Elizabeth Warren – not her moment



Elizabeth Warren has become the first high profile Democrat to toss her hat into the ring for 2020, announcing she is forming an exploratory committee. A former law professor, she gained prominence for her critique of Wall Street after the 2008 financial crash, has been a senator since 2012 and gained fans for standing up to Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell on the Senate floor. But she is seen as a divisive figure and may be too polarizing to fit the times.

Born 22 June 1949, Oak Hill, OK, maybe 1.51 pm (unverified astrotheme), she’s a rebellious and innovative Sun Uranus in Cancer in a sensible sextile to Saturn in Virgo.  Her Saturn is widely square Mars Mercury in Gemini, giving her grit and an argumentative streak.

She’s got an uphill battle at the moment with tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint and that runs throughout  2019; but where she really starts to dip is between March 2020 and late September 2020 with tr Neptune in hard aspect to four of her key midpoints. She may decide to call it quits before 2019 is out and if she doesn’t I doubt with all that Neptune around that she’ll get the nomination.

She’d have more luck in 2024 when tr Pluto will conjunct her Jupiter.

Hong Kong – fighting an unwinnable battle



Hong Kong with an 8 degree Cancer Sun is another country in line for Eclipse challenges through 2019. They are under increasing pressure from the authoritarian Chinese government – ‘mainlandisation’ and clamp down on moves towards self-determination – despite the pre-1997 promises of “one-country, two-systems” protecting existing rights and freedoms.

On the 1 July 1997 midnight chart the January and December Capricorn Eclipses fall in HK’s 10th house conjunct the midheaven, suggesting a crisis around direction and ambitions. With the Solar Arc  Sun opposition the HK Neptune this year and Solar Arc Mars opposition Neptune in 2022 there seems little hope of a move towards more freedom though there will be some efforts in 2020 with tr Uranus square the HK Uranus.  The Solar Arc Midheaven will catch the repressive tr Saturn Pluto opposition in 2019/2020 which suggests a standstill.

The 25 January 1842 HK chart, with Saturn Jupiter at 8 Capricorn,  is no more cheerful – with attempts at positive change as tr Uranus squares the Sun from May 2019 onwards for a year meeting with disappointment which will drag on. Tensions with China will escalate in 2021 and worsen towards 2022/23.

HK Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s Swearing in chart with a 9 degree Cancer Sun and 9 degree Libra Moon will also be considerably rattled through 2019.

UK Parliament – back to civil war ferment



A modern equivalent of the most febrile period in English political history in the aftermath of the 17th Century Civil War is being re-run in Westminster for the next several years. Simon De Montfort’s first parliament chart, 20 January 1265 JC, has the same Solar Arcs running from 2016 to 2024 as were in place in 1652 to 1659 after the Parliamentarians revolt against the monarchy, with a Republic briefly in place and Oliver Cromwell at the helm. This is the first time in 360 years that these influences have repeated.

The De Montfort chart seems to work well, showing up the start of World War 1 and WW11 clearly.

Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct the Parliament Saturn, exactly now as Westminster faces one of the most difficult decisions in its history. Uranus is rebellious, a risk-taker, especially sitting close to Jupiter, and will certainly give rise to considerable tensions and outbursts. It won’t resolve quickly or improve with Solar Arc Uranus moving to form a highly insecure and fractious conjunction to Mars in 18 months’ time, which is when the Solar Arc Mars and then Saturn start to oppose the Parliament Pluto through an exceedingly stressed, bad-tempered and trapped phase up to 2024.

On transits tr Pluto will continue the dreary, discouraging slog of 2018 as it trines the Parliament Saturn through 2019, joined in April by tr Pluto in an infuriated, frustrated trine to Mars, on and off till late 2020. A dis-empowering tr Neptune square Pluto picks up in 2020 into 2021 as the same time as tr Uranus begins a jolting series of squares to the Sun, Neptune and Venus for forced change of direction due to fast-changing circumstances; and by 2022 tr Pluto will square the Pmnt Uranus for more disruptions.

Republicanism is unlikely to be a forefront issue though a national government is possible to deal with a chaotic political and/or economic  situation. So there’s not going to be a quick n’ easy end to this saga.

What was around for Brexit in 2016 was Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct Mars, which is adventurous, risk-taking, a what-the-hell moment to waken up torpor.

Nancy Grace Roman – flying the flag for women in science



Nancy Grace Roman, “Mother of Hubble”, has died aged 93. An American astronomer, the first female executive at NASA, she was instrumental in planning the Hubble Space Telescope. Throughout her career, she was an active public speaker and educator, and advocate for women in the sciences.

Born 16 May 1925 in Nashville, she became interested in astronomy at school but had to fight prejudice against women taking up maths and the sciences. In later years she said she always used Dr in front of her name otherwise she wouldn’t get past the secretaries.

She was a Sun Taurus square Neptune in Leo – Neptune is often found prominently in the charts of mathematicians. Her Sun was also trine Jupiter in Capricorn, sextile Uranus in Pisces – giving her confidence and luck which provided the openings for her to further her career; and focussed onto innovative Uranus helpfully in cosmic Pisces it would give her a bent for research. She also had an ultra-do-or-die-determined Mars Pluto conjunction trine Saturn in obsessively conscientious Scorpio, which wouldn’t hurt either.

Her North Node in Leo gave her the capacity to be a leader.

Her two strongest Harmonics were the helper/healer 12H and the super-star 22H. Her genius/breakthrough 13H was also notable.

We women really don’t know how lucky we are nowadays. There may still be glass ceilings and misogyny in science but it’s nothing like it used to be.

Canada – challenging eclipses



Canada’s had a troubled and isolated year with repercussions from Saudi Arabia over a tweet about jailed human rights activists and from China, up in arms about the detention of the Huawei executive, wanted on a US extradition warrant for bank fraud and violating Iran sanctions. And no back up from the White House or anyone else globally on either issue, plus the trade arguments.

Tr Saturn has been opposing the Canada Cancer Sun Uranus through 2018 which is a sobering, separating influence and will spend 2019 squaring the Canada Neptune and Ascendant for more uncertainties and downbeat moments. The Capricorn and Cancer Eclipses will also be  in aspect to the CA Sun Uranus, so it’ll be a year of sharp questioning about direction. Tr Uranus will trine the CA Mars across the middle of the year into 2020, which will bring sudden moments of insecurity but will end well in 2020 with tr Uranus sextile Jupiter. A risk will prove worthwhile.

There will be financial concerns with a disappointing and undermining tr Neptune square the CA Venus till late 2019 and similar from Solar Arc Neptune square Venus in 2020/21. The Bank of Canada chart, 11 March 1935, looks challenged and tested through from April 2019 till late 2020, with some success and some serious failures. The economic stresses will run on till almost 2023, which fits the global pattern.

The USA/Canada relationship chart is edgy and explosive now till mid February 2019, jangled late March into April; with some relief after mid year.

Justin Trudeau, the PM’s personal chart, has hitches and glitches through spring and a downhill slide thereafter. His Term chart is also sagging badly from April onwards.

June Whitfield – a dedicated trouper



“A life full of love, affection and laughter, of gigs, gags and a couple of gongs” was how June Whitefield summed up her extraordinarily long and successful career. She has just died aged 93, having reigned for more than six decades as one of Britain’s most popular and busy comedy actresses. Over the years she played wife or girlfriend to Benny Hill, Frankie Howerd, Dick Emery, Tony Hancock, Jimmy Edwards, Sid James, Ted Ray, Leslie Phillips, Stanley Baxter, Bob Monkhouse, Harry H Corbett, Tommy Cooper, Terry Thomas, Leslie Crowther and Ronnie Barker. But most memorably to Terry Scott in the long running sitcom Happy Ever After and Terry and June. More recently she stole the show as the batty mother in Ab Fab. She said she preferred not being top of the bill since it was too stressful, so was happy to stay one step back.

Born 11 November 1925 London, she was a serious, rather rigid Sun Saturn in Scorpio in a creative square to Neptune – all in Fixed signs giving her endurance; plus her Sun Saturn were in a bleak trine to Pluto and a more upbeat sextile to Jupiter.  Her Jupiter opposition Pluto would give her push and confidence but her Saturnine reserve would put the brakes on any flamboyant displays of ego.

Her long on-screen marriage to Terry Scott, born 4 May 1927, wasn’t reflected in a close off-screen friendship. He was a more difficult personality with an intense Mars Pluto in Cancer sextile his Taurus Sun. But his Jupiter was conjunct her Uranus which would give them a spark of fun together and her Jupiter opposed his Mars Pluto so she was strong enough to cope with him and may have mellowed his mood when he threatened to get out of hand. Both their Saturns crossed over onto the other’s chart for a solid business-like mood – not warm but practical.

Their relationship chart did have a lucky, successful composite Sun, Mercury, Jupiter anchored into a creative Neptune Saturn – so while their normal personalities may have grated, they made a reasonable, albeit dysfunctional, screen match.

Queen Anne – a bleak subject for laughs



‘A brilliant, bawdy triumph.’

‘Scheming for power in a kinky palace triangle.’

‘Bracingly cynical Royal comedy of manners.’

‘A punk Restoration romp.’

‘A farce with teeth, a costume drama with sharp political instincts and an aggressive sense of the absurd.’

There are rave reviews for The Favourite, an unlikely drama about Queen Anne, who reigned for 12 years at the start of the 18th century, between William of Orange and the first of the Hanoverian Georges. She had 17 pregnancies and no live children, was plagued with gout, myriad other ailments and depression. The film is focussed on her relationship with the powerful and manipulative Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, who ran her business affairs and a young female relative, who both sought the Queen’s pleasure in and out of bed.

Anne, born 6 February 1665 JC 11.39 pm London, had a 4th house Aquarius Sun trine an 8th house Pluto – home-oriented, adept at wielding behind-the-scenes power, though also trapped by circumstances. She had Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter in the 3rd house pointing to her complicated relationship with her sister Mary, her only other surviving sibling. Her Pisces Moon in the 5th hints at fertility but square the 8th house Pluto she would constantly feel out of control of her emotional situation.

Her marriage to Prince George of Denmark was by all accounts happy and loyal. He was a Sun Aries with a Libra Moon, and like her, had Jupiter in Aquarius and Venus in Aries, so as Royal matches go very compatible.

Sarah Churchill, 5 June 1660 JC, had a strong-minded, controlling Sun Pluto in Gemini which fell in Anne’s 8th and trined Anne’s Sun, so a close, possessive and transformational connection. Sarah’s Jupiter was in Anne’s 10th so she’d benefit socially and career-wise from the connection. Sarah’s Saturn in Scorpio was conjunct Anne’s Ascendant which would allow her to manage Anne’s affairs up to a point but would prove less useful when the split came. And in the way of Plutonic relationships it was bitter and vengeful when it did part.

Their relationship chart had a fated composite Yod onto an focal point Jupiter inconjunct Pluto sextile Mercury – a definite struggle for the upper hand in a relationship that was destined to change both irrevocably. Plus a composite Mars opposition Jupiter, tending to push them into unwise or over confident decisions.

Who’d have thought such an unlikely and downbeat heroine would have produced such a sparkling tragicomedy.

Ireland ahead – a green and discordant land



The Ireland north-south border enshrined as a frictionless zone in the Good Friday peace agreement to end three decades of violent troubles is the unsolvable conundrum of Brexit. Weaponised gleefully by the EU and carelessly ignored by the Brexiteers it has assumed mountainous proportions, though as a customs border problem it could easily be resolved by technological means, obviating the need for a concrete barrier.  Northern Ireland voted 56% to stay in the EU.

Northern Ireland, 7 December 1922 3.28pm Belfast, is already logjammed having been without an executive government since January 2017 with civil servants taking the key decisions in the absence of an agreement between the leading parties. It’s looking completely blocked at the moment with the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Saturn; and the ongoing undermining tr Neptune is square the Sagittarius Sun Mercury till late 2019. Tr Uranus will square the midheaven for a jolting change of direction from mid February onwards for as few weeks; with the tr Saturn Pluto in Capricorn opposing the Moon at 23 degrees Cancer through 2019 and exactly in early 2020 – which looks bleak and very discouraging. They won’t be remotely pleased with whatever decision is made.

Relations between Northern Ireland and the UK will be tense and conflicted mid January to mid February 2019 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Moon (repeating later in the year) as well as  confused and  jolted –  and at their lowest ebb in 2020/2021 with tr Neptune opposition the composite Jupiter Saturn and square Uranus.  Relations between North and South are stressed through 2019/2020 and disillusioned in 2020 and worse for several years thereafter.

The Ireland 18 April 1949 12 am Dublin chart hints at setbacks and frustrations through 2019 with tr Saturn square the 10th house Neptune in January and then square Mars later in the year; with tr Pluto continuing another year of frustrations as it squares Mars. The volatile, overly impulsive Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Ireland Uranus will gradually fade into 2019.

Relations with the UK will be fraught over the March 29 2019 theoretical exit date.

It’s heresy to say it but Northern Ireland not having the ‘luxury’ of stomping off into independence like Scotland or even Wales, would be better to unify with the south and be done with it. But alas and alack too many decades of blood feuds make that unlikely.

Colin O’Brady – walking the impossible dream



Explorer and endurance athlete 33 year old Colin O’Brady has become the first man to cross Antarctica on foot unaided, which was deemed impossible. It took 54 days to walk 1500 kilometres dragging a 170-kg (375 lb) sled for 12-13 hours per day mainly uphill over ridged ice. He covered the final 80 miles (129 kms) in a 32 hour haul without sleep. He finished ahead of British Army Captain Louis Rudd, aged 49, who competed to honour his friend Henry Worsley who lost his life in a similar attempt two years ago, dying from exhaustion.

O’Brady born 16 March 1985 in Olympia, Washington, was severely burned in his early twenties and was told he might never walk normally again. He focused on physical rehabilitation by training for the triathlon and then moved onto the Explorers Grand Slam, climbing the seven highest summits in a record time.

He’s a late Sun Pisces (like Ranulph Fiennes, the Transglobe explorer) with his Sun square Neptune in Capricorn and trine an obsessively conscientious Saturn in Scorpio. Pisces is, oddly enough, often an explorers’ sign, which rather disproves the wimpy Pisces reputation.

What marks O’Brady’s chart out as ultra-determined is Mars in bullish Taurus in a do-or-die opposition to Pluto square a super-confident Jupiter (Moon) in Aquarius.

His 9th Harmonic = what gives him pleasure – has a brutal Yod of Mars Saturn onto Pluto Mercury – so stretching himself beyond the end of his limits obviously appeals. His extreme 16H is also marked.

The physical and mental recovery from this kind of experience will be a longish process and what’s ahead through this spring looks fairly bumpy with tr Uranus hitting on his Mars and Pluto.