CBS & Les Moonves – more showbiz turmoil



CBS is heading for its 90th birthday next year in the face of a slew of allegations of sexual misconduct aimed primarily at CEO Les Moonves – detailed by Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker. Thirty other former and current CBS employees also allege harassment and company-wide protection for those accused of misconduct, some alleging their careers were later derailed as a result of filing harassment complaints. All of this in the middle of a pitched legal battle with majority shareholder Shari Redstone over a proposed merger with Viacom.

Moonves, 6 October 1949, is a Sun Neptune in Libra square Jupiter in ambitious, money-minded Capricorn and opposition an Aries Moon squaring onto an innovative and rebellious Uranus in Cancer.  He has an ultra-determined, never-say-die Mars Pluto conjunction – somewhat similar to Weinstein’s Mars square Pluto – which in businesses requiring a ruthless streak isn’t too surprising. Though in Moonves’ case his Mars Pluto squares onto his seductive, sexualised Venus in Scorpio. He’ll be a man of strong passions.

Tr Neptune is within days of reversing in opposition to his Sun/Mars and Sun/Pluto midpoints, which will bring a sense of panicky failure and undermine his position; and those repeat off and on through 2019, being joined by another couple of Neptune confidence sinkers in 2019/ 2020. He’ll have some lucky breaks in 2019 and fairly resounding success from tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter in 2019/2020 so he won’t be down and out but it won’t all be going his way.

CBS has a late Capricorn Sun square Jupiter at one degree Taurus – both of these will be shaken up by tr Uranus through the rest of this year into early 2019 – with luck and some relief as well as jolting changes.

Moonves’ relationship chart with CBS is being detonated into sudden change with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto now and into early 2019; with high frustration, anger and more disruption from tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars and trine Uranus. He’s pretty anchored in and isn’t a man to give in without a fight.

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