Billionaires at Davos were nailed to a cross by Rutger Bregman, a popular Dutch historian for not paying taxes. He said it is the key issue in the battle for greater equality. Noting that 1,500 people had travelled to Davos by private jet to hear David Attenborough talk about climate change, he said he was bewildered that no one was talking about raising taxes on the rich. “Taxes, taxes, taxes. All the rest is bullshit in my opinion,” he said. His video subsequently went viral.
Born 26 April 1988 in Arnhem, he’s got a talented, confident and very earthy chart with his Taurus Sun conjunct Jupiter Mercury trine the triple conjunction of Neptune Saturn Uranus in Capricorn and possibly trine a Virgo Moon. If his Moon is Virgo, then it is formed into a success-generating Kite by Sun Jupiter Mercury in a determined opposition to Pluto. But even without that his Sun connects with Pluto and Neptune, which is often found in movers and shaker’s charts. He could have been a bankers with all that earth plus Jupiter. But he’s very much of his generation with the triple conjunction so more idealistic.
And as if that wasn’t enough his Sun Jupiter Mercury opposition Pluto squares onto an uncompromising Mars in Aquarius so nothing much will distract him from his goals. He might even make a difference.
Pic: Victor van Werkhooven
I’m so glad, Marjorie, that you posted this on Rutget Bregman, as I didn’t see the media coverage of this his talk at Davos – or indeed the panel that day. I looked him up on You Tube after I’d seen your post on your web page and I’ve shared the talk on my Facebook page as he speaks the truth. I really hope what he said will sow a seed for change. The inequality of the rich is biting society and countries worldwide in general.
Thanks, Marjorie! Since we seem to be living every day with the corruption that Pluto is unearthing, it’s nice to see some young movers and shakers that could make a positive difference in the world.