an asset. The fact Starmer has a massive majority in Parliament but only got about a third of the votes cast is particularly tricky. The temptation will be for his government just to railroad over opposition but my personal belief is that he should use that Parliamentary power sparingly as he really does not enjoy that much popular support. The last election saw a major shift away from the main parties which is not really reflected in the Parliamentary arithmetic. This is inevitably going to lead sections of society feeling disenfranchised who may seek extra Parliamentary means to expess their views. Starmer’s Neptune in Scorpio sits opposite the U.K. 1801 Mars in Taurus which suggests he might have difficulty dealing with public opposition.

    Starmer’s regime got off to a rather bad start in stripping the annual fuel allowance from the elderly some of whom just rely on the state pension of about £11,500 to live. The fact this coincided with a big pay increase to Junior Doctors who more or less have guaranteed careers leading to earnings over £100,000 has not helped. The granting of large wage increases to certain groups of public workers may actually trigger more strikes and industrial unrest as other groups try to catch up

    One area where I think Starmer is going to hit trouble is the Middle East. Muslims in the U.K. perceive him as being particularly pro Israeli. I note that Starmer’s Saturn at 5 Aquarius is square the Hezbollah natal Pluto at 4 Scorpio while his Mars is conjunct Netanyahu’s Uranus. It is quite easy to see any major conflict in the Middle East spilling over into unrest in the UK and that it in turn will trigger wider disturbances. In addition the issue of Palestine has split the Labour Party over the years so while Starmer’s majority looks bullet proof he probably does not want to see too many Labour MPs joining Corbyn.

    • Thank you Marjorie and Hugh for your analysis. I do feel there is something in the UK character which fails to recognise (or want to see) the petty-mindedness, bigotry, racism and nasty fascist tendencies present in the UK (not just England) which are stirred up by the same old protagonists. Media is also very much to blame here.

      I firmly believe that ANY nationalism is a bad thing and a barrier to progress. But we cannot ignore the divisive culture and so-called ‘culture wars’ that have been stirred up by the populist Tory government in the last 14 years, augmented and fuelled by trouble-making Russia. Pluto surfacing, indeed,

      Starmer cannot be expected to solve all this in the first month of government. But he does not have much time to turn things around. I am heartened by what you say about 2026, Marjorie, but can’t help but wonder about the impact of climate change by then, with knock on effects on food, migration, cost of living…..

      • Social media platforms have a lot to answer for too. I’m not on Facebook but am appalled by some of the hatred that is allowed to stand on many YT channels and others. I think Starmer addressed this yesterday.

        • I think there is a general issue with certain social media outlets which has less to do with whatever views are being spouted and more to do with how much money people can make from the number of viewers. Incidentally this applies increasingly to the mainstream media as well whose reporting is often similarly sensationalist. This impacts to all sides of the political spectrum not just the far right. I have seen people online celebrating the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance from pensioners in the U.K. using what can only be described as geronticidal language every bit as bad as anything you would see from the likes of Tommy Robinson. Many of these same people would in the next breath declare their undying opposition to racism as though one sort of hate speech is somehow different from another.

          • No, I’m talking about specifically the riots in Southport and how platforms like facebook allowed these groups to meet up and organise the violent scenes we witnessed, including targeting mosques and bringing crates of beer along with them. I am not sure where the initial piece of fake news which named an asylum seeker with a Muslim name, came from but it very rapidly became viral and spread through twiiter, facebook and other platforms. This fake info was what directly led to the targeting of a mosque by these thugs on the night of the riot. Media as a whole has a responsibility but it’s high time that these platforms took more responsibility.

    • Just to add that Keir Starmer does not have much Fire in his chart apart from the nodes in Leo/Aquarius so I wonder how well he will adapt to a Fire/Air era.

      • Perhaps it’s his Virgo-ness, but he increasingly reminds me of an unpopular new headmaster who just barges into his new position by making up a bunch of silly rules which manage to alienate the whole school, parents, kids, governers and all.

    • Agreed Hugh about the issues that have not been addressed opening the door to the extremists. The Brits may be bigoted and which country isn’t about outsiders? But the UK governments of both shades have been far too laissez-faire about all manner of situations going back to the fatwa against Salman Rushdie which should have been shut down forcibly. Tip-toeing round the prejudices of an intolerant section of incomers was always going to lead to trouble. Taking in too many immigrants (T Blair etc) means integration is more difficult – and stressing multi-culturalism rather than fitting in was a definite mistake.
      Taking in refugees from war-torn and violent cultures, no matter compassionate the intention, was always going to allow in those for whom violence is a normal part of life. Machete fights between Ethiopian factions in London etc etc.
      In an odd way I think hyper-sensitivity to causing offence to other cultures is a bigger problem in certain areas than bigotry.
      The French and German are almost certainly racist but they have the right idea – you’re here, so fit in. Overly tolerant Sweden is now learning to its cost what happens when you don’t lay down ground rules.

      • It’s a crying shame that it has become a right vs left issue. Rootless young men arriving en masse are potentially troublesome, particularly for women and girls whether they’re from Syria or Sunderland. It should be a concern for all political parties and we need politicians to be honest with the populace, rather than the issue being hijacked by extreme groups of any political colour.

    • A good analysis. Southport and Reeves’ speech triggered a lot of different emotions in this country. Leaving general politics aside, it is more a feeling of personal views by some new Ministers coming to the fore. Like School VAT, I read in one paper that we are the only country to have put VAT on any form of Education in the world. I respect Democracy and like what was different strands of views tolerated, the Chancellor has changed this. Singling out one view is bullying to me. Also the NHS has gone from being our protective Guardian Angel , to Little Red Riding-hoods wolf, as the Health Minister gave a hefty rise. Many people struggling with health, housing, bills and feeling the country has broken down, are now tetchy, fearful of what will happen next. Some are being exploited. I agree Starmer needs to step up to being our PM, not just the leader of his party. If he doesn’t then – who knows!

        • It’s an odd situation…I remember when a local school I worked in wanted to change to be an academy the unions said…but they will have to pay vat…which apparently they do and now aren’t able to get the vat back: “Since April 2011, academies have no longer been reimbursed by local authorities for the VAT costs they incur in educating their pupils. Instead, academies need …”

          But google tells me that: “The majority of public sector education is provided by schools which are under local authority control. Schools incur VAT costs on the goods and services they buy but Local Authorities (LAs) are able to recover the schools’ input VAT under the public bodies VAT refund regime found in section 33 of the VAT Act 1994” … I think we aren’t being told the whole truth….

          • @ Mary I think I partially understand the difference: the maintained sector ie. is a nationalized industry like the NHS, funded by the taxpayer, the VAT they pay is only on a more limited range of goods and services but not on the fees they receive per child, that is the main income in any school; by taxing VAT on school fees in the independent sector, the taxman will be taking a substantial portion of their private income which is mainly funded by parents, quite a different set of circumstances as it is placing a heavy burden on their main and often only source of revenue, however if somebody who is more aware, care to enlighten us I for one would be grateful.
            Essentially this VAT will starve those schools of their primary source of income no doubt leading to closure of some or many.

    • Regarding the winter fuel allowance it will still be payable to those on pension credit and a limited number of other households. At the moment it is very generous being paid to everyone of pension age including the super rich. I think it will be the households who were just about managing, but who are no longer eligible, who will suffer the most. I think the problem is that it is costly and complicated to make it more closely income related.
      like family allowance.
      My husband has been receiving the fuel allowance for 14 years even though he is still working which seems over generous. We aren’t well off but reasonably comfortable.
      The government has to find the money from somewhere to mend public services.
      With regards to junior doctors, a newly qualified doctor was receiving less than £15 an hour similar to an Amazon packer when the strikes began.
      It is many years before they are senior enough to earn £100K. ‘Junior doctors’, I think, covers all the levels up to consultant so the average salary can be misleading.
      The other problem is retention. If working for the NHS was such a great gig why are so many leaving, or planning to leave, to go overseas? I do hope they decide to settle with the latest offer though.
      You are right about so many problems being pushed under the carpet by both parties. In Labour’s case they have been v careful not to overpromise, having a good idea what their inheritance would be..

      • Martin Lewis was encouraging pensioners to see if they are entitled to pension credit but some not all are not IT literate and IMO find it difficult to find out what they are entitled to..

  21. Anyone know what Barbault thought about the late 1990s of Pluto into Sag, Uranus and Neptune into Aqua? How accurate was the prediction

  22. I think Barbault forgot the last time there were such harmonious aspects between the three outer planets was in 1943 when the tide turned in WWII. That certainly was a gestation of a new period in world history but hardly utopia. Outer planets are indifferent to violence and human suffering when they bring progress.

  23. I’m having a hard time reconciling Barbault’s bread basket of utopian joy in 2026 with the general upheaval appearing on many country charts through to 2027. Perhaps he was thinking in terms of gestation instead of maybe a 2030s birth.

    • Me also. There is a fairly mangled translation below which does suggest he was looking not just the Saturn Neptune conjunction of mid 2025 to early 2026, but of the Pluto trine Uranus that pulls together with it – and of the huge shift over from Earth Water in Capricorn/Taurus/Pisces of recent times into Air/Fire Aquarius, Gemini, Aries and the effect thereof. I do think life will settle somewhat after 2026.
      Barbault: ‘The peculiarity of the turning point of 2026-2030 is represented by the centrality of Saturn-Neptune conjunction at the beginning of Aries.
      Convergence of Neptune reinforced by deep Saturnian foundations.
      Four planets – in a triangle with each other – that move as if they wanted to metamorphose the world. We are faced with the possibility of a change such as to make it seem too weak the terms “change” or the same “upheaval”.

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