As expected (astrologically), hard-line Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s life has not got easier. An attempted military coup last night was put down with 161 people dead, around 3,000 soldiers arrested and 2,700 judges fired. The Turkish military has traditionally been secular and factions are unhappy about Erogan’s increasing Islamisation of the country and his prioritising attacks on Kurdish insurgents rather than focussing on eliminating ISIS.
The Turkey chart has tr Uranus exactly in opposition to the 4th house Mercury Saturn at the moment, so a major jolt. And with tr Saturn moving to square the Uranus and MC late Oct/Nov this year there may be more high tension situations to come. The September Eclipse will oppose the Turkey Uranus. Then tr Neptune will conjunct Uranus in 2017 which will be nervy, high-wire and fanatical. Almost exact at the moment also is Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the 5th house Jupiter which will undercut speculation and enjoyment, and presumably undermine the tourist trade, after the recent bombings and now this. Around mid 2017 there’s a dangerous and devastating Solar Arc Mars opposition Pluto which can only suggest it’ll get a good deal worse.
Recep Erdogan’s Term chart always did look weak with a Sun opposition Neptune; and an unpleasantly brutal Saturn Mars in Scorpio. This September’s Solar Eclipse will conjunct the Term Sun and opposition Neptune; with next Feb’s Pisces Solar Eclipse reversing the order in the same place. Plus tr Pluto is sextile the Saturn Mars in Scorpio from 2016 to late 2018, which given that Mars Saturn does have military associations, suggests ongoing headaches.
It will also add to NATO and the West’s worries given that Turkey was deemed to be a relatively stable bulwark against the chaos of the Middle East.