Boris Johnson having made what appears to be an opportunistic decision to join (and hopefully lead) the Brexit campaign seems to be flailing around desperately, in an even more shambolic way than usual
Born 19 June 1964 2pm New York, he has a highly Mutable chart with his Sun Venus Mercury in chatty Gemini; and a T square of Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo square Mars in Gemini. Such a focal point Mutable Mars tends to be disorganized, scattered, hyper-impulsive, inconsistent, nervy in a high-wire way, argumentative.
Uranus Mars is volatile and explosive verbally; Saturn Mars is short-tempered; Uranus Saturn is autocratic.
Plus he has Jupiter in indulgent Taurus opposition Neptune which tends to err on the over-confident side and can lack judgement.
This is an incredibly mixed year for him with a confidence boost from tr Pluto trine his Jupiter, but it also tugs on his Neptune, making him susceptible to delusions and exaggerations. Worse the confused and undermining tr Neptune square tr Saturn is hitting on his Pluto, pulling on his T Square making him doubt his influence. Tr Saturn is exactly square his Pluto over the Referendum on June 23rd.
He’s also had a catastrophe-prone tr Uranus opposition Mars/Pluto just finished and a muddled tr Uranus trine Mars/Neptune over the end of June as well as a frustrated tr Pluto trine Mars/North Node.
So not really going his way.
He’ll get a lift from tr Jupiter moving across his Ascendant from November onwards, but he’s still got tr Saturn opposing his Mercury Sun Venus into 2017. Admittedly tr Jupiter will square his Gemini planets from July to September but that’s mild enough.
With George Osborne sliding in the popularity stakes Boris could have had the leadership for the taking once Cameron steps down. But now? All bets are off.
This does not surprise me, he looks airy.