Nicholas Sarkozy, the former ‘bling-bling’ president of France, is facing a raft of charges, and maybe the first of separate trials for corruption and influence-peddling. He allegedly tried to bribe a magistrate in return for information about an investigation into his party finances. Prosecutors also suspect that he and several associates received millions of euros of Libyan cash to fund his 2007 presidential campaign, at a time Gaddafi was in power. All hotly denied.
Jacques Chirac, another former right-wing president, was given a two-year suspended prison sentence in 2011 for diverting public funds and abusing public trust during his time as mayor of Paris.
Sarkozy, born 28 January 1955 10pm Paris, France, has a grandstanding 5th house Aquarius Sun sextile a hyper-active and assertive 7th house Mars Moon in Aries, so a full-on personality. He has a lucky Uranus Jupiter in his career 10th; an unrealistic and slippery Neptune in his 2nd house of finances trine Mercury, sextile Venus in flamboyant Sagittarius. His Mercury opposes Pluto on the cusp of his 12th square Saturn in obsessive Scorpio – more than a bit stubborn.
What’s most telling at the moment on his chart is his Progressed Mars which is moving to square his Pluto, exactly in three months, but in effect now – scary, trapped, powerless. Tr Saturn is also in an uncertain and worrisome square to his 2nd house Neptune in the final days of this month and the first week of December over the duration of this immediate trial. His Progressed Moon moving through his 12th for almost a year ahead will be discouraging, a time of endings and soul-searching. Tr Pluto opposing his Uranus from late January 2021, on and off till late 2022, will be unsettling, a time of his ambitions turning upside down.
His wife Carla Bruni looks less than delighted from late March 2021 onwards with tr Neptune opposition her Virgo Moon and then Pluto for more than a year, which will undermine her domestic security. Plus her Solar Arc Sun is moving to a confused and discontented square to her Neptune within months as well.
He does have a lucky Jupiter in his 10th so may escape the worst of adverse judgements. Though it’ll be a sweaty few months ahead. And more beyond that when tr Uranus catches his Fixed T Square towards mid decade.
He has a strong get-it-together 5th harmonic; a ‘rise-and-fall’ sometimes self-induced 10H; and a marked 9H, which is pleasure and money-seeking.
Thanks Marjorie. Sarkozy always did have a bit of a Napoleonic vibe I thought. They are opposite signs, but Napoleon had a Jupiter/Uranus opposition, with Mars, Neptune, Pluto and Venus tied in. His chart is about to have a Uranus in Taurus return (15 August 1769). When he went into exile in 1815 Saturn in Aquarius (and BML) was making a t-square with his Jupiter/Uranus opposition.
I noticed that Sarkozy has this December’s solar eclipse close to his Venus, and then another at 19 Gemini opposing Venus next June. Both 2 degrees off, which I think is probably close enough. With Venus ruling the MC, it could be quite telling?
I hope this is a forerunner of seeing Trump soon in the dock as well.
Marjorie, we hadn’t heard from you for a while and I was worried you may be unwell! Glad you aren’t. Thanks for your continued work! Keep well.
Thanks for your concern. I’m fine, just other work getting in the way. And sagging slightly with a Trump & Boris overdose.
“He does have a lucky Jupiter in his 10th so may escape the worst of adverse judgements. Though it’ll be a sweaty few months ahead. And more beyond that when tr Uranus catches his Fixed T Square towards mid decade.”
I think his Jupiter/Uranus in the 10th may also refer to Sarkozy having gotten an incredible lucky break by becoming a prominent politician to begin with. Obama’s description of him overall and at one of the G meeting or another in particular is uncharasteristically catty, but maybe rightly so, since Sarkozy’s behavior sound about as out of place as Trump’s.
It’s also interesting that Jupiter/Uranus conjunction squares his Asc/Desc, because it means that luck and favor can vanish as soon as it came his way. We also didn’t need Obama to tell the guy has Napoleon Complex (although Napoleon would have been very much medium height at his time). That “Match” cover is telling too, because in reality, Carla Bruni is 10 cm taller than Sarkozy.