Vera Lynn – a healing Pisces


Vera Lynn has died aged 103. Known as the ‘forces sweetheart’ she was one of the mainstays of British morale at home and amongst troops abroad during World War 11. Her ‘We’ll Meet Again’ issued in 1939 became a hit, as did ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’ and ‘There’ll always be an England.’ She travelled extensively at some risk to herself to sing in India, Burma and Egypt during fighting to entertain soldiers. After the war she continued to be a great success in the USA as well as UK. In recent years she’s also issued chart topping albums.

Born 20 March 1917, no birth time sadly, she started singing in working men’s clubs aged 7, and by aged 22 had sold a million records and was supporting her parents. She had four planets plus Chiron all conjunct in musical Pisces – Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus –  giving her a vibrant and emotional approach with healing power. Those all trine Saturn in Cancer giving her stability and common sense; with her Sun Mars Chiron square Pluto and trine Neptune adding determination, guts and another layer of musical ability. Her zany Aquarius Moon was probably conjunct Uranus; and she had a confident (and money-attracting) Jupiter in Taurus in a confident sextile to Pluto.

Her Jupiter fell in the UK 8th house, which allowed her to boost morale at a deep level; with her Moon Uranus in the UK ‘entertainment’ 5th. Her Neptune was conjunct the UK 10th house Jupiter, turning her into a vision of hope. Her Pluto was conjunct and her Jupiter sextile the UK MC. What’s interesting is that her Saturn was conjunct the UK 10th house Moon. Normally Saturn conjunct Moon is a downer, but she fitted the war time mood perfectly.

Her relationship chart with the UK had an emphasised composite Mercury opposition Saturn square Pluto (Moon) – Saturn Pluto is the signature for war. There’s also a composite Sun trine Jupiter, sextile Mars – so she could lift spirits and inject courage through her songs (Venus Node conjunct).

An important part of history for the UK.


8 thoughts on “Vera Lynn – a healing Pisces

  1. I listen to a lot of retro and vintage music (especially and British singer Vera Lynn was always one of my favorite traditional pop artists. I’m sorry to read about her passing away. However, I’m glad she lived such a long and extraordinary life.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

  2. Lovely woman and much admired for her charity work for those with cerebral palsy, in a time when disability was hidden away. Another Pisces trait I think, they hate unfairness like that. Goodbye Vera, so very sad to see you go.

  3. Tr Jupiter is very active – conjunct Pluto and opposing the Ascendant. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Capricorn maybe ties in with the death of a cultural icon, and the iconoclastic ‘culture wars’ currently taking place regarding statues of powerful, historical establishment figures which are being pulled down. Pluto can be associated with banning, prohibition, cutting things down in size and it is a dwarf planet.

  4. Another person with a long (100+ yrs) life. I know it was looked at by many here about astro-markers for longevity but there was no strong conclusion.

  5. My personal favourite is her singing “It’s a lovely day tomorrow” by Irving Berlin. The latter wrote the song just after the Munich crisis following conversation with Alexander Korda about the need for a song to inspire people in the war they so clearly saw coming. The ITV Series the World At War used it for their episode on the War in Burma. I still find Lynn’s performance of that song moving.

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