Jeremy Corbyn – concerns about his fitness


Rumours are that Jeremy Corbyn’s health is deteriorating and that he is not up to the job. According to The Times, senior civil servants are warning he may be forced to stand down because he is “too frail and is losing his memory”. They say he is being “propped up” by his advisers and lacks a firm grasp of both foreign affairs and the domestic agenda. Labour figures talk of a culture of bullying and intimidation in his office; and a former cabinet minister told of a “moral malaise at the top”.

His term chart, 24 September 2016 12.51pm London always did look unstable from April this year onwards with tr Pluto square the Uranus which is often when leaders topple off their perch. That repeats off and on till late 2020, with the next exact aspect early in 2020 – but it could happen at any time.

The Cancer Moon opposition Pluto on this chart is also being rattled up by the upcoming early July Cancer Solar Eclipse and was even more triggered by this year’s January Solar Eclipse. So very much a crisis year.

His own chart, 26 May 1949, does have tr Neptune square the Mercury, since 2018 and around till this December – which would certainly induce a vagueness though it can happen at any age and isn’t necessarily indicative of mental deterioration. His Progressed Mars in Cancer will be affected by the July Solar Eclipse and his Solar Arc Mars in later Cancer by the mid July Lunar Eclipse – so it’s an insecure time for him.

His relationship charts with both the 1900 and 1906 Labour Party charts are both facing transiting Saturn discouragement and a sense of separation.

His inner circle of Karie Murray and Seumas Milne I can find no birth dates for – grateful if anyone has them.

John McDonnell, 8 September 1951, his Shadow Chancellor, has a revolutionary focal point Uranus in Cancer his chart which is directly in line of the July Cancer Solar Eclipse so his life is due for a serious shake up. His relationship with Corbyn is under worried and undermining Neptune transits all year.

Another is Andrew Murray, 3 July 1958, ex-Communist Party, hard, hard left, semi-aristo upbringing has his Cancer Sun within a degree of this July Cancer Solar Eclipse so it is also a time at the crossroads for him with setbacks through the autumn and major confusion and insecurity on his relationship chart with Corbyn.

The fifth Len McCluskey, 23 July 1950, has disappointing Neptune transits running in 2019/2020 on his personal chart; and red alerts flashing on his relationship chart with Corbyn.

The Labour Party charts themselves aren’t too illuminating.

Pic: Chris McAndrew

12 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn – concerns about his fitness

  1. Has Corbyn been seen in public much lately? Because if that was the case, his “mental decline” would become easily visible, much more so than with Trump, because agree with Corbyn or not, he was smarter to begin with.

    The story itself makes me wonder, because it comes from “Times”. Yes, a reputable news outlet, but owned by Murdoch Family. Who we can thank for President Trump. Although Rupert has had his own health issues lately, this kind of feels preventive and a kind of story he could pull to distract and discredit. The timing seems uncanny, we had Trump going to G20 and North Korea with a new Press Sec who obviously hasn’t yet developed the kind of knowledge on protecting The Prez Sarah Hucklebee Sanders had, and certainly not the kind of WH insider status she had. Remember how leaky early months of Trump Presidency were? In the past few months, there have been much fewer stories, and many journalists covering WH seem to give much “credit” for this to Sarah Hucklebee Sanders. Could it be that these kind of leaks from insiders that will be later discredited at least to a certain extend were published, because there might be other leaks from insiders?

    • Seen Corbyn a few times during May, so it was recent. He appeared full of energy, committed, and I got the impression that he posseses a fair bit of stamina to maintain the relentless campaigning. He has a lot of fixed planets in his charts. In 2020, tr Uranus will oppose his SA Saturn in Scorpio, tr Jupiter & Pluto will oppose his SA Mars & Moon in Cancer, conjunct his progressed Jupiter and square his natal nodal axis. Saturn in Aquarius will pass over his Jupiter in Aquarius and the tr nodal axis will pass over his natal Uranus. It is all happening astrologically next year. What it means, who knows?

  2. More rumours? It’s no wonder the UK media is considered to be the least trusted in Europe and that view is exacerbated even further when it comes to Scotland, as no newspaper in Scotland is owned or controlled by the Scots.

    I’ve got no time for Jeremy Corbyn, or his politics, but it’s clear that there’s been a concerted effort to undermine the man from day one.

    Len McCluskey was on the Marr Show today and couldn’t praise Corbyn highly enough, dissed the health issues, said he was on top form and vehemently castigated the journalists involved. No rumour there, rather straight from the horse’s mouth.

  3. Interesting how so many left wing parties are up against their heels with Saturn in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. Some notable exceptions of course, most notable in New Zealand, but it seems as of the reactionary element is at its peak now. It will be interesting to see how that changes after the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius next year, and once Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023. A younger, more revolutionary element is set to take over, only question is, how messy will things get in the coming decade.

    • Notable exceptions also include all Nordic EU countries, Denmark, Finland and Sweden, which have seen Social Democrats winning elections, if tightly, within a year and now have Social Democrat PM, since Mette Fredriksen took office on Friday. And notably, all these PMs have a strong Trade Union backgrounds, Sweden’s Lövfen used to work as a welder. But then again, Social Democrats have been the establishment party especially in Sweden, and foreseeing these parties gaining power here with Pluto/Saturn AND Uranus in Taurus was one of my better astrological predictions.

  4. Asteroid Jerome is currently conjunct the Labour Party Sun….he is still the leader.
    However asteroid Jerome is opposed by Labour Mars in Leo indicating his illness.

  5. No birth dates for Murray and Milne. This is easily solved by using the asteroid named after them.
    Asteroid Murray is currently at 9Aries55 square the Labour Party’s Saturn.
    Asteroid Milne is currently at 11Taurus30 sextile the Labour Party’s Saturn.
    For Labour Party I used the Feb 12,1906, noon, London chart.
    For the asteroid ephemeris I used the table at ………..
    Just plug in the name of the person and the date you want….presto you get the ephemeris for the whole month.
    Who need birthdates when there are none to found.

  6. Corbyn’s health is really a non-issue. The Times article is very funny. Seen him in person v close up a few times – he looks his age. But I hate to say it, in person, Corbyn is actually a live-wire – full of fizzing energy. He just does not stop, even at the weekends – he is constantly on the move, campaigning etc. The Gemini signature is very strong. The problem for Corbyn is Brexit & Nigel Farage, I think. Does he abandon working class Labour leave voters by backing a second referendum to appease remain voters? That is where the true problem lies for Corbyn. NF is just waiting in the wings to gobble up disaffected Leave voters, if Labour does back a second ref.

    • “Seen him in person v close up a few times – he looks his age. But I hate to say it, in person, Corbyn is actually a live-wire – full of fizzing energy. ”

      Now, I wonder, have you seen him after his reported stroke? Even minor ones can be devastating, depending on areas of brain they affect, and lead to cardiovascular dementia. All types of dementia are horrible, but cardiovascular is the most unpredictable and sudden. I’ve had my grandfather I lived with reduced from being an active 83-year-old who was interviewed by folklorists due to his knowledge of work methods that were becoming obsolent in the early 20th century and impeccable memory to a shell not recognizing his loved ones and wearing diapers in little over 2 years due to two noticeable strokes.

      So, I’m not saying this is true, but if there’s a reported stroke, there is a chance the downturn has been sudden, has affected his capacities in a very limited form, for instance keeping his capacity to move intact (my granddad was still relatively fit after his first stroke) and is, unfortunately irreversable.

  7. Thank you Marjorie. I wonder if we are very close to the end of his Labour reign. There is talk Rebecca Long Bailey could be lined up to take over but I wonder if John McDonnell will step in for a while.

    • Not sure it’s a simple matter of him deciding who the heir is. She (22 Sept 1979) doesn’t look too chuffed over the next 18 months with tr Neptune opposition her Saturn.
      So far it’s the right wing press and civil servants running the story so will wait to see the fall out.

      • I have to say my inner instinct is telling me to believe it. This story seems different from the way Corbyn is normally attacked and Rachel Sylvester is a very well respected journalists. Labour also appear rattled about the story. They have made light of it by implying Corbyn is very fit and active but made no denial of him suffering a mini/minor stroke which I would have expected them to do straight away.

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