USA – buffeted by eclipses for three years



The USA is in for a challenging time, and a critical turning point, as the eclipses from this July onwards, through 2019 into late 2020, trigger key planets. It kicked off with an intellectual crisis from the recent Cancer eclipse, forcing a rethink of certain fiercely held opinions and beliefs.

The 2019 eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer will catch the USA Cancer Sun, then Jupiter and Venus, which usually accompany good going crises. The January 2019 one will bring a realisation that the country has got the wrong end of one stick and needs a fresh perspective. The July eclipse will be a chance to clear out garbage, knowing the time has come to take a new road. The late year eclipse will see an emotional crisis with Venus involved; and Jupiter will be up to its usual tricks of over-expansiveness and over-optimism as well as soaring confidence.

The December 2020 Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will oppose the USA Mars which will be combative, argumentative and perhaps even violent; repeating mid 2021. Give what the 2021 Inauguration chart with its explosive Mars Uranus square Saturn Jupiter says, it could be a very troubled election result.

The USA’s economy is trickier to pinpoint since there are varying start times for the national chart. Tr Saturn is opposing the Jupiter Venus this year and then the Sun through 2019 which can be downbeat and not financially expansive. But that could just be the national mood. On the USA 11am late Virgo Ascendant chart I use, tr Uranus is about to move into the 8th – as it does for EU, UK, Germany etc – suggesting a fairly roller coaster few years as far as international and business finances are concerned.

The US Federal Reserve Bank chart, 16 November 1914 9 am looks nothing like as stressed as it did in the aftermath of the Wall Street crash in 1929 or the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008. Although it does look jolted, jangled with high-wire anxiety at times through this year and on till 2020. Tr Uranus is square the 8th house Neptune this year, then opposition Moon Mercury in 2019 and square Uranus in 2020 – so rattling up their Fixed T square. But there aren’t the dead-halt, poleaxing influences there were for previous meltdowns.

The USA in general won’t be hit by quite the same impact as New York (see post August 13 2018).

Next year as well the USA chart has tr Pluto trine Neptune picking up in February and running till late 2020 which can be devastating and confused, perhaps more natural disasters than usual, plus a mood of national disorientation.

In January 2020 the tr Saturn Pluto conjunction will oppose the USA Mercury for a mood of gloom, and perhaps fanatical outbursts given that the USA Mercury opposes Pluto. Tr Saturn and tr Jupiter will both oppose the Mercury through 2020 for a see-saw phase of high hopes and discouragement.

In 2020/2021 tr Pluto as well will oppose the US Mercury for intense and hostile debates with stubborn intransigence and bitterness. And tr Neptune will square the USA Mars, running from February 2021 for a year which is usually panicky failure.

2022/23 sees the first ever Pluto return since the USA was founded and who knows what that’ll bring? A slide away from super-powerdom or a reboot somewhere down the line thereafter.

2 thoughts on “USA – buffeted by eclipses for three years

  1. Hardly either MAGA or or “Keep Amerika Great”. But I suppose the wheels of astrology have to keep turning…and grinding to feed later generations.

  2. Dear Marjorie,
    Thank you for the run of country charts (assuming the EU as a country). Given the bizarre course of events in the past few years, every little helps when it comes to looking for a hopeful future.

    I was looking at an older (16th May – pre-Trump) forecast that you had made for the US, which seem to have been fairly accurate given how events have unfolded.

    That chart also looked at the first US President’s chart, presumably as it would tell us more about the US presidency, as opposed to the US as a whole. Can I request you to update the article above with a new look at that (first US President) chart, both with regards to Trump and to 2020-21?

    Can you also do a chart on Russia and US-Russia relations in the near future?

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