Van Breda murders – another Scorpio case



The Van Breda murder case has polarized opinion in South Africa since the son Henri surrendered himself to police and was tried and convicted of murdering his wealthy parents and one brother and injuring his sister in an axe attack. He claimed an intruder was responsible, though he only suffered minor lacerations himself, delayed phoning the police for several hours, tampered with evidence and there was no forced entry. His sister recovered but suffers from retrograde amnesia and refused to testify against him.

It occurred on 27 January 2015 at a golf estate in Stellenbosch, South Africa when the Uranus Pluto square was nearly exact, with a waning Mars square Saturn.

Henri, born 1 November 1994, ‘celebrated’ his 23rd birthday when he was on the witness stand last year.

Like Oscar Pistorius, he has four planets in Scorpio – in Henri’s case Sun, Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo; and Jupiter Pluto in Scorpio sextile a highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn which in turn squares Mercury in Libra.  His Moon is also in Libra.  Pistorius has Sun Scorpio square Mars in Aquarius.

When the Van Breda murders occurred tr Neptune was within a degree conjunct his Saturn in Pisces with his Solar Arc Mars opposition his Saturn – though those could be as easily explained by the horror of being present as his family was killed. He certainly looks both stubborn and volatile and evidently had a drug problem and suffers from epilepsy. His 7th Harmonic, which can be addictive and none too stable has a Mars Pluto conjunction semi-sextile Saturn, which might point to drugs releasing a brutal side of his temperament.

Pic: SkyPixels

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