Kanye West – swimming through a Neptunian fog



Kanye West, the most successful rapper of the 21st Century, seems to have gone off the rails again, causing outrage among fellow musicians and civil rights activists by implying black people were to blame for their enslavement. In an interview he said: ‘Slavery – for 400 years? That sounds like a choice. It’s like we’re mentally in prison.”

He’s had a history of instability including one psychotic break with hallucinations and paranoia, suicidal impulses and opioid addictions; and has recently declared his love for Donald Trump.

Born 8 June 1977 Atlanta, Georgia with an unverified time of 8.45am, his mother was an English Professor and his father who left the family when Kanye was three was a former Black Panther. He spent some of his childhood in China where his mother was teaching. And is now married to Kim Kardashian with three children.

He’s a Sun Jupiter in Gemini opposition Neptune square a Pisces Moon; with his Sun Jupiter also trine Pluto and sextile Saturn in self-important Leo. The Neptune Pluto contact is often seen in mega-successful charts, having a hint of megalomania about it. But that Mutable T Square is very finely balanced mentally – and is being undermined by tr Neptune conjunct his Moon exactly now and squaring his Jupiter, Sun/Jupiter midpoint this year, then Sun in 2019. So perhaps loosening his grip on reality.  His determined and passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Taurus opposition Uranus is also getting the elbow from tr Uranus conjunct Mars in June and Venus in July, repeating into 2019. So he’ll be all over the place.

Will.I.Am, the musician and actor, has been leading the backlash saying it “one of the most ignorant statements that anybody who came from the hood could ever say about their ancestors”.  Born 15 March 1975 1.16 am, Los Angeles, he was a founder of hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas, has made solo albums and is a music producer. He also has a Sun Jupiter conjunction, in his case in Pisces with a fiery Moon Venus in Aries in his performing 5th house; an influential Pluto in the 10th square Saturn in the 8th; and in a mini-Grand Trine trine to Mars, sextiling onto musical Neptune on his Sagittarius Ascendant. Talented and tough.

Kanye’s Saturn opposes his Mars so there will be a gritty interface.

Tom Brokaw – talented, earthy, hard-edged



Tom Brokaw, a highly respected TV journalist and NBC anchor has had three allegations of historical sexual harassment made against him – of groping and unwanted kissing. 65 TV industry women then signed and published a letter characterizing Brokaw as “a man of tremendous decency and integrity.” Although one subsequent report says more junior staffers felt forced to sign it.

Born 6 February 1940 3.40am Webster, South Dakota, he has a quick-witted 3rd house Sun, Mercury in Aquarius. Though what marks his chart out as mega-talented – and quite heavyweight – is an Earth Grand Trine of Capricorn Moon trine Uranus trine Neptune, formed into two Kites. Neptune opposes Venus in charming Pisces; and his Moon opposes an 8th house Pluto squaring onto a disciplined, but ratchety Mars Saturn in Aries. His Pluto is also trine a confident, happy-home Jupiter in the 4th. He’s been married since 1962 to author Meredith Lynn Auld and they have three children.

Pluto in the 8th would help to make him influential; though his Moon aspects are difficult – opposition Pluto square Mars, Saturn. Certainly not at ease with the feminine.

In recent years he suffered from cancer though it appears to be in remission. He’s got a tough three to four years ahead with tr Uranus squaring his Pluto from June, and later in the year hitting his Moon/Pluto midpoint. In 2019 tr Pluto moves to square his Mars Saturn which will be extremely challenging.

Germaine Greer – a contrarian revelling in controversy



Germaine Greer has followed up her critical comments on the “whingeing” #MeToo movement by blaming women for the prevalence of sexual violence and rape on television for which they are the largest audience. She says women are drawn to dramas about the victimisation of women in murder and rape.

There’s always a nugget of truth in what Greer says but she always manages to sound bulldozingly dogmatic and as if she enjoys stirring up controversy without worrying about whose sensitivities she’s tramping on. Nuance isn’t her thing.

In 2010 Illinois University researchers did find that women were disproportionately likely to review true crime books on Amazon and watch police procedural series.

Born 29 January 1939 6 am Melbourne, AU, Greer has a Sun Aquarius conjunct her Ascendant in a controlling opposition to Pluto and square Moon Uranus in Taurus  – so a curious and cool mix of Air and Earth. She’s very Fixed and Aquarius does like to outrage and shock. Her Saturn in Aries in her communication 3rd house is hard edged and her Mercury opposes intense and unyielding Pluto. Plus she has an ambitious and vengeful 10th house Mars in Scorpio. So what she says comes across with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

She does have a strong leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic and undoubtedly made a difference in leading the feminist movement nearly fifty years ago with The Female Eunuch. But her contrarian impulses make her sound very one-sided. #metoo was long overdue and trashing it out of hand is hardly helpful.

Benjamin Netanyahu – agent provocateur for Trump



On Sunday, Israeli fighters struck a pro-Assad military base used by Iran in Syria, destroying anti-aircraft missiles. Of the 16 dead 11 were reported to be Iranians. U.S. officials told NBC News that Israel seemed to be preparing for open warfare with Iran and is seeking U.S. support. Then with much bravado and chutzpah Benjamin Netanyahu strode onto the global stage to announce that Iran were liars and had been breaking the Obama nuclear deal. This on the basis of a treasure trove of secret documents that Mossad had captured. Except there appears, amongst the half tonne of papers stolen in one night if he is to be believed, to be no smoking gun.  Haaretz, the Israeli liberal paper described it as ‘much ado about nothing.’ But it was clearly designed to elbow Trump into killing the deal in the face of opposition from Paris, Berlin and London.

Trump may hate all things Obama but his campaign promises were all about avoiding getting dragged into foreign conflicts. James Mattis would certainly advise against it but he doesn’t seem to be winning much at the moment looking decidedly undermined with tr Neptune opposing his Sun; as well as aggravated by both Trump and Netanyahu from late May, through June and again in the autumn.

Netanyahu’s Government chart, 14 May 2015 11.05 pm looks precarious over coming months, with a real chance of collapse before the end of the summer; with disappointments galore in May and June.

His personal chart, 21 October 1949 9.30am Tel Aviv, is in a waning phase with tr Saturn now entering the nadir of his first quadrant, facing corruption charges domestically and clearly keen to create diversions. This phase is likely to throw up misjudgments, banana skins galore and failed plans. Plus he has the blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Sun, exact in 4 months time.

Playing with fire.

Vatican No 3 will stand trial – Pope Francis in crisis



Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s most senior Catholic and the third-ranking official in the Vatican, will stand trial on historical sexual offences, starting May 2nd. It’s a critical announcement for Pope Francis, who has been accused of failing to come to grips with the abuse scandals enveloping the church.

Pell, born 8 June 1941, Ballarat, Australia, has a Gemini Sun at the same degree as the Vatican (7 June 1929 11 am Rome). Pell’s Sun squares onto a Mars in Pisces opposition Neptune in Virgo; and he has the heavyweight Saturn Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune. At the moment he has the swampy, panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct his Mars and from May 7th  the start of the undermining tr Neptune square to his Sun running till late 2019. With a discouraging tr Pluto trine Saturn in 2018/2019 and a disruptive tr Uranus square his Pluto in July, again in 2019; plus a tranche Pluto transits to three of his Mars midpoints in 2018/2019 which are angry, frustrated and trapped.

Pell’s Jupiter Uranus are conjunct the Vatican’s MC so he is a key figure. Tr Neptune is also moving in square to the Vatican Sun from next month, having been square the Moon and Sun/Moon midpoint already and repeating again later leading to lack of will power, indecision and drift.

Pope Francis’s Election chart, 13 March 2013 7.06 pm Rome, has been wobbling precariously through 2017 with the Solar Arc Uranus exactly square the 4th house Pluto, detonating deep fears. Tr Saturn will soon square the 7th house Mars for the second time, bringing setbacks, again in the autumn; and into 2019 there’s an explosive Solar Arc Mars conjunct Uranus plus tr Saturn square the Moon – not in a happy place, with sagging popularity, that’s for sure.