USA & China – provoking the dragon


The war of words, if not worse, is escalating between China and the USA, as a US warship sailed near a disputed island in the South China Sea which the Chinese called “a serious political and military provocation”. The US has repeatedly warned China against its occupation and aggressive reclamation of islands in disputed waters. Beijing says it is within its sovereign rights to do so. The US does not recognise those territorial claims.

Trump is pushing China hard to get a firmer grip on North Korea; and he is expected to make an announcement soon on restricting the import of Chinese steel that will only exacerbate tensions, as well as rupturing global trade rules.

The China/US relationship chart has a hostile and aggravated tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars exact at the moment, returning in December this year and through till late 2018; with significant strains from late this July to late September with tr Saturn opposition the composite Uranus; and further lowering of trust with perhaps financial implications this October to early Jan 2018 as tr Neptune opposes the composite Venus.


Canada – living next to a grunting, twitching elephant



Canada is celebrating its 150th anniversary in buoyant mood as the younger Trudeau, now PM, has managed to propel Canada onto the world stage again, courtesy of Trump’s election. Trump bans Muslim immigrants and Trudeau instantly tweets them a welcome. Yet Trudeau has still managed to keep harmony with the White House, persuading Trump not to cancel the NAFTA trade agreement; and managing to turn Trump’s protectionist attack on Canadian commercial interests across the border into an opportunity to unify Canada, seeking support across party lines. Where initially Trudeau was seen as light-weight, now he’s being viewed as a steady pair of hands.

Canada, 1 July 1867 12 am, has moved through troubled times several years back with tr Uranus square tr Uranus hitting on the Cancer Sun Pluto square Neptune; and tr Neptune hard-aspecting the Mars opposition Jupiter. But that’s all finished; with only a few dreary trails from tr Pluto sextile Saturn to go before finishing later this year. There have been some major jolts this year and one to come over the next three months with first Solar Arc Sun Uranus square Mars, exact six months back; and the upcoming Solar Arc MC square Mars, exact in 3 months time. But there’s also an exuberantly confident Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct Mercury this year to boost morale. Living next to the elephant of the US, as the older Trudeau described it, does carry its risks for the younger, especially with Trump being massively unpopular north of the border. There will be a patch of major uncertainty with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the Canada Neptune, exact in 6 months; and then conjunct the Ascendant in 18 months. Both of which may damp spirits and the country’s image somewhat.

The relationship between Canada and the USA, is always ambivalent with a composite Jupiter opposition Saturn, an argumentative Mercury Mars and a trapped Mars trine Pluto. There will be some rifts and jolts through this year and next with tr Saturn square Pluto and opposition the composite venus Uranus across this summer into fall; and jangles and jolts, probably accompanied by outbursts with tr Uranus square the Mars Mercury now and through 2018, opposing Saturn as well.

And the relationship chart between Trudeau and Trump is sagging badly and getting chillier late this year; with less tolerance next.

Justin Trudeau’s Swearing In chart, 4 Nov 2015 10.45am Ottawa, looks confident this year apart from a few blips; though is definitely transitioning into a new phase.

His relationship chart with Canada starts to lose its glitter through 2018 with tr Saturn square the composite Venus opposition Sun Mercury; and is sliding downhill with lack of confidence in 2019 as tr Neptune squares the composite Mars.

And his personal chart certainly indicates a less than wonderful 2018 with tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Pluto opposition Mars square Capricorn Sun, which will make him feel stuck and at a loss.

Jeremy Corbyn – imposing his control on the UK Labour Party



Never has Plato’s thought, that the problem with democracy is that it elevates opinion above knowledge, seemed more true. What with Trump being elected by precisely those voters his policies will damage most. Macron shoehorned into the Elysee Palace with no experience, but spurred to victory because he wasn’t like his rivals (except he is). And an avuncular Jeremy Corbyn being lauded to the heavens at Glastonbury after a surprise surge in popularity at the recent UK election, his young, mainly pro-EU, admirers having failed to notice that he has always seen the EU as a capitalist conspiracy. So he’s very much for a hard Brexit, which conveniently didn’t get a mention during campaigning. A recent poll found that ‘Six out of 10 Britons want to keep their European Union citizenship after Brexit – including the rights to live, work, study and travel in the EU – and many would be prepared to pay large sums to do so. ‘Support for retaining the rights is particularly strong among 18- to 24-year-olds, 85% of whom want to retain their EU citizenship in addition to their British citizenship. Around 80% of people living in London also want to maintain the same rights.’

There are now mutterings about a breakaway party being formed if Corbyn and comrades push ahead with the deselection of MPs they regard as outside the pale, with a view to forming a tightly disciplined hard-left Labour Party.

His leadership chart certainly indicates a triumph in about 14 months as the Solar Arc Sun moves to conjunct Jupiter; though with some sinking moments later this year and at least one major setback.

The Labour Party 27 Feb 1900 chart, looks panicked and sinking with a Solar Arc Mars conjunct Neptune in 2018; with discouragement and uncertainty this year as well with tr Saturn square Mercury and opposition Neptune; and tr Neptune square Pluto.

The LP 12 Feb 1906 looks on high alert this year with its central T square of Uranus in Capricorn opposition Neptune square Mars in Aries having moved by Solar Arc to pick up tr Uranus hard aspects this year into early 2018. Then through 2018 tr Saturn in Capricorn is in hard aspect to that natal T Square for more squabbles and ruptures. With the Uranus Return in 2019, perhaps returning the LP to its working-class revolutionary roots.

His relationship chart with both LP charts is fairly fraught at heart and under significant pressures over the next two to three years. His own personal chart hints at discouraging challenges mid this month to early September and again in November. With some high hopes biting the dust. But again some lucky breaks in 2018.

Momentum, the grassroots Corbyn-support movement, was formed 8 October 2015. Like its forerunner Militant, it has revolutionary Uranus Pluto strongly in its chart (square and opposition a Libra Sun); and is undergoing radical shifts over the next three years. There’ll be disappointment this year and next with tr Neptune opposition Jupiter and then Solar Arc Jupiter, which tends to bring false happiness and then a let-down. With more of the same in exaggerated form in 2020 to 2022.

Emmanuel Macron – the Sun King heading for an Icarus fall



Emmanuel Macron, newly elected president of France, is rapidly gaining a reputation for hubris. His team have developed a “Jupiterian” concept to illustrate his vision of the presidency – Jupiter being the supreme god of Roman mythology, god of the sky, thunder and lightning. This Monday he has insisted MPs traipse out to Louis XIV’s sumptuous Palace of Versailles to hear him present his state of the nation address. He has issued a symbol-laden official portrait in boss-like posture, attracting a torrent of parody on social media. His aim is to return to the monarchical presidency of Charles de Gaulle in 1958. He has given no domestic interviews and appeared only in stage-managed photo opportunities. Then he cancelled a traditional Bastille Day TV appearance, because his aides said that the presidential thoughts were “too complex for journalists”. That had Le Monde spluttering into its coffee.

Born 21 December 1977 10.40am Amines, France, he does have four planets in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter – and his Sun and Mercury oppose Jupiter in patriotic Cancer. So he’s certainly not short of grandiose ideas, soaring confidence or wild optimism.

He’s also got a focal point Taurus Moon on the point of a Yod to Neptune sextile Pluto, which latter pair often have a connection to megalomania when emphasised in a chart. Taurus like Cancer (his Jupiter) has a strong attachment to the past and tradition. His Moon also opposes Uranus and squares onto a flamboyant Mars in Leo, so he’ll revel, like Trump in glitter, pomp and pageantry. This year’s Bastille Day celebrations marking the French Revolution will also commemorate the 100th anniversary of the USA’s entry into World War 1, so US troops will join French soldiers in the annual display of military might on the Champs Elysées. At the moment his Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his Mars, which spurred him to his unexpected electoral wins and it will certain inflate all his love of display.

In Greek mythology the punishment for hubris was nemesis – shame or a correspondingly dramatic fall from grace, like Icarus who flew too near the sun.

His presidency chart does have a panicky-failure tr Neptune square the 11th house Mars through 2018/19, perhaps when he discovers that his ideas for labour reform (much needed but almost impossible to implement given the French temperament) runs into a barricade of pitchforks. He looks fairly deflated by this December, if not before, as tr Saturn, always a great pruner back of over-confidence, is conjunct his Sun and Mercury. And his relationship chart with France does run into bitter aggravation and jolting setbacks from January 2018. So that will tarnish his glitter somewhat. He’s certainly not De Gaulle, who was a stalwart Sun Scorpio opposition Neptune Pluto, with Mars Jupiter in Aquarius.

Hong Kong – under the dragon’s claw



Hong Kong is simmering after Chinese President Xi Jinping inaugurated the new pro-Beijing leader for HK and said no resistance to Chinese sovereignty would be allowed. He effectively ripped up agreements made with the UK when Hong Kong was handed back 20 years ago. ‘One country, two systems; what a lie,’ one protestor said. Tens of thousands are on the march today to voice their dislike of encroaching Chinese control.

Carrie Lam was sworn in this morning, around 9am, which puts the Sun, Mars, Mercury opposition Pluto which is bitterly hostile and will make coming months and years challenging and crisis-ridden, with Moon Jupiter in Libra tied in and widely Uranus in Aries.

The Hong Kong 1 July 1997 12am chart looks undermined and lack-lustre in a year’s time with the Solar Arc Sun opposition the 11th house Neptune, so directionless and disappointed. Tr Pluto is also square Saturn for a discouraging 2017/18. The country will certainly be less than enchanted with their new leader.

The relationship between HK 1997 and China will be chilly this year; and into a state of upheaval in 2018/19 with tr Pluto square the composite Uranus, so the protestors are likely to continue their efforts.