Why oh why does it take decades before cover-ups and lies are uncovered? 27 years on an inquest jury has found the 96 victims of the crush at a Hillsborough football match were unlawfully killed and pinpointed police failures before and after the 1989 FA Cup semi-final. There are now calls for senior police officers to be held accountable for the deaths; and for perverting the course of justice, perjury and misconduct in public office, as they blamed drunkenness amongst fans as the cause for the disaster in the aftermath.
The disaster happened around 3.06pm on 15 April 1989 in Sheffield, England. The chart itself is not on first sight that descriptive. The potentially chaotic triple conjunction of Uranus Neptune Saturn in Capricorn certainly fell in the 5th house of sport and entertainment. And there was a bleak sextile of Saturn to a 3rd house Pluto which does reasonably describe pressures on getting about.
It does have Jupiter in the 10th somewhat similar to 9/11 which has Jupiter conjunct MC, not exactly what you’d expect of expansive, lucky Jupiter. In the Hillsborough chart the Jupiter is further emphasised being square North Node opposition the Virgo Ascendant. Jupiter’s tendency to expand, exaggerating the bad as well as the good. The 10th house Mars is also emphasised being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine from an Aries Sun Venus trine Leo Moon.
The Hillsborough midpoints are more stark with Pluto = Mars/Uranus which is sudden destructive violence. And the North Node = Mars/Pluto = Sun/Saturn = Sun/Neptune which is brutal, muddled, rigidity (Saturn) leading to asphyxiation (Neptune).
Just out of interest tho’ I don’t normally pay that much attention to Fixed Stars I had a look since the chart itself seemed sparse on detail.
The Midheaven was conjunct Algol which has a reputation for violence and extreme danger.
Mars was conjunct Bellatrix indicating reckless behaviour leading to physical injury.
Mercury which is emphasised in the chart conjunct Hamal, associated with brutality and cruelty.
Venus which sits on the cusp of the legal 9th house was conjunct Alpherg indicating success through determined effort. And it has certainly taken a relentless campaign by a small group of people for this to come to a conclusion albeit very very late in the day.
The 8th and 16th Harmonics are strong, unpleasantly so which is to be expected. The 8H is especially has a T Square of Saturn opposition Mars square Sun; two Mystic Rectangles made up from Mars opposition Saturn, Pluto opposition Jupiter and Venus opposition Uranus which are sextile/trine each other And Sun inconjunct Pluto. So an unholy mix of sudden violence and destruction with emotional shocks.
At the moment tr Pluto is opposition the disaster Solar Arc Mars; and tr Uranus sextile Mars as the excruciatingly slow process moves on a decisive step. Whatever charges now ensue may come in 2017/18 as tr Uranus is conjunct the disaster Sun and then Venus, trining the Moon, bringing relief for the families of victims.