OJ Simpson – emotional, ambitious and combative * harmonics



OJ Simpson has been released from a Nevada prison after serving nine years of his 33-year sentence on charges of assault, kidnapping and armed burglary after attempting to steal his own sports memorabilia from a hotel room in Las Vegas. His lawyers previously argued that his sentence was disproportionate to his crime, and was intended to compensate for his 1995 acquittal for the double murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman in 1995. After a civil suit, he was ordered to pay $33.5 million dollars to the Goldman and Brown families. So far he has only paid a tiny portion of the overall debt.

He looks understandably upbeat until December with only a couple of emotional blips from tr Saturn opposition his Uranus and square his Pisces Moon. 2018 looks a rockier ride, though with tr Jupiter moving through his 4th house from the New Year, he may take a hint and settle down quietly to domestic seclusion for a year. His temper may get the better of him in about three to four years with his Progressed Mars conjunct his Mercury. And with tr Uranus square his 12th house Saturn Pluto conjunction, he’ll have major ups and downs in 2020/21.

By 2022 he is set for a radical change of direction as tr Uranus crosses his MC into his 10th, and tr Uranus also opposes his Jupiter, the time when his five-year parole and its restrictions are lifted. And he looks to be successful financially, starting new projects in 2023/2024.

From a previous post: He has a Water Grand Trine of Sun Mercury in Cancer trine Jupiter in Scorpio trine an 8th house Pisces Moon. Highly emotional, he’ll live in a protected bubble of his own inner world, and, while creative, will at times be detached from reality. His competitive, combative Mars in Gemini in the 10th is in a showbizzy trine to Neptune, sextile a depressive Saturn (Pluto) in Leo in his 12th. His Jupiter in Scorpio (often good at attracting money) is square his Pluto Saturn, as well as being trine his Sun Mercury – so he has the confidence and luck to balance out the negative traits. It’s not an ultra-violent chart but none too stable psychologically.

His Harmonics: On his natal chart he has a Mars trine Neptune, sextile Saturn Pluto in Leo – which is fairly heavyweight. That Mars Saturn is the most common repeat factor through several harmonics, in hard aspect. In traditional astrology Mars Saturn was associated with soldiers, killers and assassinations.

The most notable harmonic with a close Mars opposition Saturn square Sun is the 20th – a major upheaval that leads to an awakening which changes the ambitions, ideals, goals or plans for one’s life. Not a good material number, but is considered good for spiritual development. Delays and obstacles.

Which also connects to the 10th harmonic which is what I’d have expected to see with his life’s story – “The wheel of Fortune”. Contains the innovation and creativity of the number 1, but even if 10 stands for prosperity and abundance, it also contains the seed of both rise and fall, of the good and the bad.

Also strong is his 5H which can get a life together but also be domineering, irresponsible, self-indulgent, deceitful, “the player”

His 7H has a controlling Sun opposition Pluto, and emotionally-insensitive and can-be-cruel Venus Mars Saturn link – it can be creative and a perfectionist, but also sarcastic, cold, self-centred.

His 11H links the Sun and Mars which is OK for a sportsman but would also make him short-tempered. 11 is a difficult number to live up to, can be idealistic but the negative side is fanatical, greedy, self-indulgent. It warns against hidden trials, disloyalty and betrayal from others.

His 12H links together Sun, Venus, Saturn hinting at emotional problems/coldness – being a victim of circumstances. That may be a result of his rough childhood with a drag-queen father who died of AIDs, and his gang-involvement.

A bizarre life.


Spain – Neptune & Uranus pulling it back into civil war



Spain is practically on civil-war footing over the Catalonia independence referendum, which the Madrid government has declared illegal and sent in baton-wielding national police firing rubber bullets to enforce their will. Hundreds are reported to be injured in Barcelona. Officials involved in planning the vote have been charged with sedition and hundreds of separatist mayors are threatened with prosecution. Polls suggest a majority of voters are against independence but the heavy-handed tactics of PM Mariano Rajoy have only fuelled separatist fervour. Looming large is the ghost of fascist General Franco, who outlawed the Catalan language, abolished the regional government and executed activists after the 1936 civil war. History never completely dies.

Both Spain charts – 19 January 1479 JC (which works remarkably well) and 22 November 1975 12.45pm – indicate that this is a saga which will run and run.

During the 1936 Spanish Civil War, tr Neptune then in Virgo was opposition the Spain 1479 Mars and moving to conjunct the Saturn, for an undermining and destructive few years of violent military action. Now exactly half a Neptune cycle later, tr Neptune in Pisces is approaching the conjunction to that Mars in 2018 and then opposing the Spain Saturn in 2019. In 1936 tr Uranus then in Taurus was square the Spain 1479 Aquarius Sun – that won’t recur until 2020, but it is coming as Spain faces another Uranus Return.

Mariano Rajoy, 27 March 1955, is a Sun Aries; with a formidably stubborn and ruthless Mars (Moon) in Taurus opposition Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto, which impacts badly with the Catalonia’s equally Fixed chart. He looks especially hyped-up at the moment with his Solar Arc Mars opposition Saturn having moved to elbow his Jupiter Uranus conjunction. His grip of power is shaky and he may not last much longer.

The only date I can find for Catalonia is 11 May 1268 JC, giving it a stalwart Taurus Sun opposition Pluto, with Pluto square Saturn; and an excitable and unforgiving Mars in Scorpio opposition Venus in Taurus. That chart has been under assault as the fight for Catalonia independence started to escalate two years back with the Solar Arc Mars opposition the Sun, and is facing a tumultuous next several years with an explosive tr Uranus opposition Mars in 2018, conjunct Venus in 2019; tr Pluto square Neptune in 2019/2020; and Solar Arc Mars conjunct Pluto in 2021/22 – so a hugely challenging few years ahead.

Puerto Rico – another Trump misstep



Trump’s “asinine response to criticism” about what Puerto Rico locals claim is an insufficient response to the storm-ravaged island, tweeted from his luxury golf course in New Jersey, has  created another a firestorm. Ten days after Hurricane Maria, most of Puerto Rico is still without power and many of its 3.4 million residents, most of them U.S. citizens, lack basic supplies like food and water and air-conditioning. There has been criticism in the past about corruption, government mismanagement and a dilapidated infrastructure in Puerto Rico, which the storm has exacerbated.

There are two charts for Puerto Rico, 25 July 1898 and 25 July 1952 1.36pm, San Juan. It is an unincorporated US territory with its citizens free to travel to the US, but not eligible to vote in Congress or for the Presidency.

The PR 1898 chart has Solar Arc conjunct its Uranus, for a major shock exactly now, with a discouraging 2018 ahead as tr Saturn squares the Jupiter, tr Neptune squares Pluto and tr Uranus squares the Leo Sun. The 1952 PR chart has an explosive/destructive Solar Arc Mars opposition Uranus exact now; with a devastating tr Pluto square Neptune in 2018/2018, and again tr Uranus square the Leo Sun in 2018.

Trump’s chart impacts badly with both, hitting on his 12th house Pluto and Mars so riling him up, and bringing out his bully-streak. His relationship chart with the 1898 PR is certainly starkly hostile with a composite Pluto Sun Mars on the point of a T square to Jupiter opposition Node – so no love lost there, a struggle to the death. And the other relationship chart is not much better.

The USA’s relationships charts with Puerto Rico show disappointment this year; and significant challenges in 2018/19 with tr Pluto opposing the composite Sun. So the aftereffects of the damage, whatever the rights and wrongs of underlying local problems, will bring continuing resentment.