Los Angeles – serious floss and glitter


Los Angeles is also in birthday mood today having been officially founded on 4th September 1781. Oddly enough for a city once described by Christopher Hitchens as “mostly full of nonsense and delusion and egomania” it is a Sun Virgo in a serious square to Saturn in Sagittarius. The Sun is in a dynamic trine to Mars in money-minded Capricorn with Mars sextile Jupiter in money—magnet Scorpio. Where the floss and glitter come from may be an illusory/delusional Venus Neptune in Libra in a seductive trine to Pluto and an unconventional square to Uranus.

At the moment under a business-friendly Democratic Mayor the city is racing ahead economically, now the most productive of the five biggest U.S. cities, outperforming even New York. This is flagged up by tr Pluto sextile the Jupiter running till late this year.

Next year looks less successful with a disappointing tr Neptune square the Mars/Jupiter midpoint and 2021/22 look seriously difficult with a high-risk, trapped and angry tr Pluto conjunct the Mars/Pluto midpoint in 2021/22; and more major obstacles flagged up in 2022/23. The Eclipses around then, located to Los Angeles, especially the May/June 2021 ones, look heavily aggravated with Mars on the IC opposition Pluto on the MC for both the Lunar and Solar Eclipses.

There is a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the LA Neptune in 2021 which could point to a natural disaster of sorts – not necessarily an earthquake since what was around for the major 1994 quake was very different in character astrologically. At that point the Solar Arc Saturn was moving to oppose the LA Mars which does suggest a major accident and setback; with tr Uranus just over the conjunction to the LA Pluto. The two Eclipses closest also had the hardship Saturn square Pluto on the axis located to LA.

But it does look exceptionally fraught – with a faint thought that it may be connected to the violent Inauguration chart of January 2021 which does point to trouble in the aftermath.

2 thoughts on “Los Angeles – serious floss and glitter

  1. Thank you for the posts I love reading them. Would you consider doing the city of Orlando. We’ve seen growth in population but at the same time I believe that hurricanes, etc will get worse in the years to come. Tourism a major factor in the economy here.

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