Your Starsign


April 21 - May 20

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday February 12th

Try not to feel guilty about pushing heavier demands off your plate for the day. You have been so caught up recently in a busy schedule so you have not been giving yourself a chance to recharge your emotional batteries. Admit that what you want is to tuck yourself out of sight in familiar surroundings and be indulged. Even your own company will not be a hardship for a short time. You must take a break along the way otherwise you will get over stretched.

The Weekly Outlook from 10th February

Where you've been compromising too much, you will break you away from restrictive circumstances. It may take courage and resolve but at the end of it you'll be glad that you found the determination to go with the flow, and put a foot into the unknown. Regard new as positive and alive. After mid week the Full Moon falling at the lowest point of your chart is not gloomy, but is a warning that you need to draw back from too much work and ambition to consider your feelings more.

Your Monthly Horoscope for February

Your peak time of the year will see you taking the lead and expecting others to follow behind whether at home, at work or out in your community activities. Hiding away in a corner and trying to look invisible won't bring results. Be bold, flaunt your talents and achievements and demand appreciation. Warm hearted friends will be on hand with affectionate support and well meant advice. Your knack of making group activities go with a swing will do wonders for your popularity as you put everyone you encounter at ease. There may be the odd tense moment in week two as your rebellious streak surfaces and under pressure you may say more than you mean. Try not to rock the boat too hard or be too direct. After midmonth calm will prevail. Keen to cooperate and determined to be making a positive difference you will see the sense in joining hands with likeminded companions. Together you will achieve more than you could flying solo.

and Next Month's Horoscope for March

Surrounded by friends and team mates looking ahead with determination, you won't be letting the grass grow under your feet. You may not be as sociable as usual but you won't be short of good company, handing you advice, feedback and support. An extra busy everyday schedule will keep you running and make you impatient with delays and mistakes. You'll be tempted to express your opinions and criticism forcefully but remember that sometimes the less said the faster you move ahead. Before and after the middle of the month one companion may be acting in a way that causes you to question their loyalty or their attitude. Try not to over react or become discouraged. The moment will pass. Into the final days you'll be content to take a back seat and let others do the running around and heavy lifting. You will relish the chance to get recent events into perspective, relax and revitalise.

Year Ahead 2025

Never a sign who appreciates situations requiring too much flexibility and adaptation to change, you are having to adjust to challenging times along with everyone else. You will veer between quiet moments out of sight when you want a chance to relax and reflect and other times when you will push hard to revitalise your social life and attract attention. Continuing on from last year you will be pushing to find a direction in life at work and elsewhere that will bring you deeper meaning and purpose. At times you may run into situations where you feel someone else has the upper hand or you could be too controlling yourself. Be strategic, subtle and persuasive not stubborn. Neptune moving into the sign before yours from late March will make dreaming and drifting tempting but its main purpose is to prompt you to find spiritual connections. Joined by Saturn in May, it will stimulate your imagination and foster creative longings. Being artistic will be one way of maximising its effect. In a quiet, behind-the-scenes way you will be keen to help those who are disadvantaged. Money will roll in faster till midyear courtesy of Jupiter in Gemini which will give you surplus for treats. From July you?ll be exploring new ways of making money or handling what you already have. An easier everyday schedule with support from companions and plenty of fun company will make the second half of the year reassuring. You?ll be wakening up your leisure activities and surrounding yourself with a wide circle of good friends.