No 10 has become a “nest of vipers” and is falling apart, far worse than the outside world realises, according to a well-placed source. The opposition leader has accused the inner Boris circle of fighting ‘like rats in a sack’. Even allowing for journalistic mischief and political point-scoring, the ousting of the Communications Director and fervent Leaver Lee Cain does seem to indicate a degree of mayhem – at a super-critical juncture with Brexit approaching and the Covid policy in chaos
Cain is a close buddy of Boris from days of yore and a Dominic Cummings sidekick, but was deemed, according to reports, to have fallen foul of Carrie Symonds. She like most of the Tory Party (and country) are appalled at the recent pandemic shambles, communications and other, much of which was laid at Cain and Cummings‘ door. His departure has led to hopes of Cummings going soon as well.
The Government chart, 13 December 2019 11am, which has a dithering and impractical Sagittarius Sun square Neptune to start with, is also labouring under a disastrous and undermining tr Neptune square the Mars/Pluto midpoint until late January 2021. Plus the Lunar Eclipse later this month will rattle the Midheaven and Sagittarius Solar Eclipse in December will rattle up the Government Sun for a critical moment of destiny. And from late March 2021 onwards for a year tr Neptune moves to the lacklustre and usually unsuccessful square to the Sun.
What’s interesting about the Government chart is the singleton Cancer Moon in the 5th, hinting that women may play more of a part in its journey than seemed obvious up till now . Carrie Symonds appears to be supported by the new press secretary Allegra Stanton, senior aide Munira Mirza and Priti Patel. A stalwart sisterhood.
Not only is the Government chart in the line of fire of the two upcoming Eclipses, so are Boris and Dominic Cummings. Both have highly Mutable charts with Boris’s Gemini planets and Cummings’ Sagittarius planets catching both the Lunar and the Solar Eclipse before the year end.
Carrie never was a good fit with Cummings with a composite Sun Mercury square Pluto in their relationship chart which tr Saturn is dousing with cold water now and in December. With a further blip of aggravation over the New Year and through January.
Allegra Stanton, 25 November 1980, the new press secretary, another Sagittarius, is even more at daggers drawn with Cummings (and vice versa) with a composite Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus Jupiter in their interface. Their connection will go through turbulent times from late this December through till next spring.
There’s nothing definitive pointing to a break on the Boris/Cummings relationship chart, which is pretty chained together with a composite Sun Pluto conjunction though that is being slowly eroded by tr Neptune in opposition now and into 2021. Cummings’ own chart is marginally deflated for the rest of this month but has a sliver of luck running until after mid December. The Solar Eclipse on his Mercury Venus will cause an emotional upset of sorts. But 2021 looks like being his real disaster zone from March onwards. His relationship chart with the Tory Party 1912 is hostile at best with a composite Mars square Pluto and will rock n’ roll in earnest from mid 2021 onwards. He’ll leave a bad taste behind when he goes, given the havoc he’s caused.
Add ON: Assuming pro-tem that the Carrie squad has the PM’s ear – or is tugging his chain – how fares fervent-Leaver Michael Gove? He was Dominic Cummings’ principal cheerleader from his time as Education Minister, famously stabbed Boris in the back in 2016 skewering his chances of replacing David Cameron, and has his own weaselly ambitions to further.
His relationship chart with Carrie suggests an ego-clash at the best of times and is in a downhill slide now till late January 2021; with tensions and upsets later this month through December.
His interface with Boris never was stable with Gove’s Virgo Sun conjunct Boris’s Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn square Mars. It’ll be chilly through this December, confused and devastated over the New Year and more obviously sagging in February.
Gove’s own chart is stressed and strung-out till late this month; feeling disempowered from February next year and more uncertain as 2021 goes on.
Gove is married to and heavily supported politically by Daily Mail journalist Sarah Vine, 16 April 1967, who is an upfront and (over) confident Aries Sun opposition Mars in Libra square Jupiter. She has tr Pluto square her Mars over the New Year and January, which on its own is furious and blocked, but tugging on her Jupiter it could send her into ambitious overdrive. Her relationship chart with Gove suggests together they face a disastrous setback from exactly now till late December.
Trump gone on the Mercury station and Cummings right on the Mars station, never ceases to amaze me
A very rapid skip round relevant charts, (all without birth time) for a possible Boris replacement, when ill-health or shortage of money drive him out – none of the front runners – Sunak, Hunt, Gove etc – have much showing. The only two with Jupiterian cheer and those only from late this month to late December are Penny Mordaunt, who is certainly in line for good news in whatever arena of her life; and to a lesser degree Dominic Grieve.
Philip Hammond is looking enlivened across the New Year and through January, as is Theresa May, and will have successes at points through 2021. But both of them are pulling in large sums from directorships and speaking engagements so their cheer is not necessarily political.
And Dominic Raab picks up good luck from late February 2021 on and off for a couple of years.
Thanks Marjorie. I wonder whether promotion would show much cheer though? Next year is looking tough financially with the Saturn/Uranus square, not to mention the logistics of delivering a vaccine to millions of people. And then there’s Brexit, with potential chaos on the import/export front, not to mention everything else. Maybe Theresa May and ‘Spreadsheet Phil’ are enlivened by a spot of schadenfreude?!
The Gove add-on is food for thought, thanks Marjorie. The Mail online (I know!) says it’s “90% certain” that the leak about this new UK lockdown came from Gove’s office. All hotly denied of course. With his Mars/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio, and fine Virgo eye for details, I’d say Gove would be a cunning opponent. Possibly even more so if some kind of delay or swerve is being mooted on the endless Brexit negotiations. He is said to be a passionate ‘leaver’, but could also be very keen to stay in his job.
Today’s new Moon in Scorpio is close to Gove’s Mars/Neptune. It’s sextile Jupiter, Pluto and Pallas in Capricorn – suggesting government, power, and strategic alliances. The Juno trine Neptune aspect is at 18 degrees, so also setting off Gove’s Jupiter in Leo and focusing on his partnerships, ambitious dreams and perhaps deceptions too.
If he is involved in any way in the leak, we may not know about that for a long time. Matt Hancock is the other main suspect, apparently. His Mars is also in Scorpio, but at 8 degrees – Uranus opposes, might be upsetting?
Looking at Carrie Symonds chart I notice that she was born under a Pluto in Scorpio and Venus in Taurus opposition. Uranus will be conjoining her natal Venus in Taurus in May 2021 just at the moment that Saturn in Aquarius squares both those planets and her natal Pluto. The Pluto Saturn square looks like she is going to be running into some major roadblock at that time. There have already been some rumblings in the press about the fact someone who is neither an elected politician or a government official is influencing policy decisions. I can only see that becoming louder particularly if there are further failures in government administration.
With regard to Gove it should be noted that he is both an elected MP and has been a minister of the crown under three governments. He has also made the last three in two Conservative party leadership elections. In that respect he is a lot bigger fish politically than either Cummings or Cain so Johnson and Symonds need to tread with care since while he can be removed from ministerial office he cannot be kicked out of Parliament.
Thanks Hugh, There is a nasty dip coming up which shows on most of the relevant charts anytime from late March onwards for several months thereafter.
Marjorie, do you know what Jeremy Hunt’s chart looks like over the coming six months or so?
Now the “kings evil advisors” have gone that means all future policy failures are down to the Prime Minister. Johnson might want to ponder this quote from CV Wedgewood from a member of the English public after the fall of Thomas Wentworth under Charles 1. “They promised us that all should be well if my Lord Strafford’s head were off, since when there is nothing better”. I think Johnson has until the May local elections but if they go badly his party will dispose of him.
Unfortunately it’s from The Express, but rather Sag Venus, Sun/Neptune….
—The Prime Minister’s special adviser was left infuriated when his close ally Lee Cain was forced out of his position by Boris Johnson earlier this week. Mr Cummings was pictured leaving Downing Street tonight with his personal items in a box.
A senior No10 official has commented on the image, and told the Financial Times: “That’s the last time he walks down the road like Kim Kardashian, preening for the cameras like the spoilt lord of Barnard Castle.—
I reckon it’s his Sun/Neptune
My my it’s all happening. Cummings is now history. Gone today.
I think his chart works! At least based on the solar arc progressions – I haven’t seen his secondary (hope that is correct) progressed chart. Cummings left via the front door of No 10 in full view of the media – he doesn’t shy away from a bust up. I think this a manifestation of the Jupiter Pluto conjunction last week which saw Trump lose – it’s shaking at the foundations of government structures and all sorts of power struggles and tensions are being exposed. Does anyone have thoughts on this? Cummings was always going to be in the firing line of the Jupiter/ Pluto conjunction as it is exactly on his solar arc progressed Sun Neptune conjunction.
My my it looks like the UK government is as troubled as the US. Crazy given both leaders are Geminis
Demonstrative walk out from Downing Street 10. He did not have to use the front door, he chose to use it.
Yes, and I cannot help thinking that the cardboard box was also a theatrical prop.
You have probably mentioned this previously, but Cummings’ SA Sun and Neptune currently around 22 degrees of Capricorn are in the firing line of transiting Pluto, so it seems like he really could be going this time. In Sasha Swire’s memoirs, she said Cummings is a ‘stark raving mad Rasputin’, and that teaming him up with Michael Gove, the ‘most volatile member of the Government, was always an explosion waiting to happen’. Cummings first worked for Gove before moving onto Johnson. Gove, unsurpisingly, was labelled as a ‘Machiavellian psychopath’ by Boris after sabotaging his 2016 leadership attempt. In a similiar vein to Cummings, Gove has been described as ‘an outsider who craves to be an insider’ with a ‘lavish talent for self delusion’ – probably a biased assessment, however, it could be vaguely worth seeing how he will react to the latest No 10 developments.
BBC News just reported that Downing Street confirmed Dominic Cummings is expected to leave his position by Christmas.
Hmmn. Nothing like a pre-emptive strike is there?!
Thanks Marjorie. Love the fork-tongued viper pic!
This latest “upset” is quite astonishing, yet not surprising considering the way the government seems to function. The minor planet Ceres has just entered Pisces, so perhaps underlines the pandemic, public health, plus ecological concerns. Ceres now squares Dominic Cummings’ Sun/Neptune and Saturn. It is conjunct the Symonds/Cummings composite north node and Venus in Pisces.
The Term 2 chart has Uranus at 2 Taurus, where Black Moon Lilith is now, creating some subversive possibilites or at least banging on No. 10’s door. And the current Jupiter/Pluto conjunction (government, leaders, power?) in Capricorn is joined by the asteroid Pallas, symbolising political strategy amongst other things. Asteroid Juno, representing alliances, is currently trine Neptune – partnerships are idealised or shown to be illusory?
All these may be subtle factors, but I think they symbolise the presence of “female” forces in some way too. Few women, whaever their political views, are impressed by what seems to be a close-knit, unelected boys’ club around Boris Johnson. Plus, the weird ongoing bromance with Cummings is another puzzle. The rhetoric around both the pandemic and Brexit sometimes sounds like an old-fashioned boys’ comic, filled with infantile references to fights and wars. While we do have to “fight” this virus, I fail to see the need to turn this agonising process into a kind of bish-bash-bosh playground scuffle.
Finally, and a bit randomly, I do wonder if this means some kind of Brexit negotiations “U-turn” is in the works.
Thanks Jane for all the asteroid info. It’s becoming more evident that the Vote Leave campaign train has lost momentum and been derailed by the pandemic and now is looking even more beleaguered in the wake of Biden’s victory with all that that implies for the U.K.’s Brexit plans. In fact I almost sense the collapse of the entire Johnson cabinet come post-January. I feel the best option now is to negotiate a trade deal with the EU (though, God knows they must be sick to death of us). The proposed gung-ho ‘No Deal Brexit’ is looking increasingly like an act of reckless, irresponsible daring.
I agree. And much hollow laughter from me to your “an act of reckless, irresponsible daring”….basically the MO of both Boris and Cummings. The EU need a trade deal too, I imagine they are keen to get something sorted out if at all possible. It is just possible that the pandemic could be a helpful excuse for spinning things out or changing the UK’s approach. I find it astonishing that any Tory government could be quite so destructive when it comes to trade and making money. I’d imagine some of the senior bankers (Jupiter/Pluto conjunction) will be advising supreme caution. However, we don’t have an old-school Tory government really, we have a populist brew-up in a smoke-and-mirrors cauldron.
@Jane, thanks for Ceres info! I was just thinking about how Ceres works in Mundane Astrology. I have consolidated theories on Vesta and Juno, but still need to work on Ceres and Pallas. Interestingly, Ceres will be conjunct Neptune in 11th house on The US Inauguration 2021 chart, sextiling Venus. If you interpret it as public health, it does have some promise on getting pandemic under control, possibly with help of vaccine.
Thanks VF and Solaia too! Studying those asteroids/minor planets is also work in progress for me. I started with Juno, having noticed how amazingly spot on it’s position by transit and progression was in my own, and several other people’s charts. Pretty exact for meaningful relationships and also break ups.
Ceres in mundane astrology – I’ve started with the ecology/public health theme there, partly based on Ceres as a Mediterranean grain goddess archetype. Also seems to appear regularly on charts for food and agriculture based events. This pandemic appears to have begun in a food market. In January this year, Ceres was exactly aligned with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, so I think does have something to tell us about 2020, and the business and legislation around our food chains. Ceres will meet Neptune in January 2021. I’m curious to see how that might manifest.
All UK government advisers and civil servants are unelected and infighting at the top in Whitehall is nothing new either (I worked inside it for the best part of forty years). Astrologically Carrie Symonds role in recent events is possibly the first indication of the Pluto in Scorpio generation showing their latent power in the political sphere. Whether that is going to turns out to be a “good thing” for the rest of us waits to be seen. As I mentioned on earlier threads I think Johnson is a showboater who basically blows with whatever is the prevailing wind. I suspect most of the confusion in government is down to his inability to steer a a particular course for very long. With his interest in history Johnson will be aware that blaming the rulers advisers is usually the first step in isolating and then ousting the ruler himself. Of course, a ruthless Prime Minister like Margaret Thatcher usually got their retaliation in first in such situations but Johnson I feel has a rather infantile desire to be liked. In that respect I don’t think he is anything like Trump who love him or hate him is far more combative.
“Astrologically Carrie Symonds role in recent events is possibly the first indication of the Pluto in Scorpio generation showing their latent power in the political sphere.Whether that is going to turns out to be a “good thing” for the rest of us waits to be seen.”
Oh, as with every generation before them, there will undoubtably be some good and some bad. Here in Finland, we already have a Pluto in Scorpio PM. Austria as well. They are from almost the opposite ends of political spectrum, barring various populists, but nobody can deny they are competent. Then again, there’s also possibly Kim Jong-un, who is born on January 8th either 1982 (North Korean sources), 1983 (South Korean intelligence) or 1984 (US treasury).
Whew, Marjorie – absolutely spot on, and yes despite the private lives, some politicians were truly committed to their causes – which was for the greater benefit of others. A lovely piece of writing and truth.
Carrie Symonds Saturn return with wedding, Little baby and big baby Boris must make her feel like she’s the only grownup in the room. What terrible damage these Gemini boys have done in positions of power. Let’s hope for a 2021 that is a start of redemption
I was going to say the same. When a 30-year-old girlfriend is the voice of reason among people
often twice her age (including her partner), something is absolutely wrong.
Maybe, after this is all said and done, it’s a time to look at how election process works in The UK? Maybe a ranked choice for parties to choose their leadership instead of a politically negotiable system where majority must be reached? It seems the current system often gives too much space to backstage operators.
Snippets from Max Hastings in The Times (behind paywall). “There is no more surprise about Donald Trump’s refusal to concede defeat than about a mule’s inability to turn itself into a unicorn. We should reserve spleen for those in America’s high places who indulge him.
Nearer home, Rory Stewart’s devastation of Boris Johnson’s character castigates the prime minister’s lifelong mendacity. Yet Stewart misses the important point that Johnson’s supporters cheered him into Downing Street, untroubled by his threadbare ethics. They, like Trump’s fans, love their man because of what he is, not in spite of it. The prime minister has done nothing since entering Downing Street that is out of tune with his old songs.
One of the most conspicuous developments of the 21st century is that many voters have become indifferent to personal character, if a given leader professes willingness to advance their interests. The word morality, coupled to politicians, invites a snigger.
I cannot feel much personal hostility towards either Trump or Johnson, because each is what he is. Anger seems rightfully directed towards their enablers, the Mitch McConnells and Lindsey Grahams, the Tory MPs who make almost daily implicit declarations that truth, honour, dignity no longer matter.
The sexual behaviour of David Lloyd George and JFK, to name but two, was probably as bad as that of the present British prime minister and US president, even if few people knew. Nonetheless, I suggest a distinction: Lloyd George and Kennedy were ruthless men, especially towards women, but both cared passionately for their societies.
It is doubtful that today’s populist leaders around the world, narcissists all, care a straw for any human beings save themselves. We should recognise the loss of respect that the two foremost Anglo-Saxon nations are suffering around the world, through our descent from historical standards we set for competence, morality, regard for law.’