Your Starsign


July 24 - August 23

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

In a common sense mood, you will be showing practical flair and determination. At times you may be slow to make up your mind about cash matters but you will be unshakeable when your decisions are made. In your emotional life you will not be taking your feelings lightly. Jealousy could be a problem, or trying to even up old scores. You will tend to provoke strong reactions in others, both positive and negative. They will be seduced by your powerful charm or put off by your obstinacy.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

Where others are concerned in coming weeks what they get with you is what they see. You will not hide much away, indeed will be priding yourself on being upfront. Not that you put on any effort or a performance, it is just happening instinctively with your natural effervescence spilling over. Though turning your back on one problem situation or burying your head in the sand ostrich fashion will not work. Changes will not happen overnight, indeed they make take months rather than weeks, but if you apply yourself with persistence then you will be pleased at the outcome.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

You'll be putting on a charming smile, attracting compliments and aiming to spread harmony around. Which won't stop you pushing ahead with full determination to achieve your goals, take the lead and insist that others dance to your tune. Balancing that contrary set of impulses will go along with a restrictive set of circumstances which hint that you need to tread water and take it easy until the 22nd. Enthusiastic friends will prove a blessing as they rally round to keep you cheerful. There will be fun moments socially and your mischievous sense of humour will keep you popular. But it will not be a good idea to go charging ahead with ambitious plans when the time is not right. Pushing the river or trying to turn the tide is never a great idea. A turbulent few days around midmonth will indicate that discretion is the better part of valour. Not that you will be listening to advice. Into the final ten days with your birthday Sun giving you a morale-boost and lively mates redoubling their efforts to keep you on the right track, you will be forging ahead in good spirits.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

No sign appreciates their birthday month quite as much as you do with full permission to shine, sparkle and warm everyone you encounter with your charm and exuberance. In between soaking up compliments and luxuriating in all the attention you will be turning your mind to the coming twelve months and formulating a plan with goals which you want to achieve. You will not always be practical or realistic but you will have inspiration and self-belief so are more likely than most to succeed. That will be doubly so this month with vibrant, go-ahead Mars sitting alongside expansive and lucky Jupiter, in your chart area of future hopes and visions. Lively friends will be around urging you to not sit idle or allow the grass to grown under your feet. But all the same try not to be overly impulsive mid month since a hasty move could mean backtracking two days later. A change of direction on the 19th will set you on track for a money minded four weeks thereafter, sorting out your budget and getting organised.

Year Ahead 2024

Riding high on the crest of a wave as 2024 opens with Jupiter attracting praise, recognition and appreciation, you'll glow with pride. Your confidence will soar but try not to go over the top and imagine anything is possible or that you will always be right. Keeping your feet on the ground, being cautious and working hard will bring even more solid accomplishments. Close relationships of all varieties will be moving into a more intense phase ahead which has its upside in depth of good feelings but on occasion also tugs of war to see who can have the last word. Try not to get into no-win arguments where both of you dig in your heels. Look for compromises. In the early months try not to over exert yourself. Boosting your stamina and not pushing past your limits will help to keep you on good form. You won't always feel supported, emotionally or financially, and will be thrown back on your own resources at times. But oddly enough this will have a benefit in helping you grow in inner strength and resilience. Into the middle of the year your optimism will rise and your friendship circle widen as you welcome in new acquaintances. Your knack of making others feel at ease will keep any group activities going with a swing.