Your Starsign


February 20 - March 20

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

Your social chat will be sparkling so you will be a favourite not with close partners and out amongst your wider circle of friends as well. Though it won't all be superficial frivolity. You will be having a profound influence because of the strength of your personality. Ask for feedback from those you really trust and you will find you are making an effect of which you may not be aware. You will be tuning into truths which others never see. Be sparing in what you say.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

In coming weeks you'll be practical, keen to get details in the right place and less worried about getting praise, than in being helpful and being of service. But towards midweek you may be feeling edgy because you think one plan is not going to hold together. Remember you are almost certainly magnifying things out of all proportion. It will take perseverance and persistence to sort out the problem which is occupying your attention. But within a few days you will be back on solid ground.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

A sociable, fun-loving Cancer Sun for three weeks will find you kicking up your heels and demanding attention and appreciation. You will be centre of attention at parties and reassured by loved ones offering compliments. Chores and practicalities will be pushed to one side for a few weeks as you make pleasure a priority. Your everyday schedule will continue to speed you along and you will be impatient with delays or distractions. Anyone who makes a mistake that gets in your way will hear of your displeasure. Try a little tact since you'll ruffle fewer feathers and it will assist fast progress. Have a care towards midmonth when you could be slightly accident prone or overly inclined to leap to conclusions and think after you have spoken. Lending loved ones a helping hand will smooth out wrinkles. You may also be over indulging in rich food as a way of compensating for lacks you feel elsewhere. Keeping fitter will become a priority into the final ten days since you'll be playing less and working harder.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Buzzing around at home with high enthusiasm and energy plus, you'll be keen to put changes in place and get everything in ship shape order. Certain pet projects may be on a go-slow which will be irritating but will also give you spare time and attention to get your domestic plans pushed ahead. Relations within the family will be easier as long as you don't get too insistent everyone close toes your line. If you live and let live then everyone close will be better humoured. One close partner will go out of their way to express their affection and you will be in demand socially for your knack of making everyone you encounter feel special. Put the brakes on home improvement schemes midmonth for a few days since you may run into unexpected snags. After a scramble on the 19th when you will be going in several directions at once, you will settle in the final days into an easier, cooperative and less draining few weeks with reassuring support on offer.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will find you in a go-ahead mood in the early months, keen to blow cobwebs away, stay in touch with a wide circle of friends and make for plans for the longer term. You will also be aware of an equal and opposite urge to find quality time for reflection in a protected corner. Pluto moving into the sign before yours hints that getting a better perspective on the past and plumbing your inner depths will bring fulfilment and clarity over time. There will be times when you are serious, realistic and clear that letting go what belongs to the past is crucial; and other times where you drift along ducking decisions. What will be important is taking direct action where your personal finances are concerned. That will be an imperative from April onwards for a few months. Perseverance will pay off. Your negotiating skills will bring results and in general your persuasive powers and easy way with words mean the early months will glide by without too many wrinkles. From the middle of the year you will move into a contented phase at home, within yourself and mellower relationships within the family extending into 2025. The October eclipse hints that altering the way you share, care, and relate over money or in your closest relationships will bring increased security and emotional satisfaction.