Will Smith, the superlatively successful actor, has been waxing enthusiastic about his 20 year marriage to Jada, saying they’ve gone beyond being married – they’re now life partners. “There’s no deal breakers.” Jada then had the celeb mags atwitter with comments that described it as open marriage, which she then tried to row back with a Hollywood witter about trust and allowing partners to be free.
He was born 25 September 1968 1.45 am Phildaelphia (astrotheme), started as a not very successful rapper and shifted into movies, where he has starred in multiple multi-million dollar grossing blockbusters. He’s a Sun Libra with his chart dominated by a not-altogether-easy Yod of Pluto Jupiter sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn in Aries. Jupiter Pluto will give him confidence but an apex Saturn requires real maturity to make it work. (He shares that configuration with Jim Caviezel (Christ in Gibson’s Passion, born a day later. An another Saturn Yod apex is Pauley Perrette, late of NCIS.) Smith also has a Scorpio Moon.
Jada Smith, 18 September 1971, is a determined Sun Pluto and Moon in Virgo. She has her Pluto and Venus in Libra conjunct Will’s Sun and Uranus so it’s quite an odd mix of possessive and independent. Her Saturn opposition Neptune Jupiter squares his Mars with her Mars in contrary Aquarius square his Moon so it’s a complicated mix, fairly gritty at times.
Their wedding chart, 31 December 1997, has a workmanlike, enduring Sun square Saturn (work comes first); an ethereal and independent-minded Venus conjunct Uranus and Neptune; with a tough Saturn trine Pluto, sextile Mars.
Their relationship chart has a possessive and transformational composite Sun Pluto; with a self-sacrificing (on one side) composite Saturn opposition Mars, and an only-one-can-win Mars Neptune conjunction. Definitely designed for showbiz. Plus a composite Venus (Moon) Uranus which suits a partnership with long separations due to work. Often power couples have Sun Pluto conjunctions, which doesn’t mean they last for ever, but together they make an impact.