Anjem Choudary – a hate-filled sponger



Radical UK cleric and hate preacher Anjem Choudary has been freed after serving half of his jail sentence for promoting the Islamic State, under the Terrorism Act. Counter-terrorism chiefs spent two decades trying to bring him, to trial, blaming him and the organisations he helped to run, for radicalising young men and women. The killers of soldier Lee Rigby were amongst his supporters. He is a Salafi Wahabi Islamist, who preached that the Muslim faith should “dominate the whole world”. During his activism he lived on state benefits. He is now threatening to sue over the restrictive conditions attached to his release.

Born 18 January 1967 in London, from a family of Pakistani origin, he partied and drugged his way through a year of medical school, before switching to law.

He does have an extraordinary chart with a three-quarter Grand Sextile, a Mystic Rectangle and a Cardinal Grand Cross – so undoubtedly has abilities, though clearly channeled in the wrong directions.  His Sun Mercury in Capricorn opposes Jupiter squaring onto Mars and probably opposing an Aries Moon. He has two oppositions Sun Jupiter as well as Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto which are trine/sextile each other; with a sextile/trine to Neptune making up the other leg of the almost Grand Sextile.  His Venus in Aquarius is trine Mars and may be sextile his Moon – for a hugely complicated chart. Overflowing with restless initiative, a chancer with an emphasised Mars Jupiter; controlling, rebellious and determined and very angry with an accentuated Mars.

His Neptune aspects almost every other planet, exacerbating his visionary tendencies, which are fueled by his aggressive and power-hungry tendencies to destructive ends. His Neptune is also conjunct the ISIS focal point Jupiter; and his Venus in Aquarius is conjunct the ISIS Neptune. The ISIS Sun Mars in Libra is conjunct his Mars and in hard aspect to the rest of his Grand Cross, triggering his urge to aggressive action. A cross-over of perverted spirituality and blood lust.

He always did look cheered up this year with tr Uranus square his Jupiter into early 2019; though he also has a trapped, frustrated and enraged tr Pluto square his focal point Mars in 2018 to end of 2019. He’s unlikely to disappear quietly into the woodwork; Though he’ll be in for a fair pounding 2022 to 2024 with a tranche of undermining Solar Arcs and disruptive transits.

His North Node in Taurus is exactly conjunct the UK’s 8th house Mars so he will stir up deep-rooted anger. More’s the pity he can’t be deported. I’m sure if he lived in France, they’d find a way to toss him back to his ancestral home or rendition him out to whatever the last ISIS stronghold is.  But with a chained-together Saturn opposition Pluto in the UK relationship chart there’s little chance of getting rid of him.


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