Another groundhog moment as Trump touches down in Asia for a second summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, a rerun of the previous one 8 months ago. That one ended with triumphalist noises from Trump and little to show in terms of any change from Kim’s standpoint. And no pressure exerted on human rights issues.
Kim Jong-un is “dancing rings” around Trump and may win new concessions without any meaningful commitments, Britain’s former ambassador to North Korea has warned. His concern is that Trump will go for a ‘shining object’, what appears to be a win to calm his domestic audience and may give away too much without securing the denuclearization of North Korea which is almost certainly never going to happen.
The one chart which is definite is Kim’s Accession, 29 December 2011 11.57am P’yonggang. That was at its most insecure and unstable a year ago when insults were flying backwards and forwards with Washington. At that point the Solar Arc Uranus had moved to close the square to Sun Pluto to exact. That has now moved on and the jolting tr Uranus square the Saturn finished earlier this month. What remains is an evasive, slippery-speak tr Neptune square the Mercury on and off all this year; plus a relief-at-good-news tr Uranus conjunct Jupiter from early March for a few weeks. Into 2020 there’s a panicky and undermining tr Neptune opposition Mars running from April for a year thereafter.
The USA/North Korea relationship chart is under a discouraging amount of pressure this year (and last) from tr Pluto trine the composite Saturn. There’ll be a considerable upheaval from this July onwards with tr Uranus opposition the composite Pluto which runs into 2020. Through 2020 there will be a mood of heightened anxiety and that’s also reflected in the South Korea chart which is showing up as dashed hopes.
I woke up to news of Trump walking out of the negotiation early. Apparently, he had been up all night in Vietnam following Cohen hearing. Questioning was, generally speaking, weak, but AOC proved, once again, why she is a political phenomena. Her questions regarding Trump’s taxes and insurances would, definitely, have gotten under Trump’s skin. Also, telling Trump’s Bronx Golf Course is heavily subsided by taxpayers. Die Hard Trumpers probably won’t even hear her, but this is going to be very damaging for Trump with those Rustbelt workers who essentially did secure his presidency (and have already been turning against him).
I would hope they move toward border demilitarization and force reductions. let the south handle the rest of the nuke details. a formal end of hostilities probably wont happen. if nk and sk united ,the south would absorb the north’s nuclear weapons program
hows the Brexit going?
Drompf wants to “end the war” but one simply doesn’t wave his glittering chutzpah and “make it so”. An armistice is in-place; it was the SKorean puppet at the time, refusing to sign. Someone help me: all parties involved with the war have to be present, correct?, to sign the treaty, not merely “Two-Scoops” Drompf.
A reunification of Korea won;t likely happen in my lifetime, esp with a current leader who uses an AA battery to eliminate those at the “top”. Tho PRC could help grease the skid but it would upset the current rising star influence of PRC against the US.
Just to clarify, Wikileaks were passed the DNC leaks by way of whistleblowers, they didn’t hack the DNC. The conduit for this transaction was UK Human rights activist Craig Murray.
“His concern is that Trump will go for a ‘shining object’, what appears to be a win to calm his domestic audience and may give away too much without securing the denuclearization of North Korea which is almost certainly never going to happen.”
Well, he obviously would. But given what we now know about Michael Cohen’s opening statement to Congress that will be incredibly stupid. Michael Cohen will, basically, tell he was in the room when Don Jr. informed Don Sr. Roger Stone could get them DNC posts Wikileaks hacked. He will also show a check signed by Donald Trump while he was a President in order to remburse Stormy Daniels hush money. It’s not beyond the stupidity level of Trump and his Administration to go “softball” with Kim, but it will look incredibly, and I mean incredibly bad.
And no, I don’t think it was a coincidence information about Cohen’s opening statement dropped very late Washington DC time. Usually, they try to get this kind of information out for nightly news shows. But I think some people in Trump Admin (Bolton, even Pompeo) were worried, and are hoping to use this to prevent Trump from doing any further harm.
neocons don’t like this. they are having a stroke. like the remainders. it’s funny
Not sucking up to Kim Jong Un might be the one issue in which I actually agree with the neocons. But alas, Trump has to Trump, and he already called Kim III “his friend”.
The suprise here is, though, how horribly the Cohen hearing in DC is going for Republicans. There are several Republican Representitives who will be primaried for failing to defend Trump efficiently (possibly because Cohen worked for RNC, too, and they are scared about what he knows on their campaign finances). Also, I think Trump will be in a very foul mood if he has any chance to see this.