Your Starsign


July 24 - August 23

Today's Horoscope for Tuesday September 10th

The adventurous Sagittarius Moon will make it difficult to conceal your feelings. There'll be an exuberant, boisterous mood in the air as far as you are concerned. You'll step happily into the spotlight. Friends may may accuse you of being a social butterfly at and loved ones will find you restless. Variety will be the spice of your life and too much possessive intimacy will make you want to run. Keep singing, dancing and laughing and you will boost everyone's morale.

The Weekly Outlook from 09th September

With your mind focused firmly on your personal finances for the coming two weeks, you will be nit-picking over details, reading the fine print and be keen to protect your security. Loved ones may complain you are being slow to make up your mind. But once you get on track nothing will budge you. After midweek what you need to try to do is develop your potential in one area of your life whether improving your finances or boosting your confidence. Though not over eating will be an idea.

Your Monthly Horoscope for September

An Earth and Water mood does not exactly suit your high-flying, fiery temperament. But needs must to get your finances knocked into order which will take effort and a well-thought out strategy. Determination plus positive thinking will bring good luck but staying grounded and sensible will be necessary for best results. If you follow the advice of well-meaning but overly enthusiastic friends you may get distracted. Relying on your own resources and judgement is likely to produce better results even if you do complain about a lack of generosity from those around. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces after mid-month close to impractical, dreamy Neptune will need care since you'll waver around trying to make up your mind. When in doubt, don't act. Into the final week you'll be chatting animatedly and relaxing more often at home with loved ones.

and Next Month's Horoscope for October

Into an exceptionally busy few months ahead, the Libra Solar Eclipse on the 2nd hints that getting organised and efficient about time management and methods will help you skim through a packed schedule. Being clear in communicating what you have to say will also help. As will paying attention to detail. This won't be a time when thinking big and aiming for adventure will bring results. Keep your head down and don't multi-task to the extent you end up not finishing anything you start. You'll be pulling strings behind the scenes all month which won't suit your outgoing nature but will be the best you can do with certain restrictions in place till early November. Relations at home with the family will be affectionate and contented and you'll keep planning improvements to the decoration to bring comfort. Your social life will be revitalised after midmonth as you delight in the chance to sparkle in the spotlight. In the final days you'll be dividing your time between loved ones and social friends,

Year Ahead 2024

Riding high on the crest of a wave as 2024 opens with Jupiter attracting praise, recognition and appreciation, you'll glow with pride. Your confidence will soar but try not to go over the top and imagine anything is possible or that you will always be right. Keeping your feet on the ground, being cautious and working hard will bring even more solid accomplishments. Close relationships of all varieties will be moving into a more intense phase ahead which has its upside in depth of good feelings but on occasion also tugs of war to see who can have the last word. Try not to get into no-win arguments where both of you dig in your heels. Look for compromises. In the early months try not to over exert yourself. Boosting your stamina and not pushing past your limits will help to keep you on good form. You won't always feel supported, emotionally or financially, and will be thrown back on your own resources at times. But oddly enough this will have a benefit in helping you grow in inner strength and resilience. Into the middle of the year your optimism will rise and your friendship circle widen as you welcome in new acquaintances. Your knack of making others feel at ease will keep any group activities going with a swing.