Muhammad Ali – fighting his corner till the end

Muhammad Ali


Muhammad Ali has died, renowned as the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time, with fulsome tributes flowing in universally, led by Barack Obama.

He was larger than life in personality as well as physically, stood up for his beliefs in refusing to fight in the Vietnam War, joined the Black Muslims and ranted like an ego-maniac to psych himself up before fights; and had a complicated emotional life. But he was still loved and admired and gained an iconic status even after he retired from the ring, too late to prevent brain damage.

Born 17 January 1942 6.35 pm Louisville, Kentucky, he had a very Earthy and Fixed chart. His hard-working 6th house Capricorn Sun was trine Saturn Uranus in Taurus in the 10th trine Neptune in Virgo, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Pluto – so powerful, influential, controlling. His Pluto was also opposition an Aquarius Moon Mercury square Mars in Taurus – so he packed a very solid punch.

He also had Venus in Aquarius in his 7th so exceedingly charming, despite a chart which could have turned him bad. The Moon Mercury Venus in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini in the 10th undoubtedly helped to soften the edges of what was quite a brutal chart.

His get-it-together 5th Harmonic was strong with an accented Uranus and he did try to make a difference, and succeeded in bringing racism to public attention. His determined 8H and his victim/healer 12H were also strong; as was his genius 13H. But most notable is his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17.

What a tragedy he didn’t retire from the ring earlier.

Ronnie Wood – new musical tearaways

Ronnie Wood Twins



Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones and Faces received a birthday present a day early in the form of twin daughters, to add to his already large collection of children and grandchildren.

They were born 30 May 2016 at 10.30pm in London and have 6th house Sun Venus in Gemini opposition Saturn square a 9th house Jupiter opposition Neptune in Pisces; with Moon also in Pisces in the 3rd. So hard-working though exceptionally restless, flying off in all directions at once.  What will help to anchor them is an Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Pluto trine Mercury in Taurus, focussed into a Kite with musical Neptune leading – so perhaps moving into the organisational side of the music business and travelling a good deal.

Australia Election – whirling uncertainty

Malcolm TurnbullBill Shorten



The Australian election is due July 2 2016 when the uncertain, anxious Saturn Neptune square is exact and pulling in Jupiter in Virgo and a Gemini Moon to make a scattered Mutable Grand Cross – so it’s likely to be going in all directions at once. There will also be emotional intensity and hope for a change with Venus (Sun) in Cancer opposition Pluto square Uranus; and a confident Jupiter trine Pluto. So a complicated mood.

Neither of the two main candidates has birth times which doesn’t help.

The present Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, 24 Oct 1954, a bullish Sun Scorpio square Mars in Aquarius opposition a lucky Jupiter Uranus, has little showing apart from a Solar Arc Pluto square Jupiter, sometime this year. That could make him successful; or make him overplay his hand and it backfires. Whatever happens will likely show up on his chart axis which we don’t know.

Bill Shorten, Leader of the Opposition, 12 May 1967, is a determined, innovative and idealistic Sun Mercury in Taurus opposition Neptune, trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo, with a hard-edged Saturn in Aries square Venus in Cancer and opposition Mars.

He has a real mixter maxter set of influences. Tr Pluto will be square his Mars which is deeply frustrating and aggravated. The tr Saturn square tr Neptune is in hard aspect to his Sun/Venus which suggests unpopularity and loss. And his Solar Arc Sun Mercury is square his Saturn around this year. But he’s also got a successful tr Jupiter conjunct his Pluto a few days after the election; and a couple of useful, though mild, Uranus transits to two Jupiter midpoints.  So he won’t be wiped out. His great time comes in two/three or four years when his Solar Arc Jupiter will conjunct his Pluto and Uranus.