Cheryl & Liam – a Water Fire and Earth Air mismatch



Another power couple bites the dust. Singer, songwriter Cheryl Tweedy has split from her ten year younger husband Liam Payne, of boyband One Direction.

Born 30 June 1983 8.28pm Newcastle on Tyne, England, she’s had a successful singing career, is known as a fashion icon and as a judge on X Factor; but seems less talented at picking husbands with this being her third failed marriage. The Daily Mail is trailing the notion that her mother was a problem driving a wedge between the happy couple. And with Saturn Pluto conjunct her midheaven, she would seem to have had a fairly controlling, stubbornly determined mother. Cheryl’s Pisces Moon is also square Uranus Jupiter; and she has her Cancer Sun, Mars and North Node all in her 7th house of close relationships. Her emotional responses will be changeable and volatile; with co-operation not being her strong point. She’ll insist on being in charge.

Liam Payne, 29 August 1993 1 pm (?) Wolverhamption, England, is a Sun Virgo with an Aquarius Moon; and a super-charged, high-wire Uranus Neptune in Capricorn square Mars Jupiter in Libra. He’s Earth, Air while Cheryl is Water Fire – so polar opposites in temperament.

Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction; but that squares a struggle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter Pluto; and there’s also an explosive composite Mars trine Saturn Uranus. With the composite Moon opposition Mars – so a fair few more minuses than pluses.

Neither of them are in a successful patch career-wise with tr Saturn moving through their respective first quadrants for several years ahead. She looks especially damped down with her Solar Arc Saturn Pluto conjunct her Jupiter in 2019.

Pic: Georges Biard

2 thoughts on “Cheryl & Liam – a Water Fire and Earth Air mismatch

  1. Hi, they weren’t married they just had a baby but he’s pursing a solo career and travels a lot so I’m sure that affected their relationship. Do you mind going more indepth about Saturn affecting his career? Cause im wondering if he just gave up his relationship for a solo career that won’t end up being successful. Thank you!

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